img Mistaken Bride (A sweet mistake)  /  Chapter 5 Dave's wrath | 9.26%
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Chapter 5 Dave's wrath

Word Count: 1630    |    Released on: 25/08/2023


out looking so beautiful. They entered the restaurant and went to th

ce is beautif

ng you love this

nging me here b

r by calling me Cody

dy" Cind

ered a meal while Cindy did the same. The waitress

you doing

m f


he replied

. He stopped and stared at her. The w

ared at each other and Cindy started feeling uncomfortable. She broke the long gaze and

ss of water. She gulped down almost ha

" he said and this time

hope the pain is not sev

e replied feeling

s nice

t and drove to an aquarium. Cindy smiled immediately after they got there and

s swam happily and beautifully and her smile grew wider. She

him crazy. Only if she knows what he's doing to him. His heartb


out of it when she got to her floor. S

not around yet. She continued working on her desk when she


ng, how are

r the care and meal

king forward to having


bout it sir"

later," he said an


g her. He calls her almost every time and she's already having a hint of what's going on

ounded up what she was doing on the laptop and arranged the files.

he gr

was work tod


ere" sh

or a ride," he aske

," Cody said, ho

th of them before waving at Dw

o each other," he asked no one in particula

entered, he got in and revved the e

ressed in a white shirt and bum shorts before coming downstairs to


you and h

ne, I prep

back," she said and

met Cindy eating already. She joined her

ates and washed them before going

s something with

s that

ndy, it's high time you

cision, I've told you already that

est, I want to see my grandchildre

hem but not just

added and left the sit



sign and collect the money from Sydney or she should keep on working. The op

rnoon Sir"

are you doing,

e sir" s

e a cup of ic

she replie

n working here, I'll resign," she thoug

office and met Sydne

you want?

what I told you last night"

ything to do with

report you to D

ou want, I'm no

his" she replied and st

d sent the picture to Dave. She called him to expl

went to the sitting room. The doorbell rang an

d met Sydney in

ing miss"

doing here," s

ompany, I'm here for the proposed

e you the money o

t's t

e as a maid for one week, only then

al already, why should I have to

you want the money for free? "

other but I decided to give you the money on a condition and you're like this, you know the way out if y

eplied and tears dr

seless things that are preparing it to disca



e were a lot of cars in the parking lot. She stared at them with a suspicious look on her face and almost im

osebumps on her skin and she started sweating. Her heart sank

e you" h

ost peeping on her panty. One thing she loves about hers

w Sydney's picture with her red face. She became angry immediately, her fears

your brother's fiancee?" he y

ve our lives alone, haven't you done enough, let us be, stop pestering our lives, we

red on her lips. She looked up and raised her

ne he

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