img Tom Sawyer, Detective  /  Chapter 8 TALKING WITH THE GHOST | 72.73%
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Word Count: 1800    |    Released on: 27/11/2017

ry cheerful

ut without talking; Benny she looked like she hadn't had much sleep, and whenever she'd lift her head a little and steal a look towards her father you could see there was tears in her eyes; and as

uld Marse Silas please-He was looking at Uncle Silas, and he stopped there, like the rest of his words was froze; for Uncle Silas he rose up shaky and steadied himself leaning his fingers on the

him-" Then he sunk down in his chair limp and weak, and

king like a person that was dying. None of us could budge; but Benny she slid around soft, with her tears running down, and stood by his side, and nestled his old g

e and everything was so peaceful and happy and everybody thought so much of Uncle Silas, and he was so cheerful and simple-hearte

and lovelier the trees and flowers got to be and the more it seemed strange and somehow wrong that there had to be trouble in such a world

jumped back behind a bus

n't make

I dasn't budge by myself. He said we mightn't ever get another chance to see one, and he was going to look his fill at this o

ertain about-its hair. It's not long now the way it was: it's got it cropped close to its head,

says; "I'd recogn

ly solid and genuwyne, just t

azing. Pretty

about this one, don't you know? IT oug

never heard the

ou mark my words. I don't believe it's got any right to be around in the daytime. But don't it look natural! Jake was going to

o! If you was to holler a

holler at it. Look, Huck, it's a-


t anything there to itch; its head is made out of fog or something

h, what in the nation is it scratching it f

his one acts. I've a blame good notion it's a bogus one-I

t's the ma


It's as solid as a cow.

ker! By George, THEY don't chaw-they h


t all. It's Jake Du


e find any corpse


sign o


n. Hadn't ever bee

you know

and we took it for a ghost. No more ghost than you are. It was Jake Dunlap his own self, and it's Jake Dunlap now. He's been and got his hair cr

d which he would like the best-for us to never let on to know him, or how? Tom reckoned the best way would be to go and ask him. So h

ll be safer for you if we don't let on to know you when we run across you, say the word and you'll see y

as Tom went on he looked pleasanter, and when he was done he smiled, and

," the way deef

rson's people coming that lived t'ot

n us same as the others; it'll keep you in practice and prevent you making blunders. We'll keep a

hat humans always asks when a stranger comes, and animals does, too. But Tom said he warn't able to make anything out of deef and dumb signs, and the same with goo-gooing. Then we watched them go and bullyrag Jake; because we was pretty uneasy for him. Tom said it would take him days to get so he w

ome to getting killed, that I couldn't seem to get over it, and Tom he felt the same, but sai

come across the new deef and dummy and told the rest; so all the scholars was chuck full of him and couldn't talk about anything else,

ll we knowed; but after all, it was still more heroic to keep mum, there warn't two boys in a million

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