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Mafia's Dark secret obsession

Mafia's Dark secret obsession

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He never imagined he would fall in love, especially not with the daughter of his enemy! She never imagined that writing an article about the enigmatic Tomas Charl could lead her into a world of danger. With a reputation as a wealthy businessman, he masked a far darker truth-he was the head of a mafia organization. Her intentions were pure, driven by a strong moral compass and the hope that love could change him. She envisioned a future where they could leave his criminal life behind, unaware that she was already entangled in his web. "How dare you enter my room without permission?" she stammered, disbelief washing over her as she instinctively shielded herself. He closed the door and locked it, the click echoing ominously. Stepping closer, he invaded her personal space, the rhythm of her racing heart palpable in the silence. With a predatory whisper, he leaned in, "I can do as I please. This is my house, and everything in it, including you, is mine." He captured her lips in a forceful kiss, leaving her breathless and confused.

Chapter 1 1

Mr. Tomas Charl.

I arrived at my office early that day to organize some documents before my upcoming trip to sign a partnership contract with a multinational company. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I looked up and said, "Yes, please come in."

To my surprise, it was Carl. I couldn't believe it. I asked him, "Where's the new private secretary? Can't you do what I asked you to do from the start?" I was shocked and frustrated, but Carl blinked at me as if he had never heard those words before.

Out of frustration, I let out a loud groan mixed with annoyance. Carl approached my desk and explained, "Mr. Tomas, you have had many secretaries. Why do you need a new one? You've hired several in the past, only to fire them without a valid reason after less than a month." He said this as if I didn't already know. After all, I'm the one who hires and fires, so I'm well aware of what happens.

I stared at him blankly, and he cautiously continued, "I understand why you do this, but you're a powerful billionaire. Your reputation is important. You can't keep changing secretaries because-" Carl, being the manager of my company and my right-hand man on the board, was complaining. However, I cut him off abruptly.

"Shut up! Stop bothering me! I need a new secretary, and she must be attractive, sexy, and have a curvy figure," I firmly commanded him, imagining how she would look. Yes, I was extremely picky. After all, I would have to see my assistant's face every morning. So why should I spend a large amount of money on someone who is plain or average?

Carl looked worried and began to plead, "But why?! Please reconsider. Choose any of the employees from our company. People are talking about you, calling you 'Mr. T the Womanizer.' It's not good at all. Your actions could impact share prices in the market!" He frowned with concern.

"I'm Tomas Charl, for goodness' sake! I'm a billionaire, a powerful man. Why should I care about gossip? And why should I listen to your advice? I have more money than anyone in this country, even more than the president. I should enjoy every penny and every minute of my life! Do as I say, Carl, and don't bother me with nonsense!" I exclaimed, hitting my knuckles angrily on my large mahogany desk in disagreement with his opinions.

"But... Sir," Carl stuttered.

"Do it. I have to travel soon to sign this new contract. You have to stay here and choose someone for me, for a change. I'll depend on you," I pointed my finger at his face, giving him this assignment.

"But don't you think this time we should choose someone ordinary? Maybe a smart recent college graduate?" Carl raised an eyebrow, questioning me.

"What would I do with an intelligent secretary? Huh? I want her to be sexy, with a nice figure and a slim waist; full of energy and good health, with a charming smile. After all, she'll be by my side all the time," I commanded Carl.

"In that case, we should hire a model, Mr. Tomas," Carl scoffed.

I shot him a menacing look. "Too many questions, Carl. It's not funny. Do I need to fire you? I need a sexy secretary who can also satisfy me in bed. As you said, I need to protect my reputation and avoid scandals. Got it?" I threatened Carl harshly, but deep down, I knew I couldn't and wouldn't fire him-he meant a lot to me.

"Now, get out and bring me a hot cup of coffee and a cigar. I need to finish this paper and prepare for the contract," I said confidently without looking back at him.

"Okay, Mr. Tomas," Carl nodded politely.

Carl left the office, and I noticed a newspaper among the papers on my desk with my picture on the front page. Curiously, I opened the article to read it.

