Prince Rafe leans over me, holding himself up on one elbow as he gazes at my face. I feel his eyes wandering over every surface from my brow to my eyes, down my nose, to my lips and chin, and then returning to hold my gaze for a second. The small smile at the corner of his mouth makes me think he likes what he sees. His hand is cool when it brushes a loose curl from my cheek, but I don't jerk away from him. I have no idea what's going on. I don't understand why I'm here. I don't know what will happen tomorrow. It seems like a lot of powerful people want me-dead or alive. And yet, all I can think about right now is how badly I want this vampire's hands on my body. *** I live in a desolate village on the edge of the Vampire King's lands. This used to be wolf shifter territory, but now, we are just trying to survive. When I mess up and find myself in a culling, I know I'm dead. No wolf shifters ever survive these events. And after the stunt I pulled in the middle of the village, Prince Rafe probably wants me dead. Is it a good thing or a bad thing when a vampire looks at you like you're a snack? Something tells me, once I reach the castle, I'll be missing my miserable existence in the village. But then-it turns out I have no freaking idea who I even am, and when the royals start referring to me as Princess Ainslee, I realize my life is about to take a turn-for better or worse. From the author of The Alpha King's Breeder, One Weekend with the Billionaire, and Shared by the Sexy Billionaire Twins.
My sock is wet.
It's really not a surprise. I have a hole in my boot, and it's been raining on and off for nearly three weeks now. Everything is gray. The sky. The muddy earth. Even the buildings. No one in my village has any money to paint anything. Everywhere I look, I see nothing but gray. Miserable, bleak, sickly gray.
Lenny's voice brings me back to reality. I turn and look behind me where he holds his place in the line outside the bakery. Most days, we end up giving blood at the same time, so we find ourselves standing here together as well. I don't mind. He's one of the few people in this town whose company I somewhat enjoy.
"Did you hear what I asked you?" He has that goofy grin on his face, like he knows the answer already. No, of course, I didn't hear what he asked me. I was in my own little world as usual.
"Sorry." I shrug, the exhaustion I've been carrying around in my bones beginning to radiate up to my brain. I've given so much blood this week, I'm probably running on empty myself.
"I asked how your mother was feeling this morning," Lenny repeats, running a hand through his dark hair. He's a lot taller than me, so I have to tip my head up to see his brown eyes. "She feeling any better?"
Every day, Lenny asks me how my mother is doing, and every day I tell him she's about the same, maybe a little worse. Today is no different. I shrug. "Lots of coughing this morning, but no puking, so that's something."
"Good. Maybe she'll be able to hold the bread down then." He's optimistic, something I like about him. We've known each other our entire lives. Went to school together. Now that we are nineteen, we are both required to do community work to help out our fellow citizens of Beotown or find a job. It's difficult to get steady work these days, and I have two younger siblings and a sick mother to take care of, so I help with garbage collection each morning before I go in to donate blood. Wolf shifters can give blood a lore more frequently than most other species, but it's still draining-literally.
"Maybe Mom will hold the bread down," I finally say, but I'm distracted now by more than just the loss of vital bodily fluids. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself and not feel nauseated, and I smell it again, even more intently now. Turning to Lenny, I ask, "Do you smell that?"
He arches an eyebrow. "Smell what? All I smell is you, Ainslee."
I roll my eyes. "So you smell sweat and clothes that haven't been properly laundered for months because we can't afford soap?" I shake my head at him, pulling my dark blue cloak closer around me. It had been my mother's at one point. The thread is so bare, parts of it are practically translucent, so it doesn't do much to keep out the autumn chill. Properly nourished wolf shifters are rarely cold. Those on the brink of starvation, like most of my pack, are often chilly. Also, few of us can actually still shift for the same reason.
Not that I am old enough. When I turn twenty in a few months, then I should be able to. Likewise, I will be able to pick up on my mate's scent. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad one. Do I really want to find true love in this miserable world?
"What do you smell?"
My mind wanders when I'm hungry, and right now I'm famished. I haven't eaten in two days. Also, did I mention the loss of blood?
