. I get up ready to start the day, it's still early but I have a lot to do. I take a quick shower, put on the first formal blouse I can find and a pair of high-heeled jeans. My job is in an office, but we don't have to wear pencil skirts or anything like that, thank God, but we're still formal. In the kitchen, I prepare scrambled eggs and milk for my little one. If I let him, he'll drink milk all day long. He likes it. - Good morning. - Good morning, Jacey. - He gives me a kiss on the top of my head and goes to sit down with Sam to have breakfast. At least we try to have this meal together every day to give my little one some normality. Jacey Turner is Sam's uncle and godfather. No, he's not my brother or anything like that, but he's the brother of my son's real father, but I don't even want to think about that right now. - Are you working tonight? - I ask. - I'm going to the exhibition. Jacey is a photographer. Last month, he had another exhibition of his photos at a gallery in the city, so he always stops by on the day they're open, even though it's almost over. You know the kind of man who draws attention wherever he goes? He's very handsome, with his blond hair that makes anyone drool, but to me he's just Jacey, you know, the friend, the brother, the family. - Are you going to sleep at my house? - I don't know. - She answers, laughing. Not to mention that he's the typical player man, he's always with a different woman but never here at my house, our rule is not to bring anyone here unless it's serious, since I have my little one and it wouldn't be a great example to have a different person in the house every hour. - Come on, young man, let's take a bath. - I pick up my boy and go get him ready. He's so lazy in the morning even though he always comes to wake me up, but don't be fooled, he only does it because he's hungry because later the laziness comes back with a vengeance. I give him a bath, change him and get his backpack. Sam goes to a school near my house, I'd like to let him go to school later, but I have work, I don't love my job passionately and I could be home, but that's not going to happen. I put him in the car seat and drive the next few blocks, saying goodbye with a big kiss, making him feel embarrassed. His words, not mine. - Aunt Carol will pick you up, have a good day, love. - I give him one last kiss and watch him come in with his teacher. It always makes my heart ache just thinking about how fast he is growing up. Our daily routine always works very well. I drop him off at school, where he stays until lunchtime. Our babysitter, Carol, picks him up and spends the rest of the afternoon with him until Jacey or I arrive. She is an angel. She lives in the building next to ours and is in college. Her parents support her. Yes, she is a daddy's girl in that regard, but her personality is completely different, very simple, and my Sam loves her company, so since she would like to do something to have money that is hers and not her parents', she agreed to babysit him during the week. My life changed with the arrival of my son. I was completely alone in the world and two months away from finishing college when I found out I was pregnant. It was crazy. The luckiest thing I ever had was running into Jacey again. He was moving from Boston to New York and since I couldn't live the rest of my life in a shared apartment, I agreed to come with him. Jacey took me in and we became our own family. At first, I rented a tiny apartment that barely fit me, then before Sam arrived I moved into my friend's apartment, who took us in and, at great expense on my part, now lets me help with the expenses, but if it were up to him, he would pay for everything. It's hard to be rich. Months after Sam was born, I ended up getting a job as a secretary thanks to a good acquaintance of his family and I've been in the same place ever since. I work at an advertising company, but in the administrative area, yes, in the dreaded HR department, where you leave very happy, very sad or very angry. Not to mention that my boss is a pain in the ass, my God, he thinks he owns the whole business just because he has his signature on the hiring and firing, but he's just another employee like us. Despite his manner, I've never had any problems with him. I always behave professionally and so does he. Even though I've witnessed a lot of scandals that the guy's wife did in front of me, I pretend not to notice. It's not bad working there, but there are days when I can't stand it, and I don't even understand myself. It's too much for my brain, which already has so many other things to think about. Chapter 02 What a day! My feet are killing me and what I want most on this Friday night is to get into a warm bathtub and stay there for as long as possible, relaxing my body. In fact, I need to relax my body in another way, but this past month it's been hard to get a night off because of Jacey's exposure. Whenever I want to escape, he saves me and sta
me: a hot night and nothing more. Unfortunately, I don't go out with coworkers because, look, there are a lot of hot men in this company, it's hard to resist. I put on my headphones and listen to some music to occupy my mind and continue nodding my head to the few coworkers who pass by me. I get in the elevator and lower my head, lost in the sound of Demi, I love her strong and impactful lyrics that reach the soul. I press the button for the ground floor and continue lost in thought, tapping my finger on my leg.
