t chum, at home, and told h
ried Ned. "Come
said Jerry. "He
t moment, walking along the
he opened the door while his
was going to sit out here? Of course I'm coming in. What's the mat
're in lower California-we're going-I mean the
op!" cried Bob, holding
little excited,
ed Bob. "Are you all done?" and he caut
Jerry," said Ned, an
said Bob, reflectively. "But there
d decided the only thing to do was
sigh. "Winter is the best tim
es, they could not go for several months, the boys spent an hour o
would be to hire a motor boat and cruise along the Pacific coast. "Don't
k about school.
"I say-hello, there's the postm
carrying a letter, the envelope
m who it is by openin
addressed to my father, but, down in one corner it
sted Bob. "This is a case of
don't recogni
," calle
he read, he uttered
y, and one of you may be away from home. You remember the last I saw of you and your chums (this part is for Ned) was in Florida. There I secured the rare butterfly I was looking for, and, through that success I was able to obtain a posi
xclaimed Bob. "For the lo
rry. "I guess the fates w
achian' anything like a m
d toad. I must get several fine specimens, and I thought you boys might be making another trip, and could
xclaimed Bob, more forcibly than elegantly
s by not being with Profess
eabury family,"
aimed Ned. "And sc
whistle out in the street a
," said Ned. "I wo
t to t
carrier. "It got out of place in my bundle, and I did
f Education," he murmured, as he looked at the printing in the upp
cular. As he re-entered the room where
is!" he calle
old one are broken. It has been decided to replace it at once, and, as it will be necessary to do considerable work about the building, thereby interfering wit
nother circular, which will be sent out as soon as the building is in proper shape. The faculty earnestly recommends that all pupils apply themselves diligently to their studies du
!" yel
after the fashion of
exclaimed Jerry. "A m
Professor Snodgrass, and help hi
ted Jerry. "Oh, boys, this is simply imme