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The Mafia Don's Secret Surrogate

The Mafia Don's Secret Surrogate

79 Chapters
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What happens when the only girl you LOVE in this world and next starts to be a FORBIDDEN LOVE an ofshoot of an action you aren't even responsible for and you can do nothing about it except to keep your hands folded? ** Henry Rodriguez, the youngest heir of the Rodriguez family. When wickedity expels Goodness, he is born as a numen to win over knavery. He is good to everyone because he is humane but when someone goes savage, weakness is not what the person is going to remember about him. Henry possesses the heart of a flower but a predator, a proponent of equity and a terrible mafia leader ready to rip the goblin out of his flesh when it comes to the girl he loves. Sania Witmore is his sweetheart, a damsel in distress who is swallowed with financial and family problems. She is the one and only girl who got him hooked by her little finger right on the day of the deal. Would it be called love at first sight? Maybe it was, because Henry would not allow anyone even to touch a hair of hers. He was her invisible shield, a dutiful mafia whose heart beats only for her and who can lay his life happily just to win a smile on her face. Were Henry and Sania bound to be for each other? This is a sequel to I hate to love you, Mr CEO. The second book in Rodriguez series, though all books can be read independently.

Chapter 1 Prologue

That was one of those horrible winter days in the city of Manhattan. It was too late by the time Sania had finished the extra class on Art and Design. She is a fashion designing student from New York University. Finishing up with her college, she took the bus to south Manhattan and went straight to the Greenwich hospital. "Hello I'm here on an appointment with Dr. Jones." Sania drummed her fingers with anxiety at the reception desk.

"Just a minute mam..." The middle aged lady looked at her computer and nodded to her with a smile. "Go straight and turn into the last room."

"Hello Sania, how are you? Please have a seat. I thought you would not come today." The doctor checked the time on her wrist watch and spoke to her.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I had an unexpected extra class today. Thus I was late." Her hands shivered as she pulled the chair and sat across the doctor.

"It's alright." The doctor took out a document from one of the drawers and pushed it towards her.

Sania blinked rigorously to curtail her tears, rubbed her sweaty hands to her pants before she took the pen with trembling fingers.

But the physician stopped her. She observed the young girl before her dubiously. "Are you doing this in your complete willingness?"

Sania could not trust her voice and only managed a nod.

The physician gave her a knowing smile filled with solicitude. "You still have time and can back out of this even now. There is no pressure. The person for whom you are supposed to work is amazingly filled with kindness and consideration."

"I am into this wholeheartedly and with complete sanity, Dr Jones." Sania replied though meekly but with firmness.

"Please read the agreement before you sign it, Honey." The doctor observed her profoundly before she took her signatures and put on her gloves.

One of the nurses came and guided her to the surgery room. Laying on the treatment bed Sania had an intense agitation racing in her heart. Her mind was in constant consternation since morning pleading with her to stop what she was about to do. But was she left with any other option?

"I have to do this." She counseled herself and closed her eyes tight as if the act would drive away the reality in front of her which was taunting her with unholiness.

Suffering the pain of the needle she left a soft 'uh' with tears dripping which could no longer be controlled. Mama I'm sorry, please excuse me for this. I love you and papa so much but there was no other way left. She let out a silent sob. But unfortunately Sania's pain and tears couldn't be heard by her parents and she did not want them to hear her either. It was the horrible reality of her life that she was destined to suffer.

After completion of the procedure she was asked to rest on the same treatment table for an hour without moving. By the time she was out of the room it was very late. "Do you have someone to take you home?" The doctor asked her with concern.

"My brother is waiting outside." Sania lied through her teeth, shook hands with doctor Jones and slowly walked to the entrance suffering the pain in her body. "Sania, remember you need to take rest for today and tomorrow." The doctor voiced out to her from behind to which she turned around and could only nod with a smile that absolutely didn't reach her eyes.

Hissing in pain she took her steps out carefully out of the hospital in the pitch dark environment with no sign of a human. Her body felt worn out and sweaty. She desperately needed a warm shower that might ease her pain and discomfort.

Opening the zip of her bag she took out the phone and called the number given to her a week ago. "Work done. Got the shot. Thank you." Sania kept it short with her dropping strength and hastily reached the bus stop. But even after half an hour of helpless wait not a single transport turned up. It was then she remembered her friend Nina's words in the morning.

The state announced a curfew from the evening because of the growing crime rate in Manhattan. The government has appointed strict vigilance which involved canceling even the public transport services. Sania reached the hospital through the bus. But it seems they have stopped their services now. Gradually she began to grow anxious. How was she going to reach home?

She cursed herself for her absentmindedness and thought she shouldn't have taken an appointment in the evening. Picking her phone once again she decided to call Uber but there was no driver online at the late hour. Hopeless and searching for a drive she walked the deserted streets of Manhattan in desolation when she found four drunk men wobbling out of the night club which she passed a few minutes ago.

Sania tried to walk fast, sending a silent prayer to God to help her out of the difficult situation. But her tired body refused to cooperate. She was feeling pain everywhere. Probably it was the effect of anesthesia. Despite her discomfort, she ran over the dark streets of the late night city trying her best not to invoke their attention and hid herself behind an abandoned workshop. But Alas the mother fu**ers have already seen her.

"The girl ran to this side." One of them pointed to the deserted street that she raced a couple of minutes ago.

Sania's heart drummed rapidly in anxiety. Hidden, she absorbed the hungry looks of the monsters sprinting towards her. A shiver ran down her spine and she gravely searched for a better place to hide but it was already overdue.

The venomous voice of the demon accompanied by a nauseous smell of alcohol entered her nostrils. "Caught you kitten." Before she could process the words one of them caught her legs. The other held her hands tight and the third man unzipped his pants standing between her legs. Sania's eyes went wide in trepidation; she wiggled her body underneath the firm hold of one of the monsters but it was of no use. "Please let me go." She cried pleadingly. But fateless it were not only her culprits but no one in the world heard her desolate and helpless cries.

A rough hand rubbed across her neck and muffled the squeal that escaped her throat. Unfortunately Sania Witmore couldn't fight to save her virginity anymore. The effect of anesthesia accompanied with tiredness cooperated with the manwhores more than to her.

An involuntary 'uh' escaped her lips and her eyelids rolled upwards welcoming her into a placid state of unconsciousness.


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