I turn to look at Lenny, wondering how he hasn't picked up on that iron-like, aluminum scent that tinges every breath I suck in. "They've gotta be close by."
The line moves up, so Lenny gestures for me to take a step forward, which I do, backward, and then wait for him to respond. He shakes his head. "I don't think so."
"Why not? They're always poking around, trying to see what else they can take from us." I spin around to face the front of the line a little too fast and get woozy. Lenny puts a hand on my arm to steady me. I feel nothing, only ambivalence. It's a shame because he's a good guy. I've heard some girls at school talk about tingles of electricity when certain boys touch them, but I've never experienced anything like that.
"If they were here, the mayor would've sent word out to us to be on our best behavior," Lenny notes. He's probably not wrong. But there've been times in the past when Mayor Black hasn't had enough warning to let us know we'd be having visitors.
I take another deep breath and know for sure there kind is among us. They seem to be getting closer. Shaking my head, I decide to let it go. If I'm lucky, I won't see any of them. I hate most people these days, but more than anything else I hate them, the people that ruined everything for us.
We scoot up again. Now, I am almost even with the door. Lenny and I have been standing in the line to get bread for nearly two hours. My feet are soaking wet. I'm tired, and I want to get home to my family. Mom really can't handle my younger brother and sister on her own these days, and my stepfather is at work in the mines.
"Sorry, Mildred, but that's only forty-four vlads." The baker, Mr. Laslo Black, brother to the mayor, Angus Black, rebukes the old woman who lives next door to me. "I need another vlad."
"But... I counted it this morning before I left home." I peer in the door and see Ms. Mildred is on the verge of tears. She's gotta be about eighty years old by now, and she can only give blood once a week. Who knows how long it's been since she ate anything at all? No gardens. No hunting. All of that is illegal here, thanks to them. We give blood to buy bread, sometimes meat or vegetables, but rarely. Farmers and ranchers are carefully regulated by the governors, the king's men.
"I don't know how many vlads you had when you left home, Mildred, but you only got forty-four now. So give me another coin, or get your old ass out of here. I've got other customers." Laslo jabs a meaty finger at the door, and everyone in line between Mildred and me goes stone quiet. There are four of them, three men and a woman, all people I know.
"Surely someone has a vlad they can give her," I mutter, turning to look at Lenny. I do not. I have exactly forty-five, enough to buy one loaf of bread for my mother and siblings to share. I will eat... something else. There is nothing else, but I'll make do.
Lenny shakes his head. No one else is chiming in to help either.
"Lenny, you have it," I whisper. He has four people in his family to give blood. His parents, himself, and his older sister. No small children. No sick people. No elderly. He has to have enough.
He shrugs. "I have to buy four loaves."
"You have it." I glare at him, whispering louder than I should if I actually don't want to be heard by the rest of the line.
"I can't be sure."
Shaking my head, I turn back around to see Ms. Mildred gathering up her coins, tears falling from her eyes as she exits the bakery.
Fury burns in my soul. I want to shout at Laslo Black and his portly wife, Maude, who stands behind him with a smug look on her chubby face, that they are both a couple of assholes. My hands clench at my sides, and I scoot up one space in line.
I cannot say anything. Laslo has control over who gets bread and who doesn't. He already doesn't like me because his daughter, Olga, and I never got along. I can't help that she's always been a self-righteous bitch. She told her dad I called her a heifer once, which I did, but only because she stepped on my foot and it hurt.
Mr. Carter comes out of the bakery with four loaves of bread, two for him, two for his wife, and I think he's the luckiest son of a bitch in all of Beotown.
It's almost my turn.
Inside the bakery, I smell warm, freshly baked bread. Other pastries peek at me from behind the counter, but only the rich people can buy those. The people that run this place, like the mayor, and some of the farmers. Maybe the sheriff. The rest of us only dream of muffins and danishes.
Through the fragrance of baked bread, I smell a faint whiff of metal and ignore it. I hope Lenny's right. They're not here-are they? Assholes, every one of them.
It's my turn. Laslo Black squints his beady eyes at me. "What will you have, Asslee?"