The doors open and another person enters the room, but I don't bother to look at whoever it is. Oh, but the day couldn't get any worse, could it? The damn elevator stops me out of nowhere. I try to focus all my attention on the sound in my ears to forget what's going on around me, but in less than two minutes I'm poked in the arm, making me raise my head. Good grief, wet panties, who is this man? Tall, around thirty years old, blue eyes, unruly dark hair falling over his forehead, broad shoulders beneath his neat dress shirt, and he definitely has an enviable body underneath all those clothes. I snap out of my reverie when his mouth is gesticulating. Then I remember the headphones and the gunshots so he can see that he wasn't listening. - Hi. - I say. - You've been quiet since the elevator stopped, are you crazy? - He says in his beautiful masculine voice, but I roll my eyes at the crazy one. - I'm not crazy. - I move away and lean my body against the elevator wall. - Do you want me to go crazy in these few square meters? No, I don't, so I have to keep my mind busy. - Definitely crazy. Okay, I snort and tell him that right now I can't stay calm again, so I sit on the floor even though I'm tying my hair in a messy bun. - What are you doing? - He asks. - Sitting, didn't you see? - I answer ironically, receiving a cold look from him. - Standing up is no use, we've been here for about five minutes. - They'll come and get us out. - Even so, I'm not going to stand up, if I were you I'd follow my example. - I saw him analyzing the situation and looking around. He snorted but sat down in front of me. I need to distract myself quickly. It seems that remembering my words about not freaking out, the hot stranger starts a conversation. - Do you work here? - I nod. - I've never seen you. - I laugh and he looks like he doesn't understand. - You're lucky you've never seen me, it means you haven't had to go to HR to sign your resignation yet. - He gave a beautiful smile as soon as I said it but I didn't understand why. - You're really lucky. What do you do in HR? - Secretary. - I note without taking my eyes off him, which are still focused on mine. - What's your name? - Hayley. - I say, seeing him lean over and extend his big hand to me. - David. - I feel my body shiver, I don't know if it's because of his hoarse voice when he says my name, the contact of our hands or his gaze on mine. I turn my attention to my cell phone and he sent a message to Carol saying that I'm going to be late. I explain the situation briefly and soon receive a photo of Sam lying on the couch wrapped in his blanket and watching cartoons, making me smile in love with my little one. I turn my attention to my surroundings when I jump in fright at a noise and a voice calling us. - Hi. - I shout back. - The technician is already arriving. - I snort just thinking about how long we'll still be here. I start to feel short of breath being confined in this small space and I undo the first buttons of my blouse to get some air, but instead I receive the attention of a pair of eyes. - My face is higher up. - I say, holding back a laugh, but instead of looking away, he repeats the same gesture as mine, unbuttoning his shirt, leaving a piece of his chest exposed. - My face is higher up. - Son of a bitch, you even did it on purpose, argh. - Ha ha, you're such a jokester. - I say irritably. - You're the one who started it. I'm going to die in here with this man, people. I try to focus on thinking and looking at other places other than him or I'll observe more than I need to. Noises behind the door continue constantly, making me believe that they're close to getting us out of this little cubicle, but I still feel his gaze on me, making my body catch fire. - What are you looking at so much? - I ask, smirking again. - You. - I raise an eyebrow, making a face like, are you serious. - I've seen you somewhere before. - Probably at the company, since you also work here, right? - He nodded but continued to look at me. - Do you go to Open Life? - I widen my eyes for a moment, thinking about what to answer, holy shit, I can't believe he's already seen me there. - What? - I pretend not to be interested. - I knew I'd seen you somewhere before. - I deny and he smiles even wider. Before we can continue the subject, the door opens, freeing me from this damn conversation. He extends his hand to help me get up and we get very close to each other as soon as I'm pulled from the ground, I'm so close that I can feel his breath, but I take a step back. - It was a pleasure David, goodbye. - I almost run out of the building without giving him a chance to answer. Chapter 03 My beloved and most awaited days, also known as the weekend. Oh, how I love having some free time. - Take me to the park? - Sam asks after we eat ice cream and walk through the neighborhood streets. I always try to give him the most attention on the weekend to make up for it, so I try to go out and walk with him instead of staying stuck inside the house and get some fresh air. I sit on the grass in the park that's close to our building. It's not that great, but there's a nice patch of grass where a