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Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 9972    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ys on his guard against deceptive appearances, and is capable of admitting every

mmissary of police observes and watches all the odious circumstances that the law cannot reac

he had any illusions, before the en

e often, side by side with abominations indulged in with impun

ct; and he consoles himself by thinking of the mo

a state of complete scepticism. He believes in nothing, neithe

e to the sad conclusion that not men

for by M. Fauvel soo

t one of perfect indifference

d in a full suit of black, which was

carcely bowin

ed of the painful circumstance which compe

t a robbery

fice, from the safe you see open there, of which my cashier"

arouse the unfortunate ca

he commissary in a low tone. "My ch

, that is

t once drew his

e two men accu

tements, one or th

important bank: the oth

ief: the other

n concealing his impressions to betray his thoughts

d the cashier and M. Fauvel, as if trying to dra

had dropped into a seat, and his arms

ing with flashing eyes and crimson face, ex

ndred and fifty thousand francs. This robbery might have had the most disastrous consequences. In times

so, if note

ad this very day a h


sary's tone; a suspicion, the fir

ood it; he started

I ought to add further that, if my orders had been obeyed, the


d positive orders to wait always until the last moment before drawing money from

said the commis

he cashier, "M. Fauvel's s

ons of the commissary, instead of b

been perpetrated, but by whom? D


ot," he sa

ain he did not

for those answers; but it did not suit

make ourselves sure of it."

u cannot discover some traces that may hav

cant in appearance he might, in spite of his iron muscles, be taken for a bailiff's under clerk, as he walked along buttoned up to the chin in his

ed to distinguish himself, to make for himself a name. He was am

d everywhere; studied the doors, sounded the partitions, ex

, "how a stranger could hav

around t

closed at nigh


keeps t

ays give it in charge before l

outer room on a sofa-bedstead, which he unf

w?" inquired t

ur," answere

the door a


ars. He knew that he would not be suspected; but the idea of being connected in a

next room last night?"


ur did you

pent the evening at a cafe ne

no noise dur

onsieur comes down to the cash-room when I am asleep,

n comes to the cash-r

ieur; ver

come las

for I was kept awake nearly all night by th

u can retire," sa

ferlot resumed his search. He opene

e stairs lead

office," repl

I was conducted when I first c

e s

said Fanferlot, "and exa

auvel, eagerly; "follow me, gentl

ecorated, and the study where he transacted business. The furniture in this room was composed of a large off

ther into the banker's bedroom, and the third into the main vestibule. It was

uzzled, like a man who had flattered himself with the ho

he adjoining

oom, followed by the banker

ined alone i

he could not but perceive that his situa

he struggle had commenced; and now it no longer depended u

ilizing all weapons, until one of the two should s

tice, who would be

y that the chances were terribly unequal, and was

threats; for, in a contest of this nature, M. Fauvel wou

loomy forebodings, when the banker's chamber-door suddenl

Her black eyes were large and soft; her complexion had the creamy pallor of a white camellia; and her beautiful dark hair, carelessly held together by a

he expected to find her uncle alone, she coul


His eyes, a moment before so dull and heavy, now sparkled wi

he gasped,

back; but, Prosper having advanced toward her, she was overcome by a sentiment stronge

red not let their eyes meet for fear of betraying their feelings; h

murmured, in a sca


cashier dropped the white hand wh

e most disgraceful theft; Prosper, whom your uncle has just delivered up to just

rified gesture, cried

Prosper, what a

know what has happened? Have not

ning; and my aunt is so ill that I felt uneasy, and came to tell unc

eleine, of revealing to her his most secret thoughts. A remembrance of

that I shall ever receive from you; but allow me, by being silent, to

terrupted hi

t upon k

too soon learn my misfortune and disgrace; then, yes,

ad of commanding, she entreat

e commissary of police and a detective. They will soon retu

shed her through the doo

Fauvel entered. They had visited the main entrance and waitin

ot had hear

mself, "Now that my young gentleman believes himself to be alone, his face

d himself to watch. He saw the door open, and Madeleine appear upon the thres

was an enigma. M. Fanferlot was skilful enough

start from. So prompt was he in building a plan upon the slightest incident that he thought he

s a sceptic, the detective ha

quite handsome, I suppose his love is reciprocated. This love-affair vexes the banker, who, not knowing how to get rid o

simply robbed himself, and the innocent cash

s, at present, of litt

ned to obtain renown in his profession, d

dint of close watching and patient investigation I shall have collected p

him celebrated. Nothing was wanting, neither the odious circumstances, nor the myster