He is bating me. I have to ignore it. "One loaf of bread please, sir." I set my coins down on the counter.
Meticulously, he counts them. This is the reason it takes so fucking long to get a loaf of bread. Sometimes, he even inspects the coins to make sure they aren't counterfeits.
When he's satisfied that I have not robbed him blind with my "fake" vlads, he motions for his chunky wife to hand me my loaf of bread. I take it from her and force a smile to my face. "Thank you."
"Watch yourself, Miss Gray." Laslo glares at me, his balding head shining in the dim light of his shop. "I don't like it when people have attitudes in my shop. You'd be well served to remember that."
I clear my throat, internally begging myself not to verbally respond. But I can't help it. The words slip from my lips. "It's Miss Bleiz, thank you very much. Have a great day, asshole."
His eyes widen, and his jowls drop. His mouth hangs completely open as he struggles with some sort of a retort. I hurry out of the bakery, Lenny groaning behind me.
He knows. H
e knows I've completely fucked up, and once again my mouth has gotten me in trouble. Tomorrow, I will have to beg Mr. Black to please give me bread. I'll have to pretend that I suffer from some horrible disease that makes me say insane things.
But for now, I have bread. Beautiful, glorious, freshly baked bread. Sure, the loaf is probably the smallest one he had in his shop, but it's bread. It's food. And it's mine. I imagine the look on Mom's face when she sees it, hear the cheers from Brock and Sinead as they clap their little hands and reach up for a piece.
I walk out into the drizzle and approach the steps leading from the walkway near the bakery to the street. I'm approaching the corner, a smile on my face, the bread held high in my hand. I see a few stray dogs licking their chops. "Nope, this is mine," I tell them, leaping over a puddle.
Before my foot hits the ground, I feel a bump in my shoulder. Something, or someone, has hit me in the arm. My extended arm. The one carrying the bread.
It all happens in slow motion. The bread leaves the paper sleeve it's been wrapped in. I see it silhouetted against the gray sky, watch it rocket toward the ground, a screech of disbelief caught in my throat.
The bread, the loaf I've worked so hard to be able to purchase thunks into the puddle, splashing the muddied water a bit as it lands. I dive for it, thinking perhaps somehow it's salvageable.
But in this case, the dogs are faster than the wolf, and in mere seconds, my bread is no more.
Horrified, I look for the bastard that has robbed my family of our food.
An enchanted castle full of secrets, a rite of passage she cannot avoid, an arranged marriage she'll do anything to get out of. Bexley isn't like ordinary girls. She'd rather be studying animals than flirting with men. It's too bad her stepfather insists she pay attention to Garth, a meathead who only wants her to make babies and clean his house. On her twenty-first birthday, like all women in her village, she's ordered to the castle to meet with the Alpha King. For someone who didn't even know wolf shifters existed, it's all a shock, especially when she sees the twisted body of King Canaan. Canaan is used to keeping secrets, so it's not difficult for him to keep them from Bexley-like the fact that she's his mate, so she can never leave. But the king has enemies. Not only is the witch that cursed him still out there, when Garth shows up leading a band of villagers who want to kill him, he'll have to fight against his own people. Unless Bexley can find a way to stop them. It might help if she knew the truth about herself. When she discovers her true identity, nothing in the kingdom will ever be the same. If you enjoy fairy tale retelling with a wolf shifter twist, you'll love this new series by the author of The Alpha King's Breeder and The Vampire King's Feeder.
My chances of survival are slim. Going west in the 1880s? Dangerous. Fighting rogues and traveling through pack lands where we are unwelcome? A death sentence. But Akecheta awakens a part of me I've never known before. I'm brave. I'm strong. I'm an Alpha's daughter. I will fight for my people--even if it costs me everything. And chances are, it will. If you love steamy wolf shifter romance that will leave your heart racing, read this new adventure from the author of The Alpha King's Breeder.