lot of people come to spend their free time like today. My little one starts running around me, getting my attention, and I clear my mind of all distractions so I can play with him. - Now for a bath. - I say, opening the front door. - But mommy. - He still makes that begging face, this boy is my son, people. - Bath. - I say firmly and take him, still sulking, but soon the frown disappears with a few tickles. After taking a bath and smelling nice, I sit with him and Jacey on the couch to watch a cartoon on a Saturday night. - Do you want to go out tonight? - Jacey asks as soon as Sam falls asleep. - Seriously? - He nods, making me smile. - Go ahead, Sam is already asleep and you've hardly been going out because of the exposure. - I'll be back before he wakes up. - I say, getting up. - Relax. I run to the bedroom and get ready as quickly as possible. I choose a black dress, tight on the body and
looking at her phone. "And before you say anything, no, I didn't hide it. I just thought it wouldn't work out, but apparently it's becoming something serious." She sighs, finally looking at me. "He's very special! He's handsome, polite, charming, a real prince!" She says with a dreamy look. "We've been dating for a few months now and everything has been so perfect. I think he really is the right guy," she concludes, sighing. - Oh my God, you're crazy about this guy and I didn't even know he existed! - I give her an accusing look. - But okay, when can I meet Mr. Perfect? - I ask curiously. - We decided that we're really dating a little while ago, unfortunately he'll have to travel for a while for work, he helps his father at the company so he has to go on these business trips. I think he'll be back by the time you get back, then we can make plans to go out together. - Great, I want to see if he's everything you say he is, I just want you to be happy and if he makes you happy, nothing else matters. - He makes me happy, I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am now - she says radiantly. - That's great, I hope this ends in marriage - I tease smiling. After talking a little more about Mr. Perfect we go back to packing her bags, she seems so happy, this guy is really doing her good, I just hope he doesn't hurt her. When everything is ready, we order Italian food and wait for Cecília, who was supposed to come straight from work. It doesn't take long for her to show up, looking tired but with a smile on her face. "I can't believe I'm going to be away from you for so long!" She says as soon as she sees me. She comes over to me and wraps me in a warm hug. "Stop being so exaggerated!" I find the way she says it funny. "So much drama!" Miriam exclaims, sitting down and looking at us boredly. "Hi to you too, little sister!" She says, blowing a kiss to Miriam. They are so similar, but at the same time so different. I love them both, each with their own unique style. Miriam is very white, with light brown, almost blonde hair and hazel eyes, almost like a doll. Cecília also has the same skin tone, with dark brown hair and honey eyes that are a bit green. She has a mouth that is her trademark, and a more aggressive beauty. She and her sister look alike physically, but in the way they act they could not be more opposite. While Miriam is an architect, reserved and calm, Cecília is completely crazy, likes to enjoy life and does not care about other people's opinions. The only thing she takes seriously is her profession. She is an excellent pediatrician. She does her job with so much love that there is no doubt that she was born to do it. She loves children, despite saying that she will never have her own. We ate talking about my trip. Cecília and I work at the same hospital, she is a pediatrician and I am a neurologist. She spends the whole dinner making a fuss about how I am abandoning her alone, saying how much she will miss me, but I really need this vacation. I've been feeling really tired lately. I've barely had a break since I started studying, and now it's starting to get to me. Taking a vacation is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. We finish eating and go to get my luggage. We'll go in Miriam's car. Daniel will meet us there, going straight from work. The bad part about traveling on a weekday is that it disrupts other people's routines. The way to the airport is full of laughter and jokes. When we finally arrive, we go to my boarding gate. Daniel is already waiting for us. When he sees me, he runs over to hug me. "You haven't even gone yet and I already miss you," he says as he smells my hair. "Calm down, Dani. It's only for a month. I'll be back soon," I say, laughing. "Who am I going to run with on the weekends for this month?" he asks, making a face like an abandoned dog. "With your red-haired neighbor who's always hitting on you," I reply, winking. "The only person I like to run with is you!" He offers me a kiss on the cheek and moves away to greet our friends. My flight is announced, I say goodbye to everyone and board the plane. Once I'm settled in my seat, I close my eyes and try to relax. My vacation is finally starting and I want to enjoy every minute of it! OceanofPDF.com When I finally land, I call a taxi and go straight to the hotel I booked. It's a fancy hotel with everything I need, a sauna, a pool, a hot tub. I decided to treat myself. I'm so tired that I'm going to relax wherever I can. As soon as I enter my room, I let out a satisfied sigh. It's a dream! A huge, soft-looking bed is calling to me every moment, but I bravely resist throwing myself in it and getting some sleep. I organize my clothes in the small built-in wardrobe that the hotel offers. This will be my home for a month. There's nothing better than keeping everything organized. I take a relaxing bath and put on a robe. I go to the window of my room where I can see the hotel pool. There aren't many people there because it's almost d