; but Fanferlot, the Squirrel, had great co

M. Fauvel and the commissary returned to t

now looked grave and perplexed. The moment for taking a d

an, "our search has only con

Prosper bowe

k, M. Fanferlot?" con

t did no

ifested signs of a lively surprise. Eviden

nd the commissary ros

d any trace?" said

d air. He reproached himself for no

ly, "I have discovered

like to know,

afe has been recently opened or shut, I kno

he commissary, be

at this scratch

ed the safe; he saw a light scratch several inche

" said he, "but wha

anferlot. "I just now told y

is, but it was no

there was no occasion for his being in a hurry; whereas the banker, creeping down in the dead of night with cat-like footsteps, for fear of awakening the boy in the ante

ve determined to keep his conjectures to himself; for the same reason he was s

aw attention from the

this room. The safe, moreover, is intact. No suspicious pressure has been used on the movable buttons. I can assert that the lo

whom he knew to be skilful ended

ed, "I must request a few momen

service," sa

placed his hat on the table, to show that he had no intentio

efore the commissary had made him

d, "You are respon

watch. His suspicions were too vague, his desire for succes

ing to be sleepy, he fixed himself in a comfortable position for taking a nap, gaped until

s were burning to know the result of the investigation; their

longer, little Cavaillon, Pros

o stole t

rugged his

nows," he

bewildered surprise that Prosper had resumed his usual manner, that sort of icy

rcles around his swollen eyes, he bore no traces of the

oung man idly lounging in a chair, and toying with a pencil, was r

, and drew toward him a sheet of paper

ully good in spite of his profound sleep, "eh! eh! he makes his little confide

, and after furtively glancing toward the detective, who remained motionless


y done that Fanferlot was confounded

cent this young dandy has more pluck and nerve than many of my

r of dissimulation to affect this presence of mind at a time when his honor, his future

some ray of light by a private conversation, the commissary

his young man has robbed you. It would be a gross neglect of duty if I did not secu

seemed to dist

o a chair,


shed look of his

knees have I besought and implored him to confess that in a moment of desperation he had taken the money, promising him pardon and forgetfulness; but I could no

ooked as if he d

ean by humilia

that my word is more to be relied upon than his? Why could I not have robbed myself? Such things have been done. They will ask me for fact

l be called upon for some explanati

his morning if I had not been able to instantly produce a hundred thousand crowns? Who would be

picion tarnishing his fair name, is cruel suffering. The banker

ustice will have collected sufficient proof to establish

trouble to awaken, and with the most stolid indif

se, he ca

that I am

bed and excited than his ca

poor boy," he said: "fo

He drew from his pocket a small key,

that you will some day be convinced of my innocence; and I h

yone was sile

or my successor. I must at the same time inform you that, without speaking of

e lips of a cashier fell like a bombsh

was interprete

is guilt be doubted? Before stealing this whole contents of

e of this poor devil gives his conduct an appearance of great depravity; were

tement was considerably diminished by

he following manner: two thousand taken by myself in advance on my salary; fifteen hundred advanced to severa

sary inter

w money whenever you wished

mission to oblige my friends in the bank. What I did is done

made a sign

r, "I had a sort of right to it, all of my savings bein

vel; "M. Bertomy has at lea

and his report might now be made. He announced his intention

face, when our individuality is lost and we feel that we

our eyes the yawning prison gates, the most hardened sin

hlegm which the commissary of police se

breakfast with a friend, he smoothed his hair, d

o accompany y

pocket-book, and bowed to M


d eyes filled with tears that he could not restrai

ve twice that sum to regain my old confidence i

icion, and ever disposed to impute to others the deep astuteness pecu

for an imaginary umbrella, and, as he reluctantly departe

were about starting, he asked the commissary to leave him at liber

ssession of Prosper's note, which h

d the easiest thing in the world. He had simply to arrest Cavaillon,

e lead? To nothing unless it were

note was intended, not for the yo

was, who after all might not bear the name "Gypsy" given by the ca

et when it could be surprised. To quietly follow Cavaillon, and keep close watch on him unt

racter of Fanferlot, who, being naturally soft and stealthy, deemed it due

s settled when he r

red that the Fauvel bank had no outlet on the Rue de la Victoire, and that consequently all

presented a shadow of difficulty. He rapidly crossed

ed and came out of the bank, but also commanded a view of all the windows, and by stan

th much less important objects in view than the present one. Besides, his mind was busily occupied in estimating the value of his dis

