strangers who were left seated themselves in various attitudes, filled their pipes-or lit the stubs of hal
em; but Nick knew from the manner in which Handsome had left them that he expected to return, and that there was some other place near by to whic
e loomed suddenly beside the camp fire, as silently and as stealthily as an Indian
e said briefly to Nick
n, and Nick, leaping to his feet, follo
although the moon was shining above them; but never
d the fence that intervened; but when they reached th
hn," he said slowly. "Who
detective. "But I try to carry out the idea. If you have worked your way through the South at all, ma
ifference here, my fri
can turn my hand
e an edu
write a g
ult that I can-
hrough the screens
ere. What do you want
ling the main
There isn't another man in our outfit who c
gged his
if you had been twice the man
n't bear you any ill will for it
ay he be,
u know, D
and again m
ome here look
were you lo
t the other fellow was
long, I guess. But I warn you to
He isn't one to
the level now, is t
before you are much older. Didn't you come up here to
level, I didn't think tha
as if he were i
n into the bosom of our family quite as easy as that. But with us there is always room for a good man, and
tell me
at hold by which you threw me over the f
at, and a lot of others as well, if you
that. It's all r
e we going? Are we to stay
pected of me, then;
a while that he is here, too; but it happens that he is to-night. He is to interview you. Otherwise-that is, i
ht to do that. I've got to blindfold you after we ge
at you are up against before I take
hing, H
ter with the boss, you'll never come out aga
at; but what do you m
ot what you appear to be, and what you say you ar
and he nodded
ight," he said negligently
as soon as they had penetrated a short distance into the wood, Handsome stopped again, and, dr
, "can you do
ied it,"
o the swamp. Get up close to me, and take hold of my sides und
you've got some ed
We're not going into p
Lead the way
but even had he been without the bandage he could hardly have told that, for the deeper they penetrated into the swamp, t
d into the water up to his knees; and once he went in to his waist; but Handsome
through shallow water; they crawled on their hands and knees under embankments and rocks, and at last, at H
rees that hung so close to the water that they were obliged to get flat down inside the scow to avoid them; and the
detective could see the lights of many gleaming fires; and he could also discer
led the way from the scow, and signed for Nick to follow him. "If anybody speaks to you, don'
ply; and then he followed his conduct
were preparing to eat; and still others had finished their meal, and were lying around in various attitudes, smoking. Some were playing c
d lights behind the brush or canvas fronts. Two of them had board fronts, and he judged t
of the men looked up lazily toward them; but beyond one stare, no a
e thick growth of alders, and presently came out upon a second
t what attracte
erly be called; but it was large, and apparently comfortable. The roof extended down in fr
arly up and down, with the precision of a sentinel; and he carried a rifle in the hollow of his arm, which, as soon as Han
d, and Nick did the same; and thereupon the gun was lowered,
and down, as if there had been no interruption; and Nick's guide
nd stepped forward; then he peered long and
an of the group rose and followed them, closing the door behind her;