I turned my gaze to the lady. That woman didn't seem like the typical investor profile that my boss, Lúcio Xavier, usually served. Even with the rush, my curiosity forced me to change my focus for a few moments. With a polite smile, I approached her. "Good afternoon, ma'am. Can I help you with something? Are you waiting for someone in particular?" The woman looked at me with serious eyes, as heavy as a rainy day, and nodded. "I'm waiting for your boss." "For Mr. Xavier?" I repeated. - Yes. A feeling of intrigue mixed with curiosity took hold of me as I tried to understand what was going on. But before I could ask any more questions, the phone rang, interrupting our brief conversation. I picked up my cell phone. It was Lucio, of course. Who else could it be, considering the emergency situation he seemed to enjoy creating for himself? - Lucio, you're late for the 10:00 meeting - I informed him, trying to remain calm while the lady and the child at the reception occupied my thoughts. - I'm going to the company now - he replied, an irritated tone in his voice. He had probably left his house late and hit traffic on the way. - The traffic was hell. Didn't I say? I took a deep breath, trying not to let the frustration that was bubbling under the surface show. - Okay, I'll keep you updated on anything urgent - I replied, with a hint of resignation in my voice. I turned off the cell phone, knowing that it would be a long day ahead. After all, with Lucio Xavier in charge, there would always be more than enough to occupy my mind. I looked at the lady and the baby. Should I tell my boss about them? Something inside me kept whispering that there was something wrong here. While I was lost in my thoughts, pondering the presence of the lady and the baby in the reception area, a sudden movement caught my attention. I looked up in time to see Lucio Xavier coming towards me. His bearing was impressive, as always. Lucio had a way of moving that seemed to command the attention of everyone around him. His steps were firm and confident, his posture erect and determined. The impeccable clothes, tailored to his body, flowed elegantly as he moved around the office. His dark hair was combed with precision, every strand in the right place, without a single strand out of place. His beard, neatly trimmed, accentuated the defined contours of his face. The scent of his perfume, sophisticated and enveloping, permeated the air around him, filling the room with an aura of masculinity and power. Our eyes met in the middle of his walk. And then, to my surprise, my heart gave an unexpected jump. I blinked, confused with myself. I had to control myself not to put a hand to my chest. I was used to seeing him every day, after all. Why, then, did it seem like a disconcerting anxiety was taking over me as he got closer and closer, with an intensity that was impossible to ignore? I think my head was spinning because of all the stress I had already been through this morning. Even so, Lúcio's proximity only intensified the turbulence inside me, a strange sensation that seemed to wrap itself around my chest, imposing itself in a way that left me a little breathless. Focus, woman! What is this?! You need more sleep, you know? - Sofia. I had to lift my chin to look at him. Lucio was a tall, strong man with a presence that filled the room. His impatient eyes anticipated the questions he wanted to ask. "Have the shareholders arrived yet? Are they in the meeting room?" he asked, his voice urgent, while his breathing seemed to match the rapid rhythm of his heart. "Yes, Lucio. Everything is ready," I replied calmly, accustomed to dealing with his impetuosity. Before we could continue our conversation, the lady at the reception desk cleared her throat, drawing our attention. Lucio and I turned to her. "I need to speak with you, Mr. Xavier," she began, her voice carrying a harshness I had not expected to hear. Lucio frowned, his impatience clearly evident in every line of his face. "Do you have an appointment?" The lady shook her head. "No, but it is urgent." "Make an appointment with my secretary," he huffed impatiently, pointing at me. "I am late for a meeting. "What I have to say is about him," the lady declared, pointing to the little baby beside her. Lucio arched an eyebrow, as confused as I was. "Who is he?" She took a deep breath. She stared at my boss. And opened her mouth. "Your son."Lucio Your son.
