ed Amy. "Don't you d
ly put my hand on his big bla
e of the boat. Betty had turned about at their exclamation
e announced, unbelievingly. "Ar
re's one now, just ahead of you
time. Certainly something long and knobby and black was al
thing but a log, Grace
e sort. I tell you I
e of the big creatures, though," said
eat us-here in the
apsized us, and then-" G
ke our lunch, and have a picnic ashore. See the lovely Spanish moss hanging down from the trees. It's
n who located Florida," corrected Moll
was. Well
or Girls
ere's an alligator, surely. It's a
eemed to be covered with scales and ridges-something that suddenly turned up
its tail, the creature
n alligator," sa
nd to think I nearly had my hand on
ite you," said p
tty. "Now let's forget all about it and enjoy ourselves
nyhow?" came from Amy, as she resumed her
ollie. "What would we do for valises and satch
so," adm
ough to see if any more of the ugly creatures were in
o, she turned the boat and headed up stream. They passed a number of small boats, manned by colored boys who were fi
r at the foot of the orange grove, well satisfied with their fi
Hammond, the overseer, when told of the girls' experience. "Bu
nington grew quite alarmed. Perhaps it was as much worry over the fate of Wil
had set many influences at work on the case,
were so many turpentine camps, or places where contract labor was used to get out
ed. And Grace was worried too. If she could have engaged actively in a search for her brother perh
one so much," said Betty, agreeing
mselves helping somewhat, taking walks, drives and trips
e day, B
unch and go down the river in the boat. Go
ain of youth that Ponce de
water back," begged Mr. Stonington.
e for you," promi
east, keeping a wary eye out for alligators. But
," suggested Betty, as she looked for a pl
ea-cow?" as
ts sea-weed,
n't you remember the big creatures we saw
ey're not as bad as alligators-at l
y eat-grass,"
the river for some quiet cove into which to steer. The day was warm, an
ng, there came a momentary halt,
hat?" cri
d Mollie with a laugh. For the Gem we
ided Grace. "It was
bit nervously, and g
ine isn't giving
a!" crie
their seats the Gem came to a sudden halt, and the eng
"What is it? Has an all
r the bow. Then
all. Run on it good and hard,