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Mistaken Bride (A sweet mistake)

Mistaken Bride (A sweet mistake)

54 Chapters
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Micheal Hunt is the son of Chairman Dave who is the owner of H.R Investments. He lost his mother at a tender age and grew up with his younger sister, Sweeney Hunt He has always been controlled by his dad since he was born and he has never stood against his will He was forced to marry a model, Sydney Gregor who is the daughter of the Gregor's family Micheal hates her to the core but can't do anything about it since that's what his dad want. But something happened, a lady was mistaken to be Sydney... Do you think the wedding will work? Who do you think is it?

Chapter 1 Disgraced


The sun entered into the room through the opened window and shined brightly on her face. The door creaked opened and Mrs Miller entered into the room.

"Cindy wake up, you'll be late" she said tapping her on the bed.

"Just give me five more minutes" she murmured sleepily, moving on the bed.

"This is 8:05am, c'mon get up" she said and she spranged up almost immediately.

"Why didn't you wake me earlier" she said scurrying into the bathroom

She did her normal routine and came out of the bathroom. She dressed up hastily and head down stairs for breakfast. She took two slices of bread and a cup of tea before rushing out of the house. She checked the time and gasped.

"I'm dead" she muttered and flaged down a cab.

The cab halted in front of the big company and ' CROWN'S EMPIRE ' was boldly written on it

Cindy entered into the elevator and prayed silently not to see her boss. The door of the elevator opened and she came out. She peeped into her boss office and heaved a sigh of relief

"You're late" she heard the voice she has been running away from and she turned back slowly

"Hmm...Boss…Good morning sir" she greeted

"Why are you late" His voice echoed in the office

"I'm sorry boss, something came up" she lied

"That was your excuse yesterday, later in the noon go to the disciplinary committee" he said and was about entering his office when he talked again

"Get me my schedule for today" he said and left

"Oh my" Cindy muttered and dipped her finger into her hair. She sat down on her chair and began working on the laptop.



"Good morning boss" the workers greeted in unison immediately he entered into the building.

"Morning" Micheal smiled

He entered into the elevator and rode to the floor where his office is. The door opened few minutes later and he came out of the elevator. He entered into the office and met Sydney sitting regally on the chair, a frown appeared on his face immediately

"Sweetheart" she smiled and ran to hug him. She kissed him and he push her away roughly

"Get out" he said and almost immediately the door opened and Dave, Micheal's dad who is the chairman came in and Sydney started faking tears

"What's going on here" Dave's asked

"He hits me and push me away from him" Sydney replied feigning sadness

"How dare you" he yelled at Micheal

"Sorry Sydney, he lacks manner, blame his mother for not training him" Dave said to Sydney

"It's okay sir, I'm sure he'll come around"she replied and tears clouded Micheal's eyes

"Meet me at my office and also take her on a date after the day's work"he said and left

"Just love me already so you can get out of your dad's claws" Sydney said and kissed him. This time he didn't push her away but did not also reciprocate the kiss.

"See you in the evening" she said after she broke the kiss. She hugged him before taking her bag to leave.

Tears came out of his eyes as he remembered his mother, maybe all this won't be happening if she was still alive. He really hates his life right now, if not for his younger sister, Sweeney, he would have committed sucide.

How can his dad be controlling his life since he was a child even till now. He wiped his face and head to the washroom to wash his face after which he dabbed with a napkin.

He was about to start working when a knock came on the door

"Come in" he said and Travis, his only friend since elementary days came in

"How are you doing buddy" he greeted

"I'm fine, how are you doing" Micheal asked

" I'm fine what's with your face" Travis inquired

"I'm okay"

"I don't believe you, something is wrong"

"I know you cried again, just be fine" Travis said patting his shoulder


Micheal entered into the office and a slap landed on his face.