Jack tilted his head to the side and left, his footsteps echoing in the empty room. Enzo stopped beside me, touching my shoulder. "Why won't you help me?" I asked, regretful. "She has to die or the deal will be broken." Enzo crouched down and looked blankly at the woman who had watched me grow up. Michelle was an aunt I held dear to my heart. "Say goodbye, Dominic." - He took my hands away from the wound, which began to spurt even more blood. - Say goodbye. - Take care... of her... - Michelle spoke again. - I will, I promise. - I held her hand. - I will protect her for the rest of my life. Enzo touched Michelle's eyelids, closing her eyes and praying in Italian. - Why did she have to die? - She caused chaos in a delicate balance that our lives are based on. - It was to protect her daughters - I stammered, looking at her dead. - That doesn't matter. She sought her sentence. Now, all she can do is make those guilty of this also pay for the sins they committed. - Enzo pulled me by the shirt. - We have to leave. I said I would bring you back to say goodbye, not to stay here for long. My feet felt heavy. My whole body. It was the first time I had seen someone die. Today had been full of kidnappings, gunshots, angry husbands and death. Lots of death. I was just in Los Angeles for a trip with my friends, visiting an aunt and suddenly, I was in a trap to save Kate's life. How would I go back and tell her that her mother died? And how would I face her knowing who killed her? What kind of sick life was I born into? "Do you want to throw up?" Enzo stopped me before we got in the car. I looked at my bloody hands and suddenly, he hit me in the back of the head. I woke up in a bed, looked up at the ceiling and jumped to the floor. "Do you think it's easy to carry your weight all the way here?" He was smoking in the corner, looking at the city. "Go take a shower or you'll get sick again." "I didn't get sick, you hit me!" "Yes, I saved you from the embarrassment of passing out and throwing up." Enzo continued to be bored in the corner. "Your phone rang. Your parents are looking for you, your coach too." I went to the bathroom feeling dizzy and took a shower, avoiding looking at the color of the water. I was taller than the glass of the shower and my head almost hit the shower head, and I couldn't fit in the square without hitting my elbows on the sides, but I managed to get out of there. Michelle was dead, that was the thought that invaded me when I stood in front of the mirror. And she was killed right in front of me. There was still blood on the corners of my nails, marking my life forever. "Where is he?" I heard a male voice with an Italian accent. "Crying in the bathroom," Enzo answered and I wanted to punch him. "What happened?" "We have to go to the Canadian package. Time to leave." "Okay." Enzo kicked the bathroom door open completely. "You're on your own. See you in New York." He smiled and left. Alone in the hotel room, I got dressed in the clean clothes that had been left, grabbed my things and disappeared out the back, using an instinct for escape that I had never known before. I walked around the city in the middle of the night, feeling lost and not trusting anyone at all. Without realizing it, I stopped in front of Michelle's house. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. [3] "What are you doing here?" Kyra snapped. "You have to leave now." "Where's Kate?" "Alone, in there. Is there anything of yours there?" Robert hasn't come back yet; Michelle's men have scattered and left the girl alone. "Then she's going to New York with me." I took a step forward and Kyra stopped me. "He's going to kill her. Her father won't protect her. He doesn't care about Kate." I looked back at the house. Kate would get in the way of my parents' plans. She needed to stay alive and I couldn't take care of her with him under the same roof. I didn't know what to do. "Why are you telling me these things? Don't you play on my father's team?" "I play on my team." She smirked. "Come in, get your things. She'll be safe as long as her father thinks she's worth some money." "I promised I'd keep her safe." Kyra was silent, looking at my face for a while and then at the house. "Go get your things, I know what to do.