Cavaillon rise from his desk, cha

, "my man is coming out;

the bank; but before stepping on the pavement he l

anything?" tho

o execute, and fearing his absence would be observed, he was deba

me de Lorette so rapidly, utterly regardless of the grumbling passers-by whom he

aillon suddenly stopped, and

dor when he felt a touch on his shoulder, and turning

ning very pale he shrank back, and

attempt, barred the passage-way. Cav

me?" he asked in a voic

urbanity. Even with his prisoners he was the perfection of courtesy, and never was know

to excuse the great liberty I take; but I really am und

n! From me,

monsieur; from M.

o not kn

rifling matter, and you will overwhelm me with obligations if you w

He took Fanferlot's arm

hicles dashing to and fro; there were but two or three shops, and from the corner of Rue Fontaine occupied by an apothecary, to the entr

thout having to step from the sidewalk every moment. So Fanferlot

ur," began the detective, "that M. Prosp

to be questioned about this note, an

n," he said, blu

ming to contradict you, but I a

t Prosper never g

ll compel me to prove that four clerks saw him thro

ontradicting a man so well informed;

ut it was intended for me alone, and after reading

re himself of the fact? He remembered that the most palpable tricks

tement is not correct; the note was

n apprised the detective that he w

monsieur," bega

ld would be useless. You not only preserved the note, but you came to this


n to this denial, but cont

gh to give it to me; believe me, not

he moment favorable, he suddenly attempted to

; the detective's strengt

" he said, "but take my advice,

e not

call two policemen, who will take you by each arm, and escort you to the commissary of police; and, o

that it was worse than useless to struggle any longer, as he would have no time to destroy the note.

suddenly drew from his pocket-book the u

per; yet, faithful to his habits of fastidious politen

ll you not, monsieur?"

receipt of this note, take everything you have in the house, absolutely everything, and establish yourself in furnished rooms a

bout to be arrested. Take with you five hundr

l explain what I have not time to tell. Be

ave seen blank disappointment depicted on the

d clearly prove the guilt or innocence of Prosper; whereas he had only seized a love-letter written

cover some hidden meaning; twist the words as he wo

were underscored, it is true; but they

r, determined not to

is doubtless a friend

s particul

d; and she lives

enough, as you s

eur; now tell me whether the apartment

sper ren

n which floor,

he fi

ot had folded up the note, an

mation; and, in return, I will relieve you


n, I will myself take thi

nstrate; but Fanferlot

advice. Return quietly to your business, a

nd of mine, and has saved m

l you that you may be of great injury. As you are known to be his devoted friend, of course your absence at t


ccess of his investigations it was necessary to impress the importance of prudence and discretion upon the

n your own account too; for, if he is guilty, you will certainly be very much annoyed

on was

monsieur, and return to your busin

e Lorette. He asked himself how he could serve Prosper, warn Mme. Gypsy, and, above all, h

lot entered No. 39, gave his name to the porter as Prosper Be

ful footman, dressed in

Gypsy a

eing this, Fanferlot sh

and this note to madame,

ill let madame kn

om furnished in blue and gold silk damask. Heavy curtains darkened the windows,

ainly well lodged," m

. One of the door-curtains was pushed asi

, with a brown or rather gold-colored quadroon

ng brilliancy of her large black eyes; her l

g-wrapper, which did not conceal the lace ruffles beneath.

onfined by narrow bands of red velvet; her back hair was ro

o startling that the dazzled detect

of Madeleine, whom he had seen a few hours previous, "our young gent

tion, Mme. Gypsy eyed him with the most disdainful surprise; she was waiting for this shabby

and wondering which one had dared send this ma

ead to foot with undisguised

do you

her insolent manner; but he only noticed it to

ed," he thought, "

me. Nina impatiently tapped her little foot

speak? What do

answered in his softest tone, "by

er! You kno

indeed, I may be so bold a

" exclaimed Mme. Gypsy in a scornfu

his offensive exclamation. He was ambiti

ere are few people who would have the c

ck by the words and

e said, tartly: "will you be kind

s note from his pocket, and, with


sight was excellent, she stopped to fasten a tiny gold

she read i

s chill; her limbs seemed to give way, and she tottered so that Fanfe

ble energy; fragile-looking creatures whose powers of endurance and resistance are unlimited; ca

