img A Woman at Bay  /  Chapter 10 ESCAPE OF THE HOBO QUEEN. | 35.71%
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Word Count: 1467    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

te from the president of the railroad which caused him g

e at once? Black M

and, taking Patsy, who happened to be in when the message arrived

to make good her threat, did it?" said the presid

e trouble we were put to in capturing her, it was a very short t

n catch Black Ma

ctive, smiling. "Ca

adge came to us, and we have decided that no effort shall be spared to get that woman into custody again. At liberty, she is a

t she's a bad o

ng she has, she is a dangerous woman-much more

ut she is dangerous enough

r caught. And we wan

Cobalt, it will be rather a h

y s

then. And, besides, she knows enough about me to k

was thoughtful a mom

very manner of her esc

e had on the subject was that contained in your message, which told me merely that she ha

e not heard a

rmed you that I h

r escape was characteristic

ised hi

unate that the arrest was made in the county where it was, for that compelled us to put her temporarily in the Calamont jail-and I t

asked the railway president, a

with the exception that I assisted in the

resident's t

should rob it again on the same terms. You know we fixed him all up again, and my company promises to keep a lar

Now about t

e thousand inhabitants. That bank, f


rce of special constables, whose duties consist in arresting and taking to jail every tramp who crosses

etective. "I beg


of their kind as possible in the jail for that n

imes of their arrivals, and they appeared at different parts of the town, so that before anybody realized it, the jail was about fille


hey woke up, the jail had be

sense do


hat you me

hey took Black Madge with them; and that before they went away they passed through the jail with axes and smashed everything in sight. They tore down partitions, they smashed do

o I.

re, of course, with the deliberate intenti

taken to the woods north

uessed it

untry up through t

when I was younger. The country hasn't changed much since that time. It is as

know something about that c

every inch of it; but, of course

member it f


at is, I think, where I have got to

largely red oak. The mountains-or hills, rather-are not high, but they are precipitous, rocky, impassable, full of ravin

ve. "It will make it so much th

ork cut out for you thi

ompetent guide for tha

urner-if he


with him, and who afterward served as

does he

ng him. Ask the first man you meet in the street t

all right-if he is

s of a dollar as well as any man you ever knew. You have only to

I am to understand that I have the same f

ons are: Catch Black Mad

about all that you have

u have some que

will ask them of Black

on't be long befor

; only, she is a little bit the sma

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