attractive woman. A divorced and lonely man. Fate Secrets Forgiveness Seduction Being a nanny for a five-year-old child seemed easy. But as for enduring the seduction of her boss, easy or impossible? What could a kiss cause? A man determined to do anything to get what he wants And a woman hard to forget. Copyright © 2024 Natália França All rights reserved The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and is not intentional on the part of the author. No part of this book may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the express written permission of the author. Cover: bk.designereditorial Illustration: cr_bannerss Chapter 1 - Daddy, wait! I turned around seeing my little one coming down the stairs in her uniform, I bent down to hug her, I was intoxicated by the sweet smell of her baby perfume and the smell of shampoo coming from her wet hair. - Good morning, daughter. - I don't want to go to school today. - Why? - I'm sick. - Where does it hurt? - I asked, putting my hand to her forehead, feeling her temperature. - All over her body. - Maybe I know what it is. - said Ivy, my sister, coming back from the kitchen with an apple in her hand. - Auntie, I'm sick. - Does this boo-boo start at the head and go all the way down to the feet? - Yes. - Sure. I have the diagnosis, it's called LAZINESS! Ivy ran after her to the car, the best sound was the laughter of my princess, a 5-year-old princess, very smart and who doesn't like going to school. - Thank you for taking her another day. - Miguel, my niece will never be a bother, but you need to hire someone, I won't be able to do this every day. - I know, I'll do it soon. - Every day you say the same thing. - I've been very busy, but I'll find time for it. - Forget it. I'll hire someone, leave it to me, focus on your work. - Ivy! - I know how to do it, just trust me. - Okay. I kissed her on the cheek and waved to Ayra as they left. After my separation, I got custody of my daughter, her mother didn't care since she had no feelings for her. It's strange, I know, but not everyone is ready to be parents. I met Úrsula at an event, my parents introduced us and within a few months we started dating. Ursula got pregnant after a year of dating, we decided to get engaged and get married before my belly got bigger, that's when we lost the rhythm and rushed everything. Our relationship was good until then, when the change came with the pregnancy, Ursula started to hate having our daughter, we fought a lot and it wore us out. Besides, she is an actress and lost some roles because she was pregnant, all of this only fueled the disgust of having our daughter. Before Ayra was one month old, Úrsula went on a 20-day trip and only told us when she was in Mexico, leaving me alone in Seattle with our daughter. Those were the worst days of my life, because Ayra depended on breast milk and we didn't have a drop at home or where to get it from. She lost weight, cried from hunger, got pneumonia... On one hand, it was my fault, I didn't know how to take care of my own daughter and I did everything wrong. Even with my family around, it was difficult and almost impossible. But Ayra was fine. And, at the same time that I blamed and hated myself, I swore to take care of her and be a good father. The day before Úrsula returned, I received a letter from her lawyer and the divorce papers. She didn't want that life, she wasn't looking for a family or a marriage, she wanted to live and do soap operas, we weren't in her plans. I thought it would be harder, but with her absence and abandonment, I thought a lot about us, especially about Ayra's future. There was no other way, only divorce. After all, you can't miss someone you never had around completely. - Sir, we're here. Like every morning, I stood admiring the building I had built. I am the CEO of the largest engineering company in Seattle, a long story for another time. I entered the company accompanied by my security guards, greeted my employees and got into the elevator accompanied by my personal assistant. - Sir, you will have a meeting in an hour with all the shareholders. - Where are the reports I requested? - On your desk. - Okay.
second I expected her to be complaining or even rambling angrily at me, but she doesn't. And this is just a sample of the many times she just keeps her head down and continues her work, while I can't control my animal side around her. "Shit!" I snort to myself and close my door. I go to my chair and throw myself into it, unable to think straight anymore. My life has become a mess, and a large part of it is the fault of a woman who doesn't even notice my looks at her. Ever since I saw her photo and her resume, when I looked for an employee at the company to be my personal assistant for a while, I find myself unable to control myself. Her brown eyes, which further highlight her dark skin, the color of sin, and a weak white smile, which she almost never shows, but her photo was my ally in this fact. I pick up the folder with her information again and look at the same photo that left me perplexed when I saw her for the first time. Since when did I see myself like this for a woman? Not even with Carla was it like this... I take a deep breath, leaving the photo on my desk and try not to scream another curse. At first, when I returned to Brazil, I had clear reasons and a right thing to do. But since life loves to play tricks, when I realized everything, my sister had already suffered an accident and lost part of her memory, and worse, I couldn't keep her from being close to her husband, who was my best friend, and was even capable of betraying her, also being the one to blame for the accident. If I returned, it was to tell my sister about what I found out about her husband, but in the end, a mess took over all of us. For now, we just hope that she gets better and her memory returns, so that she can decide what to do with her life. And