I watched Ryan die. So how is Ben wearing his face? Six years ago, I watched my best friend--and secret crush--splatter all over the pavement. He died. I saw him. Yet, in the back of my mind, I've never stopped looking for him. Seeing him in crowds, in the classroom, in my dreams--and my nightmares. It's cost me everything--my identity, my sanity, and maybe my life. So when I walk into class to see a man who looks exactly like Ryan standing before me, I freak out again. My therapist tells me to stay away from Ben. He's no good for me. I'll end up back in a padded room. But I have to know the truth. Is Ben really Ryan? That's not possible. But Ben has scars--real ones and metaphorical ones. If Ben is Ryan, why doesn't he just tell me? Is he trying to drive me crazy? Or worse--is he trying to kill me? The Boy Who Died is the first romantic suspense novel from bestselling romantacy author Bella Moondragon writing as B. Moon. If you love romantic suspense, are a fan of Colleen Hoover, Gillian Flynn, Christopher Greyson, or Paula Hawkins, you won't want to miss this page-turner!
I feel his eyes on me, staring through the darkness-darkness as black as his soul. As the fiancée of a rich state senator, I should be living the easy life, but that's not how it is for me. My mother's sick with cancer, my fiancé smells like women's perfume, and I'm not sure he even loves me. When I start to sense someone watching me, I should be terrified. Instead, I'm electrified. Kidnapped, held in a small room, but not tortured, I'm given a chance to study this man behind the mask. He's intriguing in ways he shouldn't be. He excites me in places I've never felt before. Should I give into the enticement and taste his sin? Or try to return to my regular life with a man I cannot trust who probably doesn't care about me at all? It's tempting-that's for damn sure. Tempted by Sin is a steamy dark stalker romance that might be triggering to some. You won't want to miss the shocking twist at the end!
Christmas magic is in the air at the Santa Clause Ball! Will it lead to love? Growing up in a town called Mistletoe Mountain, it's no wonder I love Christmas. My parents named me appropriately, too. You can't get much more Christmas-y than Holly Lane Garland! This Christmas is going to be even more magical than usual--I can just feel it! At the annual Santa Claus Ball, I meet an amazing man who makes my heart play "Jingle Bells." There's just one problem--well, maybe two. I have no idea what his name is--or what he looks like. (Did I mention the Santa Claus Ball is a masquerade?) Searching for my perfect man leads me to make a new friend. Patrick is amazing, and we have so much in common. He loves Christmas, too. But I think he has a girlfriend. And, well, he's just not the guy who kissed me under the mistletoe. Or is he? Will I find love before Santa arrives, or will I lose my chance at mistletoe magic? If you like sweet, clean Christmas romance novels that get you in the mood for the holidays, you won't want to miss this new romance from the author of Melody's Christmas, Christmas Cocoa, and All I Want for Christmas is Pooch!
Sometimes being outnumbered is a good thing--a very good thing! Harper When I signed up for an app that let me make some extra cash attending events with single men, I had no idea it would lead me to fall in love--four times! Scott is a caring organic farmer with muscles like no other. Damien is one of the richest men in the world who knows how to spoil me. Rafe is a famous quarterback who always hits me in the right spot. And then there's Tomas, my former professor turned Latin lover. It's scary dating four men, but they don't mind. In fact, they like how happy I am this way. Jack, however, my ex, is not exactly happy to find out my new situation. He'll stop at nothing to have me as his own--and share me with no one. When he goes too far, will my men be able to save me? If you love steamy reverse harem books, this new series from the author of Realm of the Chosen and Ember's Flames is perfect for you. Why choose if you don't have to?
"Never let anyone treat you like shit!" I learned that the hard way. For three years, I lived with my in-laws. They didn't treat me as their son-in-law but as a slave. I put up with everything because of my wife, Yolanda Lambert. She was the light of my life. Unfortunately, my whole world came crashing down the day I caught my wife cheating on me. I have never been so heartbroken. To have my revenge, I revealed my true identity. I was none other than Liam Hoffman—the heir of a family with trillions of dollars in assets! The Lamberts were utterly shocked after the big reveal. They realized what fools they had been for treating me like trash. My wife even knelt down and begged for my forgiveness. What do you think I did? Did I take her back or made her suffer? Find out!
