orter!" whispered Link Merwell to his croni
" faltered Nat, as Dave leaped to
s," suggested Nick Jasniff. "Rem
away," returned the money
see the thing out
t go, Nat-they won't dare to fi
uring cars, and looking back the boys and girls saw a
sn't Jed Sull
e?" quest
ts. I suppose he is going around,
to tell us about this ro
anded Jed Sully, after alighting. And he
" said Dave, for he had
er looked first at Dave and his chums and then at those s
d Roger, and pointe
e roadmaster's voi
this road," explained Dave. "He put up a barrier some distance
do it," added Ben. "I had an idea the new pap
th sides it couldn't close off this road, which is a publi
uth addressed, and he co
ve you orders to cl
ed Nat. "What business is it
t allow you or anybody else to close off this road, or any other, without special permission. You had no right to p
her bought th
ave 'em no right to close the road. You take that stuff out of the way, and at once,
" screamed the money-lender
ke in Nick Jasniff, and made a
oadmaster, so sternly that Jasniff allowed the club to drop to his side. He turn
eplied t
lock you all up, and these fellows can testify against
to talk to 'em!" cried
xpect to meet the roa
d not listen to them. He knew Aaron Poole, and had no love for the man who had on mo
aking out a big silver watch. "If it ain't cleared by tha
stick!" cried J
" added
t want to be locke
a right to the road," s
ken. Oh, come on and help me!" pleaded Nat, and se
rony do all the work, and they were a bit afraid of Jed Sully, so present
th me and clear the other spot," said the roadmaster
e Falls," answered Nat. "Nobody
fence to keep 'em out," wa
do you?" asked Dave, in a whisper. "We are
nage them, I reckon. If they give me any trouble I'll put 'em in
ried Jessie. "I don't want
and as soon as the road was entirely cl
at other stuff," remarked Phil to Nat Poole
ll, and Jasniff shook his fist at the departing cars. Nat Poo
" remarked Sam, when the scene of the encounter had been left behi
have had a fight
e to that!" cried Jessie, an
cing car and Pete Barnaby?" q
trouble for us!" said Dave. "We had bet
distance, as I did before,"
ng to Lookout Point. Just before the spot was reached they took to another
to ourselves," said Dave. "A
. "I really believe I could choke down a c
way from Phil, or he won't leave enough behind to feed a canary," and t
the road allowed, and then placed the
ther boys. "That other crowd may sneak up and try to
swered Roger; and the
earby spring, the girls spread a tablecloth over some flat rocks and set around the dishes and the things to eat. There
hing on a sandwich and a stalk of celery. "I shouldn't
who was eating a sandwich from one han
ot of the steaming beverage. "I've got to strain it throu
d Jessie. "There is a
p, or two cups for a nickel! Good for the complexion and warranted to cure the
his ear. "I like coffee, but I don't drink it that wa
eshoe nail for spilling
on!" answered the sh
hear that!" m
to answer to t
a lawyer likes to dr
the girls,
er. And then the joker had to dodge an olive and a pickle t
course a good many of the things that were said were silly, but everybody was in good humor and out for a good t
ed about, first to the edge of the Lookout, to view the scenery, and then to the woods and the bro
Hall," said Dave, as he and Jessie stood where the brook tumb
n, won't you, Jessie?" h
, Dave," and now she cast down her
magine how much I treasure
ot of your letters,
t me to write
-" continued Dave, but just then