me? For the first time, I want to be able to truly take care of my sister, truly protect her, stop being a selfish piece of shit. A soft knock on the door makes me sigh and I lean back against my chair. "Come in." The door opens, and the woman who drives me crazy enters. Doesn't she realize what she does to me? Ever since I saw her in person, I've been waiting for some look, some hint of interest. But on the contrary, Sophie seems completely oblivious to me. As if I were invisible to her. I always wonder why I never saw her on the trips I made to Brazil and on the many times I came to company parties or even meetings, but I could never really understand it. I know that if I had seen her, she would have caught my attention. - Mr. Lourenzinni, here are the papers you asked for. - she says, calmly as always, and places a folder on my desk. - Do you need anything else? - she asks, but doesn't look at me, looking slightly anywhere in the room, except at me. - Look at me, Sophie. - I ask, saying her name for the first time. I like the way it comes out of my lips. She blinks, I think she's surprised by my request, but then she lifts her chin and looks at me. Her brown eyes are a little hesitant, but I can't understand anything else about her. Besides, she's beautiful, completely. - Is there a problem, sir? - she asks and I shake my head. - You can leave. - I say, and she nods, leaving the room immediately. I wish I could have controlled myself, but I used my usual harsh tone with her. Why does she do this to me? It seems that at any moment I am near her, noticing her indifference, I will explode. I think that is why I cannot treat her well, at least wish her a good morning. This woman moves me in a way that no other woman has ever managed to do. But I do not know how to move on, at least not for now. For now, I am concentrating on work. However, knowing that the woman who drives me crazy is just a few steps away only makes everything worse. I am lost. Months later Sophie I stare at the computer screen, while I try to control the frustration I feel. I read and reread what is written on the screen, and I feel like correcting the meaning of dictator in the dictionary itself. One of the meanings is missing: Daniel Lourenzinni. I have never been one to get stressed or even suffer because of something at work, but since the day I was called to go to my boss's
snort to myself and close my door. I go to my chair and throw myself into it, unable to think straight anymore. My life has become a mess, and a large part of it is the fault of a woman who doesn't even notice my looks at her. Ever since I saw her photo and her resume, when I looked for an employee at the company to be my personal assistant for a while, I find myself unable to control myself. Her brown eyes, which further highlight her dark skin, the color of sin, and a weak white smile, which she almost never shows, but her photo was my ally in this fact. I pick up the folder with her information again and look at the same photo that left me perplexed when I saw her for the first time. Since when did I see myself like this for a woman? Not even with Carla was it like this... I take a deep breath, leaving the photo on my desk and try not to scream another curse. At first, when I returned to Brazil, I had clear reasons and a right thing to do. But since life loves to play tricks, when I realized everything, my sister had already suffered an accident and lost part of her memory, and worse, I couldn't keep her from being close to her husband, who was my best friend, and was even capable of betraying her, also being the one to blame for the accident. If I returned, it was to tell my sister about what I found out about her husband, but in the end, a mess took over all of us. For now, we just hope that she gets better and her memory returns, so that she can decide what to do with her life. And me? For the first time, I want to be able to truly take care of my sister, truly protect her, stop being a selfish piece of shit. A soft knock on the door makes me sigh and I lean back against my chair. "Come in." The door opens, and the woman who drives me crazy enters. Doesn't she realize what she does to me? Ever since I saw her in person, I've been waiting for some look, some hint of interest. But on the contrary, Sophie seems completely oblivious to me. As if I were invisible to her. I always wonder why I never saw her on the trips I made to Brazil and on the many times I came to company parties or even meetings, but I could never really understand it. I know that if I had seen her, she would have caught my attention. - Mr. Lourenzinni, here are the papers you asked for. - she says, calmly as always, and places a folder on my desk. - Do you need anything else? - she asks, but doesn't look at me, looking slightly anywhere in the room, except at me. - Look at me, Sophie. - I ask, saying her name for the first time. I like the way it comes out of my lips. She blinks, I think she's surprised by my request, but then she lifts her chin and looks at me. Her brown eyes are a little hesitant, but I can't understand anything else about her. Besides, she's beautiful, completely. - Is there a problem, sir? - she asks and I shake my head. - You can leave. - I say, and she nods, leaving the room immediately. I wish I could have controlled myself, but I used my usual harsh tone with her. Why does she do this to me? It seems that at any moment I am near her, noticing her indifference, I will explode. I think that is why I cannot treat her well, at least wish her a good morning. This woman moves me in a way that no other woman has ever managed to do. But I do not know how to move on, at least not for now. For now, I am concentrating on work. However, knowing that the woman who drives me crazy is just a few steps away only makes everything worse. I am lost. Chapter 1 Months later Sophie I stare at the computer screen, while I try to control the frustration I feel. I read and reread what is written on the screen, and I feel like correcting the meaning of dictator in the dictionary itself. One of the meanings is missing: Daniel Lourenzinni. I have never been one to get stressed or even suffer because of something at work, but since the day I was called to go to my boss's office, that has changed. I immediately thought it was Mr. Gutterman, but as soon as they showed me to the room next to his and I looked into the clearest honey-colored eyes I had ever seen, I knew it wasn't him. Ever since I was a receptionist