"Why are you just here" Dave demanded angrily

"I was in a meeting" Micheal replied simply

"So…" Dave asked and silence followed

"The presentation for Monday is now today so get ready, the time will be sent to you and after the presentation you'll be going to represent the company at Key groups of company "He said and Michael left immediately

A knock came on the door and Cora, his secretary came in with some files.

" The files have been sorted, these ones will only need your signature while you'll have to review this proposals" she said dropping two piles of files on the table

" When are they needed"

"These ones will be needed before the presentation while these ones can wait till Monday" she replied

"When is the time for the presentation" he inquired

"It has been scheduled for 2:00pm and the board of directors will be here by 1:30pm which is exactly two hours from now" she replied

"Okay can go" he said and she left

He dipped his hand into his hair and then checked the time, It is really two hours from now. How is he going to sign the required documents and prepare for the presentation on time

He dailed a line on the land phone and the receiver picked up after a while

"Make a research on the presentation, send it to my mail and don't make mistakes " he said before hanging up

The presentation was over and exhausted Micheal yawned for the umpteenth time. He got to his office and his stomach rumbled. He picked the land phone and dialed a line, after few minutes the door opened

"Good afternoon boss" Cora said

"Thanks for the research on the presentation, I owe you a bunch" he smiled

"It's nothing boss, the work was too much" she replied

"Let's go for lunch, my treat"

"Sure boss"she replied and they left the company together


Sydney came out of her car with Sophia and Nickie and they entered into the mansion. The maids greeted them with their heads bowed and she smiled proudly. She threw her bag and one of the maids caught it

"Leela, prepare my bath" she ordered

"Yes miss" she replied and scurried away

The TV was on and they sat down to watch the soap opera

"When is the engagement" Nickie asked

"You've forgotten again" Sophia said

"Don't mind me" she replied

" You can't remember when you keep thinking of Jasper" Sydney chipped in

"Whatever" Nickie replied

"Anyways it's in two weeks time" Sydney said

"I'm happy for you baby, he'll soon be yours" said Sophia


"How is Travis, is he looking at you already" Nickie asked Sophia

"Not yet but I'll keep on trying" Sophia replied sadly

"Sorry, I'm sure he'll come around" Sydney consoled

"Thanks dear" Sophia said

"When are we do…."Nickie was cut short by Leela

"Ma'am the water is ready" she said and Nickie stood up in fury before slapping her

"How dare you cut me short while talking" she snapped

"And who is ma'am?, I've warned you not to refer to me as ma'am"Sydney half yelled and pulled her hair

"I'm sorry miss, please you are hurting me"Leela pleaded

"Get out of my sight" Sydney yelled and she ran out of the sitting room

"I'll be back, let me freshen up" Sydney said

"Okay" Sophia said

"Don't stay long" Nickie said


Sydney entered into the bathroom in her towels. She applied her before bathing facials on her face then entered into the jacuzzi. She came out of the bathroom few minutes later and apply her facials before dressing up in a bum short and a tank top. She head downstairs to join Nickie and Sophia

"Bring me a glass of milk" Sydney said to a maid

"Okay miss"

"I'll be going for shopping soon, I wanna get something for Michael" Sydney said

"Okay, I'll be at Jasper's later in the evening so I won't be going with you" Nickie said

"I'm going on a blind date, my mom is gonna get mad if I don't go" Sophia said

"Okay take care" Sydney replied and the maid came with the milk


"Thanks boss, they really have sumptuous meal here" Cora beamed

"You're welcome, do you want more" he asked

"Yes boss ,you are the best" she replied and he smiled. He called an attendant and her orders were brought to her while he started pressing his phone

Sydney entered into the restaurant and sat down to eat. The menu was brought to her and she picked what she wanted. She waited for the orders and she looked at a particular direction.

Her eyes caught something and her eyes widen in shock. She stood up and walked angrily to the direction

"Bitch" Sydney yelled and as soon as she got to the table where Micheal and Cora were sitted

"How dare you go on a date with my fiancee" Sydney yelled and took a plate of spicy pasta. She empitied it on Cora's face and Michael eyes widen in shock




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