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Reading History

Chapter 10 A BIG SPLASH

Word Count: 1903    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

f some wrong-doing. In the first place he was a stranger, and had no right inside the big fence t

safe, made Tom fear that some of his plans had been stolen. These he was very anxiou

om, but the on-racing

ackson and some of the others came running from their various shops to give wh

ckward glance over his shoulder did not show that the new helper was engaging i

young inventor was to him, suddenly changed hi

piece of swampy land that, after the recent rains, was a veritable bog which w

's sure," reflected Tom with some sa

his end, Tom increased his speed to such good end that presently, on the firm groun

turning around a clump of trees the fleeing man headed straight for a veritable mud hole that lay direct

turn back. Tom Swift was at his heels now, and seeing that it was impossible to grab the man, Tom did the next best thing. He stuck out his foot and tripped him,

woebegone and muddy face was raised from the slough, followed by the rest of the figure of the man. Slowly he got to his feet, mud and water dripping from him. He cleared his face by rubbing his

opened his mouth to speak Tom was aware of a glitter, which di

think it's up to you to answer that

into this mud hole

ay instead of stopping when I told you to," went on Tom. "Who are yo

wasn't doi

t to see what you have in your pocket

o go through my pockets!

m motioned to his chief machinist and the giant, who had reached the scene, to take charge of the man. But Koku was sufficient for this purpos

n by the slack of his garments behind, walked him along toward the offi

ng, "you ain't got any right to detain me. I ain't done nothin'!" And

id Tom. "I'm going to take you back and see what you a

t believe he'll te

asked Tom

se he'


op as we raced along to help you. I didn't think, at the time, that

and Tom pointed to

say, this man was in league with Bower, the latter has smelled a rat and skipped. He ha

t," said Tom. "I wonder wh

wouldn't work for," s

re of the Universal F


sures as this-sending spies around," replied Tom.

nt while Tom was racing after the stranger. A hasty examination of the safe did not reveal anything missing, as Tom's plans and papers were

of some of the drawings of the silent motor, and passed them out of the window to this gold-tooth man, who tried to make off with them.

ery bit of his clothes and wrapped him in a blanket. He's in the engin

from me," said Tom. "We must be sure about this. And

ered the man. "Koku is guard

is clothes," decided Tom. "

the most careful search did not reveal an

ybe they're at the bottom of the mud hole! If they're there they're

hen Tom and his father had a talk with the stranger, who refused to give his name. The man was sullen and an

ad," said the young inventor. "I'll make one agains

work. I'm a good machi

in? Who admitted

rs were admitted without a permit and none had been issued. The man denied knowing any

ested merely as a trespasser, Tom let him go after his

he same kind of medicine," ordered Tom to one of the guards at the plant, and wh

mself and saying he'd get

Tom easily. "I'l

quick for the conspirators, if such they were. His plans and drawings were intact, and though Bower might have given a copy to the stranger with the gold tooth, the

py in the employ of Gale and Ware came to naught. The machinist had come well recom

t out of it pretty well. Only if that gold-tooth in

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