COALESCENCE OF THE FIVE SERIES BOOK ONE: THE 5-TIME REJECTED GAMMA & THE LYCAN KING BOOK TWO: THE ROGUES WHO WENT ROGUE BOOK THREE: THE INDOMITABLE HUNTRESS & THE HARDENED DUKE *** BOOK ONE: After being rejected by 5 mates, Gamma Lucianne pleaded with the Moon Goddess to spare her from any further mate-bonds. To her dismay, she is being bonded for the sixth time. What’s worse is that her sixth-chance mate is the most powerful creature ruling over all werewolves and Lycans - the Lycan King himself. She is certain, dead certain, that a rejection would come sooner or later, though she hopes for it to be sooner. King Alexandar was ecstatic to meet his bonded mate, and couldn’t thank their Goddess enough for gifting him someone so perfect. However, he soon realizes that this gift is reluctant to accept him, and more than willing to sever their bond. He tries to connect with her but she seems so far away. He is desperate to get intimate with her but she seems reluctant to open up to him. He tries to tell her that he is willing to commit to her for the rest of his life but she doesn’t seem to believe him. He is pleading for a chance: a chance to get to know her; a chance to show her that he’s different; and a chance to love her. But when not-so-subtle crushes, jealous suitors, self-entitled Queen-wannabes, an old flame, a silent protector and a past wedding engagement threaten to jeopardize their relationship, will Lucianne and Xandar still choose to be together? Is their love strong enough to overcome everything and everyone? Or will Lucianne resort to enduring a sixth rejection from the one person she thought she could entrust her heart with?
Despite being an illegitimate daughter, Lena bore a striking resemblance to the young lady of the Evans family. Faced with their threats, she was forced to take her half-sister’s place and marry Dylan. As an act of defiance, Lena seduced Dylan night after night, until she had him completely wrapped around her finger. Using his affections to her advantage, she set out to undermine the Evans family. Over time, Dylan began to notice something odd about his beloved wife...
"Miss Brown, I am the butler here at your service," the butler replied. "My master wants to buy the baby in your belly." "What?!" Does that mean the abortion didn't take place? Did they kidnap her from the operating table just to buy the baby? But why her? "You..." Alice was about to ask a question, but the man in front of her calmly continued, as if he had expected her question, "You're pregnant with his child, and he needs a child. That's all I can tell you." Alice was forced to sign a surrogacy contract and eight months later gave birth to two healthy babies. Fortunately, the man was unaware of her daughter's existence. It wasn't until five years later that fate brought them together again...
They don't know I'm a girl. They all look at me and see a boy. A prince. Their kind purchase humans like me for their lustful desires. And, when they stormed into our kingdom to buy my sister, I intervened to protect her. I made them take me too. The plan was to escape with my sister whenever we found a chance. How was I to know our prison would be the most fortified place in their kingdom? I was supposed to be on the sidelines. The one they had no real use for. The one they never meant to buy. But then, the most important person in their savage land-their ruthless beast king-took an interest in the "pretty little prince." How do we survive in this brutal kingdom, where everyone hates our kind and shows us no mercy? And how does someone, with a secret like mine, become a lust slave? . AUTHOR'S NOTE. This is a dark romance-dark, mature content. Highly rated 18+ Expect triggers, expect hardcore. If you're a seasoned reader of this genre, looking for something different, prepared to go in blindly not knowing what to expect at every turn, but eager to know more anyway, then dive in! . From the author of the international bestselling book: "The Alpha King's Hated Slave."
Corinne devoted three years of her life to her boyfriend, only for it to all go to waste. He saw her as nothing more than a country bumpkin and left her at the altar to be with his true love. After getting jilted, Corinne reclaimed her identity as the granddaughter of the town’s richest man, inherited a billion-dollar fortune, and ultimately rose to the top. But her success attracted the envy of others, and people constantly tried to bring her down. As she dealt with these troublemakers one by one, Mr. Hopkins, notorious for his ruthlessness, stood by and cheered her on. “Way to go, honey!”
Rosalynn's marriage to Brian wasn't what she envisioned it to be. Her husband, Brian, barely came home. He avoided her like a plague. Worse still, he was always in the news for dating numerous celebrities. Rosalynn persevered until she couldn't take it anymore. She upped and left after filing for a divorce. Everything changed days later. Brian took interest in a designer that worked for his company anonymously. From her profile, he could tell that she was brilliant and dazzling. He pulled the stops to find out her true identity. Little did he know that he was going to receive the greatest shocker of his life. Brian bit his finger with regret when he recalled his past actions and the woman he foolishly let go.