**"A man named Tomas Charl. Do you know him? Have you heard this name? Yes, for sure, even if you are not interested in investments or are not wealthy, you must have heard it on TV shows or in scandalous articles! He is a billionaire who enjoys life with his endless money.**

**He is Tomas Charl, known for being a womanizer, ruthless, rude, and heartless. He is one of the most powerful people in the country and ranks as the second richest person in the world. But in reality, he could be number one. Of course, a man like him doesn't keep all of his money in the bank!**

**But who is he? He was the sole heir of his family. Years ago, his family owned many companies, but they tragically passed away in a plane crash. Until now, nobody knows the truth about that accident. Everyone thinks his parents were intentionally killed, but why would someone want to harm a businessman and his wife? It's strange, especially since his father wasn't that wealthy; he was just a normal millionaire.**

**After his parents passed away, Mr. Carl, a member of the board and Tomas Charl's father's best friend, took care of Tomas. At the time, Tomas was only 18 years old. Mr. Carl raised him and taught him everything he knows about business. He never left Tomas' side, guiding him every step of the way until Tomas graduated.**

**Once Tomas obtained his MBA, he took over his father's business and completely transformed it. He expanded the company from five to hundreds of companies in less than ten years, creating his own empire under his family name. It's impressive, but there are still unanswered questions. How did he achieve all of this at such a young age? Could he be involved in illegal activities?**

**The main idea is that Tomas worked hard to surpass Mr. Carl. As they say, the student may one day surpass the teacher. And it seems he did just that, to the point where he treats Mr. Carl like an office boy with no emotions. This man has gone beyond limits! Who can control a person who controls the world?**

**Why does everyone idolize him? He has been involved in hundreds of scandals with wealthy women and famous celebrities! Why? Simply because he is rich, handsome, and powerful? How shallow! They chase him everywhere, hoping to have a relationship with him. How bizarre!**

**But I am thankful that I am not one of those superficial women! Thank God I still have my integrity and a functioning brain! I dislike wealthy people, but I despise Tomas Charl more than anyone. He is selfish and heartless.**

**Why doesn't the government investigate Mr. Tomas Charl? Is he untouchable just because he is one of the elite in this country? Who can I ask for answers?"**

This article was written by Jennifer.

After finishing the article, I felt overwhelmed with anger. I clenched my fists and shouted for Carl, who quickly came to my door.

"What is this, Carl?!" I grabbed the newspaper and threw it on the floor, glaring at him.

"Um, have you read the article? It's..." Carl stammered, avoiding eye contact and nervously fidgeting with his fingers.

"Who is this person, and how dare she write such a horrible article?! Find out who she is, now!" I exclaimed, commanding Carl.

"Okay, Mr. Tomas. But please calm down. We can take care of it once you return," Carl suggested, knowing very well my temper. He even thought I might burn down the entire newspaper in my anger.

"Don't tell me what to do. Find out who she is and call the owner of the newspaper. Put him on the phone with me," I commanded Carl, seething with anger and feeling the urge to lash out.

A few seconds later, Carl informed me, "Mr. Tomas, the owner is on the phone." I put it on speaker.

"Mr. Tomas, I'm glad you called. It's an honor," the owner began, but I cut him off with a scream. "Shut up! How dare you publish something about me?! Do you want to be ruined or bankrupted? I could have you jailed for life! Do you understand? What do you think you're doing?!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tomas. It's not my fault. The writer acted on her own without going through the editing department. I will punish her for it. Please forgive me," the owner explained, pleading for forgiveness.

"You're talking nonsense! What punishment? Do you think that's enough? Fire this girl immediately, or I will harm your family and leave you penniless and homeless. Do you hear me, or would you like me to repeat it? Also, publish a front-page apology," I shouted repeatedly before hanging up and throwing the phone on the floor, screaming in frustration.

"Carl, find this girl. She will work for me as a personal secretary. I have to travel for work, and I want her in a couple of days. No more delays. You have to find her!" I smirked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"But Mr. Tomas, what if she doesn't accept the offer? Judging from the article she wrote about you, it's clear that she despises you and will refuse to work for you. And what if she isn't attractive? You want a secretary who is sexy and beautiful," Carl explained. However, there was no turning back. I had made up my mind, and everyone had to comply. That was just who I was.

"First, Carl, everyone has a price. So do your job and find her. I don't care how! Just do it! Offer her a generous salary to work for me, and make her sign a contract," I said, pausing briefly.

"Second, Carl, even if she isn't good-looking, I still want her next to me. I will make her life a living hell!" I gritted my teeth.

And yes, even if she were a monkey... I would have her crawling beneath me, becoming my personal servant. I would ruin her life and make her beg for mercy, but I wouldn't give her any.

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