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Reading History


Word Count: 1654    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

d he been alone, or with an experienced aviator, he would have thought little of it. Then, very likely, he would have volplaned to earth and made the repa

ed Mary through the tub

d Tom, shouting through the

sked Mary, in surprise at his s

. "Never mind. No use trying to talk with the racket this motor makes, and it isn'

rstand the last of Tom's questions. Then he sailed a little higher, circled about, and,

p to your house this way-in style-if there was a field near by large enough

. "Though this trip is wonderful-glori

ore like this," and he shut off the motor and began to glide gently down. The quiet succeeding the terrific n

tle glide over the ground, and the machine came to a halt,

togs," said Mary, as she alighted

y're yours, and you'll need 'em when we go up again. Here comes t

ve wanted," remarked Tom, as he d

y much excited

his time it was different, I'll admit. I hope nothing is the matter. I might have stopped a

n with an accident thrown in, I'll go any time you

cident!" he laughed. "But I do

Tom," advised Mary, as they

. Haven't had a chance for a good talk

ome back and see me this

iked your first ride in the air, Mary-that is, the first one of any account," for Mary had been i

o about and speeded for his home and the shops adjoining it. His fat

me new idea. I wonder if it is anything like mine? No, it couldn't be. Well, I'll soon find out," and, putting

s. Baggert, who was out on the fro

all right," the ho

Damon wi


gone home

But some one else is with


hey're rather impatient. I came out to see

usiness that I ought to attend to

father, Tom," said Mrs. Baggert, "for I heard sums of money spoken of. But y

ttend to things. Where are the

they're in the library with your father. Do you think they'll stay to

Tom with a laugh, "or you'll have a chicken race around t

young inventor had been made captive, was a big, powerful man, and could do things the aged colored servant could not attempt. But "Rad," as he was often called, and his mule "Boomerang" had long been fixtures on the Swift homestead. But old age crept on apace with Eradicate,

r. "Mr. Damon will stay to dinner, as he always does when he comes, and as it's near twelve now, and

young inventor, having seen that one of the men too

ut into the hall from the library. "I've been waiting anxio

ouble with the air mac

two well-dressed, prosperous-looking bu

rrogated one, the elder,

e," answered T

the man who had taken Tom's hand. "I'm president and he's tre

. Ware. "I have heard of your concern. You are

them. This war is going to be almost as much f

hat," agreed Tom. "Wo

insincere. "Our business is such a rushing one that we don't spend much time anywhere. To get down to brass tacks, we ha

ed Tom. "That's w

an elaborate on it, and give you facts and figures about which I never bother myself. I attend to t

the young inventor, wondering to which of h

u to work for our company, and we are willing to pay you ten thousand dollars a year for the be

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