mp out of bed; and it is a good plan to take plenty of time to do this, unless you are already late for breakfast or school. It starts your heart to beating and your lungs to breathing
ur blood, pouring out gases and a watery vapor that we call perspiration, or sweat; and these impurities have been caught by the sheets and blankets. So after a bed has been slept in for four or five nights, if it has not been thrown well open in the morning, it begins to have a stuffy, foul, sourish smell. You can see from this why it is a b
f your nightdress, or turn it down to your waist and tie it there with the sleeves, and go
ils of a windmill; first both together, then on
f you, and swing them backward until the b
and then smartly bend your elbows so that you almost strike yours
full length, across you
ur arms stretched out, until the t
g forward and downward again, until yo
he muscles along the front of your body on the stretch; and then swing down again between your ankles. This will help to tone