Traversing back to the ancient Prime Martial World from modern age, Austin finds himself in a younger body as he wakes up. Yet, the young man he possesses was a miserable dimwit, what a bummer! But it doesn’t matter as his mind is sound and clear. Possessing this younger and stronger body, he will fight his way to become the God of martial arts, and rule the whole Martial World!
It was supposed to be a marriage of convenience, but Carrie made the mistake of falling in love with Kristopher. When the time came that she needed him the most, her husband was in the company of another woman. Enough was enough. Carrie chose to divorce Kristopher and move on with her life. Only when she left did Kristopher realize how important she was to him. In the face of his ex-wife’s countless admirers, Kristopher offered her 20 million dollars and proposed a new deal. “Let’s get married again.”
6 years ago, Lydia suffered a brutal betrayal orchestrated by her own husband and step-sister, who drugged her and framed her. In a twist of fate, she ended up having a one-night stand with a stranger. Don't even remember what he looked like. Later, in the throes of death, she discovered the truth about her mother's death all those years ago. In the blink of an eye, she lost everything. 6 years later, Lydia returned with her genius son, vowing to exact revenge on all her enemies! Little did she know, she encountered an incredibly familiar man at the airport! *** The man was briskly pushing open the door to the restroom, heading to the urinal. Even with such a mundane action, he did it with unparalleled elegance and grace. Lydia, following him in a daze, saw his fierce lower body and suddenly snapped back to reality. She let out a high-pitched scream, instinctively covering her eyes with her hands, her cheeks flushed, and stood there stiffly, unsure of what to do. Lambert furrowed his brows slightly but remained calm as he continued to relieve himself. The sound of water hitting the urinal made Lydia's face even redder. She angrily shouted, "You pervert!" Little did Lydia know that Lambert, seeing her in this state, had a flicker of recognition in his eyes. Memories from many years ago flashed through his mind, and his heart couldn't help but stir. It was her!
"You're a creepy bastard." His eyes smolder me and his answering grin is nothing short of beautiful. Deadly. "Yet you hunger for me. Tell me, this appetite of yours, does it always tend toward 'creepy bastards'?" **** Widower and ex-boss to the Mafia, Zefiro Della Rocca, has an unhealthy fixation on the woman nextdoor. It began as a coincidence, growing into mere curiosity, and soon, it was an itch he couldn't ignore, like a quick fix of crack for an addict. He didn't know her name, but he knew every inch of her skin, how it flushed when she climaxed, her favourite novel and that every night she contemplated suicide. He didn't want to care, despising his rapt fascination of the woman. She was in love with her abusive husband. She was married, bound by a contract to the Bratva's hitman. She was off-limits. But when Zefiro wanted something, it was with an intensity that bordered on madness. He obsessed, possessed, owned. There'd be bloodshed if he touched her, but the sight of blood always did fascinate him. * When Susanna flees from her husband, she stumbles right into the arms of her devilishly handsome neighbour with a brooding glare. He couldn't stand her, but she needed him, if she was ever going to escape her husband who now wanted her dead. Better the devil you know than the angel you don't. She should have recalled that before hopping into Zefiro's car and letting him whisk her away to Italy. Maybe then, she wouldn't have started an affair with him. He was the only man who touched her right, and the crazy man took no small pains in ensuring he would be the last.
Due to the plight of her family, Phoebe had no choice but to embark on the path of selling herself. In an accident, she had a tangled night with Alexander. Everything began to derail, and even if she fled to the ends of the earth, she would still be found by him and entangled... *** Phoebe screamed in frustration, "What do you want from me?" What was this supposed to be? He raised an eyebrow wickedly. "What do I want? You'll find out soon enough." With that, he hoisted her up and carried her back into the office. The door slammed shut with a kick, and he cleared the desk with a sweep of his arm before laying her down on it, his body pinning hers in place, completely trapping her in his grasp. Every cell in his body was telling him he wanted her. He wanted to claim her again. This time, there would be no escape for her-he wouldn't let her slip away. Never again. If he had suffered for five years, then this woman wouldn't get off easily either!