img A Little Girl in Old St. Louis  /  Chapter 9 PRISONERS | 40.91%
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Word Count: 6142    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

up from their desultory enjoyment. They were pouring down in what

the fort! Keep at the edg

he could have saved herself, but she would not leave the child. They had

gave a wild shriek and the next instant stumbled ove

anding still in terror, the flying cro

er spring back. Were both killed

eding head and pressed it to her bosom. "Oh, he has been

edge of the wood to hide him. But suddenly she was violently wrenched away, and an Indian with a hand hold of each began to run w

treaties. Renée was crying in a desperate fashion, from both fright and fa

laimed, "as you have al

prisoners were being brought in this direction, and among them Mère L

God help us. They are trying to take the

mahawks, now and then goaded by a light blow that would not disable.

ws, the sound of the river fell on their ears mingled with the home

eyed to the opposite shore. Here they were bound together, two and two, with their hands fas

ade, drew away sullenly and began to march toward the rendezvous, leaving some of their own badly wounded behind. It was midnight before they rejoined the others. Then,

girls, and now they huddled together in

e they will take us?"

"They will go up the Illi

follow?" in a low, despera

cold lips and there was no warmth. But for the sweet child I should have begged them to kill me too, so

not despair," and her lips wer

pirit for the child's sake." He

One moment she said to herself that he could not be dead, the next his white face and half-closed, dulled eyes were against her breast. She felt as if she must shriek and tear her hair, but there was the Indian's self-control, and the thought of her companions who might be made to suffer for her.

hwood, and disembarked, pulling in the boats and canoes. There was a sort of trodden path through the wild shrubbery, and tangled

Renée in affright, clutching Waw

shook h

clearing, an Indian settlement, with wigwams and a space planted with corn. Women were moving about over their fires, children playing or stretched out in the sun. Skins were t

hollow-cheeked and wrinkled to the last degree. From his attire and his head-d

brothers. We have gathered in the remnant of our tribe, we have few young braves among us, we are

. We have been led astray by a white chief who promised us much plunder, but the town was too strong for us. He has gone south

ty. The thing they would most have liked was whiskey, but

née. "Do you know where they mean to t

are going fa

Still, they were fed abundantly and some provisions given the party. They reembarked late in the afternoon and made their way d

arrels and disputes. A number of them were tired of having the prisoners to feed, and had changed their minds about going n

n who would be useful in the capacity of slaves, one half-breed woman who had astuteness enough

rst put on the boat. Then Wawataysee and the child. Mè

d, struggling with her captor

d out in the stream. Then Wawataysee saw what had happened and half rose, cryin

We cannot do

down on her seat and u

hey do with her?

and comfort her. But she felt strangely defenceless. The half-breed she mistrusted. If there could be some

they reached another settlement, not as orderly or inviting as that of Chief Neepawa. Still, they were glad of a re

r the two girls. They were bound at night and

is prisoners to some advantage, to make up in part for the ill-advised raid on St. Louis. There were many roving Indians about whose tribes had been decimated by war

cked up. She understood nearly all that her captors said and thus held them at a disadvantage, but she could not learn what Elk Horn's plans were, if indeed he had any certain ones. She admitted that she h

rm, the kisses on her forehead, for the awful, desperate want of the other kisses, the other clasp. And oh, how strong the longing was at ti

race to know the danger. Ah, why had the great All-Father allowed any human beings to become such fiends? Up in h

e, keep with her, befriend her, try

y adoption. If they could only get back! Why should the

wataysee could see that she softened, and once she asked

ere were wild animals. And they might not get a canoe. They had no money. Still, she would escape if they could and pray to the good God to keep

prisoners as well. One, a young fellow, strolled about with evident curiosity, and came upon the girls in a leafy covert near

ot know your way anywhere. Then you might be beaten when you were captured, and

of the other captives were English and they had convers

and started with a little cry.

language that sounded so sweet to me. I am French. I come from Detroit. But we fell

returned Wawataysee, with a s

ad meant to go there. I have

d found a friend. "He comes in my uncle's shop; and

e companions in adversity, both

her head. "We do

y, another to-morrow. I do not think they know themselves. Black Feather is chief of the gang. Now and then they quarrel. He killed two

ether!" and Wawataysee's beauti

ut with her bead

e," she said. "You have n

ll say adieu," and bowing, he disappeared in the shrubb

woman looked fro

he chief is Black Feather. But t

as if she knew t

their whiskey. They would start the next morning. The wo

ysee regretfully. Yet they would be in the comp

ry step, the poise of the head, had a touch of familiarity. Ah, yes! and the name. The pretty Firefly had been taken away from the strai

command of this. Black Feather gathered his small force together, and his boatload of treasur

certain that this girl would prove a treasure to him

omes from St. Louis. Who was her father? for she

ieve she married a trader and

some of the

ave you been smitt

d, but his face

or the night and procee

Frenchman, Marchand, married her. He was ki

ill buy her of you. L

ttle one?"

