img The Motor Boys on the Pacific; Or, the Young Derelict Hunters  /  Chapter 2 A DESPERATE RACE | 6.67%
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Word Count: 2315    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

ather surprised at his conduct, stood staring at him, "well, why don

u with such a rush," apolo

e blood's all runnin' out of 'em, an' they feel as if they was goin' to sleep. That

t this?" asked Jerry, hand

agent exclaimed, reading the message. "Co

how they had ship

ailroad I am agent for," said Mr. Hitter, after readin

asked Bob. "We wan

make a claim, submit affidavits, go before a notary public and a whole lot of rig-ma-role, but I guess, in the end yo

the boys many favors and they wished to return them, so he was

ow to write a letter to the claim department of the Florida C

l freight agent. He's a friend of mine, and we have business dealings together-that is his road a

be it will hurry matters up. We'r

are," chimed i

it would take some days, and they did not expect an answer in less than a week, while Mr. Hitter told

sted Jerry one afternoon, early in September, about a week before school was to open. "Let's take a li

l stay at a hotel where

s first idea-something to eat. I've been w

barn back of his home, but, since the advent of the motor boat, had not seen much service,

ay need some repairs. It got pretty hard usage, espe

the engine, the car was in good shape. It was in running order and, at Bob's suggestion, they

d a sudden "Honk-honk!" that startled them. Jerry, who was at the

they could tell by the throbbing of the engine. It almost grazed the mudguards of the machine in which the three boys were, and

e!" remarked Jerry, as

-cylinder car. Bur-r-r-r! If she'd hit us-" He

red. It would be ready for them the next day, the man said, and

bout a hundred miles away. "The season is just about to close t

," finished Ned. "All r

uldn't have to hurry. We could stay there a couple of days, making little side strips,

the boys, early the next day, started off on their journey. It was a short one, compared t

for there had been an automobile meet the day previous, including a big race, and several lovers of the sport still remained, for the weath

d Jerry, as he and his chums entered the hotel to register.

er of the stout youth. "They'll have al

e likes," declared Ned. "No us

I'm hungry enough to

a youth, about their own age, standing near a bulletin board fastened on the side wall. The y

! What's he

e motor boys, saw them. His face got red, and he swu

y the government authorities, in connection with the attempted wreck of a vessel, in which Bill Berry was concerned; but, after the motor boys had rescued Noddy from an unpleasant position in Florid

put up," suggested Ned. "M

enge. It was to the effect that he would race, on the track near the hotel, any automobilist w

ed Ned. "His old one couldn't go fo

ng into his eyes. "I'd like to have a race. Maybe several cars will enter, and

d Bob. "I'm with you. But le

be any left," remarked Jerry. "Bu

hotel, they saw several men readi

as the boys passed him. "It's very risky! The turns are not banked

s race," responded the othe

His father made a lot of money in stocks lately, and, I

er. There was talk of nothing but automobile topics in the hotel corridors and office that evening. Many motorists w

he challenge,"

anything to do with

e have to do is register our names, and the name of the car. It's an informa

lated there must be four passengers in each car it would necessitate the motor

ry and Bob went out in their car to try the course. When they were half way around it they heard a car coming behind them.

s in it!"

" ask

hat's his car, we

y. "Still, I'm not going to give up now. He's got a ne

speedy as Noddy's new machine, there was no talk of dropping out on the part of those who had entere

y popular with the other autoists. He had several young men with him, and they made thi

rah-rah' boys," sa

r their car, making some adjustments, and seeing that the tires were in good shape. Alm

dangerous," he said, "I'm not going to take

d. Noddy's car seemed the finest of the six that lined up at the starting

d contemptuo

ing chains on," he remarked to Je

omebody before we get throu

d one of Noddy's companions. "You'll thi

ent later, a white puff of smoke was seen hovering above the uplifted revolver of the starter. Then came a sharp crack, and the panting ma

ontest, was on, and, with eager eyes th

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