img Mistaken Bride (A sweet mistake)  /  Chapter 1 Disgraced | 1.85%
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Mistaken Bride (A sweet mistake)

Mistaken Bride (A sweet mistake)

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Chapter 1 Disgraced

Word Count: 1542    |    Released on: 24/08/2023


indow and shined brightly on her face. The door cr

l be late" she said t

minutes" she murmured sl

up" she said and she spra

earlier" she said scur

tily and head down stairs for breakfast. She took two slices of bread and a

muttered and fl

big company and ' CROWN'S EMP

ee her boss. The door of the elevator opened and she came ou

ice she has been running away

ood morning s

e" His voice ech

s, something c

n go to the disciplinary committee" he said and w

dule for today"

inger into her hair. She sat down on he



s greeted in unison immediatel

" Michea

ened few minutes later and he came out of the elevator. He entered into the office

an to hug him. She kissed him

oor opened and Dave, Micheal's dad who is the

ng on here"

away from him" Sydney

ou" he yell

, blame his mother for not tra

l come around"she replied and

o take her on a date after th

claws" Sydney said and kissed him. This time he didn'

fter she broke the kiss. She hugged

n't be happening if she was still alive. He really hates his life right n

ild even till now. He wiped his face and head to the wash

rt working when a k

vis, his only friend sinc

doing buddy

are you doing

s with your face

m o

eve you, some

just be fine" Travis sa


the office and a sl

st here" Dave d

eting" Micheal

sked and sil

e sent to you and after the presentation you'll be going to represent t

and Cora, his secretary

d your signature while you'll have to review this prop

are the

the presentation while these one

for the presenta

ard of directors will be here by 1:30pm whic

o" he said

It is really two hours from now. How is he going to sign the

and phone and the receive

, send it to my mail and don't make

eenth time. He got to his office and his stomach rumbled. He picked

rnoon boss

on the presentation, I

, the work was too

for lunch,

ied and they left t


into the mansion. The maids greeted them with their heads bowed and

are my bath"

e replied and

they sat down to w


otten again"

nd me" sh

n you keep thinking of J

r" Nicki

in two weeks t

baby, he'll soon be


looking at you alrea

keep on trying" So

he'll come around

dear" So

…."Nickie was c

she said and Nickie stood u

me short while t

u not to refer to me as ma'am"Sydn

lease you are hurt

ydney yelled and she ra

let me freshen


ay long"


then entered into the jacuzzi. She came out of the bathroom few minutes later and apply her facia

s of milk" Sydne


g soon, I wanna get someth

ter in the evening so I won't

, my mom is gonna get mad

ey replied and the ma


ally have sumptuous m

e, do you want

miled. He called an attendant and her orders were

enu was brought to her and she picked what she wanted. She wa

eyes widen in shock. She stood up

oon as she got to the table wh

yelled and took a plate of spicy pasta. She empitie

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