beauty, according to pale-face ideas. B

not exactly thought of selling her, though it was often done with female captives. He had two wives now, and di

lent and headstrong. Half breeds were not as tractable as Indian women. And they were no

not part them. You can spare a tr

ugged his shoulde

some other chief. I think of one farther up in the Illinois country. But

fying than any future gain. For the present was the great thing to the Indian's improvident nature. And so Black Feather made h

inspection. Then he called his men and stealthily manned his own boats. He judged rightly that Elk Horn would not leave

length. "Here is your portion-b

looked at the goods and they seemed magnified

s early,"

ill have everything prepared for my brother. But I wish you to rouse the two captives an

to her new master. He felt his part had been

ff without breakfast. The canoes were already out in the river.

the Indian girl aske

y, in a thick, guttura

upon Valbonais, who greeted her with a joyous expression. Had he been handed ov

rs in the camp, having been kept in seclusion, and it also being her choice. Now a chill of terror ran over her. Noting the aspect

" asked Renée. "And we

know," t

Elk Horn st

a curious lif

t there is the young man who came and talked to us. Oh, Wawataysee, s


hungry. And I am s

moment the Indian girl grew more terrified. True,

velet dazzled in strange colors. They passed great plains where grass grew rank and waved in the wind like ano

and the boat swerved in toward the shore, grating a little on the pebbly beach. The other one in advance turne

merry lilt, and they gave each other greeting. The shadows began to grow longer and a reviving fragrance was wafted over from the shore edge. There were fields abloom with gay

e chief-Wawataysee knew he was that by his dress and a long black feather stuck through the topknot of hair-turned to her.

t he handed them both out of the boat with a firm grasp on the arm of each, and led them to the smaller

be well guarded," with a cruel little smile. "S

o sign of

rother's anger was kindled against you when you made him break his word, when you ran off with a vile Frenchman. If you could have been found jus

"I have been wedded a year by a priest, and the Great Manitou will call down vengeance up

hall double my price when the Chief Pamuss

ox at home. Her husband had given it to her. If

n a tone of triumph. "Your white lord

t tone. "And then some more blankets," glancing disdainfully at the pile of boughs. "Yo

l. He stared at her, and his fingers worked as if he would like

and that to secure good treatment she must put on the boldness of the soldier

d guards shall be set to keep yo

raid of the wild beasts of the forests. And I would like some sleep

desperation. "He was so fierce I thought he would

up north, unless the Great Manitou or the pitying Virgin listens to our


ars, that something will intervene. Elk Horn has dealt treacherously, after the fashion

en. Do you remember the old Chief Neepawa and the w

sh we wer

at had been trimmed for that purpose, and the young girl leaned against it, watching the flicker of the fire without and the pine torches that had been lighted. Courageous as she had appeared, every pulse shrank

est fury. Were there cries of beast and men mingled with it? The deluge seemed to sweep the ground, the trees writhed and groaned and crashed in the fury of the gale. In the intervals she could hear voices without. Presently the flashes of bewil

ed it. The rain was pouring in torrents. There at her feet lay a body, the leggings and deer-skin breeches ploughed by a curious zigzag streak, scorched and torn, and the bla

e nearer. "Ma'm'selle!

he sweetest music. She

Others have gone. Three are dead. One is drowned

g breath. Did she

lackness something fearful save when the blinding blaze of light came. He was there ordering, cursing, threatening. Then a

see shu

" in a breat

ith eage

There never can be a

she cried in a

dared and would trust me. For if I have heard aright, you are to be

I know a swift, unfailing poison

f-horrified, half

be weeks before Black Feather is able to move about. We would follow the river as well as we could, keeping out of sight if the other boats come up,

start now-i

plan all the arrangements. Just now you are not a close

. The eyes had an honest, pleading look. "I will trust

gwam and bound up his bruised limbs, finding that one leg only was broken. Black Feather had tabooed the company of women on these journeys, and had a half-breed that he

child are safe," he comm

the storm. Both they and t

the camp some distance, leaving it there with the gun. He had been v

boats were dragged up so as to be within sight, and two or three of the Indians were kept busy about

e to the door

the tent when you can do so unperceived. Then wrap yourself in the other and

presently and

uis?" she asked in a whisper, wh

will not be afraid to stay here. Do not utter

e to comfort her. Then he saw Wawataysee struggling through a

lap down with a stout stick, so they may think I am asleep. Oh, let us hurry. I

blanket, while Wawataysee wrapped the other about herself, the gray making her more indistinct. Renée, wild

mpede her skimming motion. The sense of danger and the thought of freedom inspired her, and hope swell

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