img Tom Sawyer, Detective  /  Chapter 10 THE ARREST OF UNCLE SILAS | 90.91%
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Word Count: 1179    |    Released on: 27/11/2017

an up and got him into his chair, and Benny petted him and kissed him and tried to comfort him, and poor old Aunt Sally she done the same;

e trouble than ever, and maybe it wouldn't ever happened if he hadn't been so ambitious to get celebrated,

word like that. It's dangerous, and

hey said the same; but the old man he wagged his head sorrowf

; poor Jubite

his mind and grabbed up a stick and hit him over the head with all his might, and Jubiter dropped in his tracks. Then he was scared and sorry, and got down on his knees and lifted his head up, and begged him to speak and say

ittle spurt of strength, and of course it soon played out and he laid

er and the mark of Cain was on him, and he had disgraced his

. You DIDN'T kill him. ONE lick woul

se. Who else had anything against him? W

mless no-account, but of course it warn't no use-he HAD us; we couldn't say a word. He noticed that, and he sa

somebody BURIE

ng Uncle Silas to keep mum, and the rest of us done the same, and said he MUST, and said it wasn't his business to tell on himself, and if he kept mum nobody would ever know; but if it was found out and any harm come to him it would break the family's hearts and kill them, and yet never do anybody any good. So at last he promised. We was all of us more comfortable,

s might and every way he can think of-at his own expense, all the time; always been loved by everybody, and respected; always been peaceable and minding

I arrest you for the murder of Jubiter

him, and Aunt Sally said go away, she wouldn't ever give him up, they shouldn't have him, and the niggers they come

ark night getting him out of there, Huck, and it'll be talked about everywheres and we will be celebrated;" but the old man busted that scheme up the minute he whispered to him about it. He said no, it was his du

this game and fetch Uncle Silas out innocent; and she was very loving to him and thanked him and said she knowed he would do his very best. And she told us to help Benny take care o

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