img Dave Porter and His Rivals  /  Chapter 8 ABOUT SOME NEW STUDENTS | 25.81%
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Reading History


Word Count: 2115    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

red the individual in the buggy, as he brought hi

e hurt?" questio

took off his hat, but whether it stru

manded Jackson Lemond, as he succe

that man with the ro

led the carryall driver. "It don't pay t

ground and ran back to where the buggy stood, with the dr

nxiously. The man in the bugg

or not. What do you mean by kno

olors on the fishing rod and were waving them

man. "Give me my hat!" And he pointed to wh

ner. "But we are not rowdies-it was purely an accident

to be tough!" The man looked his silk hat o

ile over. "If it is, of course we'll make it right," he added, hastily

manded the man, smoothing down the r


at I'll notify the master of the school, and make you get me a

he hat, pleas


e if it is re

t you know quick e

not going to pay for a new h

to take my word for i

hat over," answere

," added

s injured, I'll call at the school about it." And having thus delivered himself the man in the buggy put

individual!" cried Ben

"It will simply be a hold-up-if he tries to get a new o

all the way through," comment

Rockville this summer, and he gives lectures on how to git well and strong, an' then he sells medicine. I know a feller got a b

untry trying to rope people in," said Dave. "If h

. But the boys were destined to hear from Hooker M

amage, and then the journey to Oak Hall was resumed. The encounter on the road had sobered

all swung in between the large oak trees that gave the p

rd, while Phil did the same. "How are you all?" h

ll about his trip, and he in return wanted to know what they had been doing. So there was a perfect babble of voices as the crowd wal

n for the skin you sent from the ranch. We have placed it on the floor of the r

answered Dave, anxious that his chum

nt. "I believe you met Lincoln Merwell out West.

--" Dave motioned the master of the school to one side and lowered his voice. "D

t pos

me that the authorities of Rockvil

hed to obtain certain pupils, and they came to this school instead, and that made him very angry. He claimed that I treated him unfairly, but I did not. Even if I were to warn him against Jasniff and Merwell i

he case, why we might as well

seriously. "I don't want even an enemy to harbor such lads as Jasniff and Merwell without knowing what

second floor were the majority of the school dormitories, furnished to accommodate from four to eight pupils each. The school was surrounded by a broad campus, sloping in the rear to the Leming River, on t

ments, having a connecting door between. Not far away was dormitory No. 13, occupied by Nat Poole and

case, and putting the things away in the bureau and the clothes closet. Of course Dave had brought along some pictures and banners, and these were hung up or set on the burea

Gus Plum appeared. The former bully of the Hall was a trifle thi

ve, and shook hands warmly. "Did

with Mr. Dale. He took up half a dozen fellows, and we w

assistant teacher of the school, a man well beloved by nearly all the students. Every summer th

e Merwell and Jasniff sort, and Dave understood. He hesitated for a moment and looked around, to see if anybod

him leave

of him." Gus Plum uttere

afraid of Na

suppose you know there are a lot of

ery year-the seniors go a

broke up, and sixteen of the students were transferred to Oak Hall-sophs, juni

got to do wit

ader at Laverport, and he has got a number of the other newcomers under his thumb. Last night I was down by the boathouse, and I heard Nat and Frapley talking abo

" questioned Phil, who had liste

ething, you can be sure of that. More tha

Poole-nor of this Guy Fr

ds here, why should he

answered the former bully, meekly. "I don't wan

I'll be on my guard. But I really don't think Nat Poole will cut much of a

gure," although not quite in the manner expected, and wha

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