, but did not fall, and stood up looking stronger than ever; seizing the wrist of t

this mean? Do you know anything

y contending with the most dangerous rascal

" he m

arrested, accused

aking three hundred and fifty th

nd her fury, like that of a spoiled child, found vent in violent actions. She t

"what a stupid idea! Why sho

ch, madame; he has no

emed to confo

e always seen him have plen

er eye met Fanferlot's, and

na's lo

ery in order to gratify

's glance


first impression was the correct one. Doubt fled a

e. One can understand a man robbing a bank to obtain means of bestowing pleasure and

lant and insinuating Fanferlot, "y

with tears, as she sadly

he does not love me. I know what love is. Once I was beloved by an affectionate, true-hearted man; and my own sufferings of the last year make me know how mis

n, madam

the thoughts of a man so thoroughly master of himself that never is a single thought passing in his mind to be detected upon his countenance. I have watched him as only a woman can watch the man upon whom her fate depends, but

er inmost thoughts. She was without distrust, never suspecting tha

t a portrait; in a moment of excitement she had given him the most valuable information; he now knew the nature

les," he ventured to say, "and

d her shoulders, a

ssion, without enthusiasm, without pleasure. Sometimes he frightens me; he seems to drag about a body without a soul. Ah, I am not happy! Never have I been able to overcome his indifference, and indiffe

ver spoken to y

id you not hear me? I tel

ghts of the past, and tears si

e started up, and, her eyes sparkling

cuse him. I will haunt the judges, and I will prove that he is innocent. Come, monsieur, let us

le, and prompted by the noblest sentiment

going counter to the p

the existence of Mme. Nina from the judge of instruction. She would necessarily be brought into the case, and sought for. But he did not wish her to take any

citement. He thought it easy to prove to her that the least

you that you have not the least chance of success. Remember that you will seriously co

have retained, only stimulated Gypsy's enthusiasm. Man calculates, while woman follows the inspirations of her heart. Our

does, so much the better: it will be all the more to my credit. I am sure Prosper is

her a cashmere shawl, and, putting on her hat, declared that she was r

with feverish impatience. "

Happily he always had s

upon this impulsive nature, he resolv

desire it; only permit me, while there is yet time, to say tha

way, if y

expressly forbade in his letter; we ar

tossed her hea

I know Prosper: he is just the man to let himself be murdered without a struggle,

iven up in despair. On the contrary, I think he has already laid his plan of defence. By showing yourself, wh

ing the value of Fanferlot's

ng to contribute in some way to his safety. Can

was shaken. Fanferlot saw that he was gaining ground, and this

ame," he said, "to render a gre

, monsieur,

," said Fanferlot,

tly expected very

he murmur

nferlot with grave dignity

om the table Prosper's note, which

does he say to you? Let us read over this note, which is like the testament of his liberty. He says, 'If you love me, I entreat you, obey.' And you hesitate to obey. Then

tment of the Rue Chaptal; and, if he did not expose them now, it was because he kep

lligent enough to d

wishes, then, to keep everyone

ment; then a ray of light seemed

helming charge against him. An inventory of my possessions would be taken-of my dresses, my laces, my jewels-and my luxury would b

ive bowed,

s true,

o knows that the police are not already

urance, "you have plenty of time;


alling her maid, her cook, and her little footman, ordered them to empty her bureau and chest

shed back to Fa

to start in a few minute

ady, to the other end of Paris? To

know where

ulty in concealing his delight at a sudden idea that flash

"but it might not suit you. It is no

e comforta

would be treated like a quee

re i

r, Quai Saint Michel, the Arch

never long mak

paper; write you

te, and handed

dame, you can make Mme. Ale

llon know my address? It was he who sh

" interrupted the detective, "b

he was in a hurry, and would send her one. He seemed to be in

is coming down with some trunks. If she tells you to drive her to Quai Saint Michel, crack your whip; if

re. He had not long to wait. In a few minutes the loud cracking o

gayly, "I told h

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