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Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 4112    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

d kept in perfect repair, leads to the village, of which there are glimpses here and there thro

et, are built a few houses, hideous in design, and at some distance apart;

f these two roads that P

they had accomplished all that was expected of them; M. Verduret could distinguish

, and, handing the dri

e right-hand side of the road as you enter the village. If we do no

but neither Prosper nor his friend heard th

ut, was now fearful. The rain fell in torrents, and a

sional glimmer of the lamps at the distant station, which

long the muddy road for about five minutes


his seat, wrapped in a thick cloak, was the driver, who, in spite of the pouring rain, was alre

his cloak, and sa

p, my g

, mechanically gatherin

eady: c

e saw two men in this lonely spot, he imagined

he cracked his whip in the air;

ish to ask you a question, which you can gain five francs

ve francs, instead of reassuring

omeone," he said, "and, if you don't go awa

t drew bac

s he says; and, alarm once given, farewell to our projec

nding the garden, in search of a pla

agile; and, having decided upon the spot to be scaled, he drew back a few feet, and making a sudden spring, seized one of

anion, he had not his agility and strength, and would never have succeeded if

erduret looked about him

t in the middle of an immense garden. It wa

in the second s

"you must know all about the arrangement of the

aoul's bed

t rooms are on

ry, billiard-room,

the floo

eparated by folding

the servan

a man and his wife, who live at Vesinet; they

ubbed his han

event our hearing what Raoul has to say to this person who has c

d averse to t

s thing for us

d you think it was a pleasure-trip, merely to enjo

ight be d

ce, you have only to advance boldly as a friend come t

y oak door was locked. M.

ought my instruments with me. A common lock which could b

successively every window on the ground-floor. Ala

coop, seeking an entrance, but finding none. Despairingly he came back to the

and he pointed to the window, "is the solution of the mystery; and w

ne would have supposed him accustomed to such expeditions, especially when he spoke of picking the lock of an occupied house, as if he were talking of opening a snu

at window," he said, "and

to suddenly rem

ladder her

tell me that befo

the garden, u

a few minutes had the ladde

ix long feet of wall between the top of the ladder and the light

not rea

," cried M. Verd

utiously raised it and rested the bottom round on his shoulders, at the same time ho

he said to

, gave him a strength and agility which he had never imagined he possessed. He made a sudden spring, and

uttered a cry which was drowned in the roaring tempest,

ain! the

id the ladder on the ground, and ran toward Prospe

ee? Are you hur

nt fall, he was unhurt; he was in a state when mind govern

"I saw Madeleine-do you understand, Ma

ssible that he, the infallible expert

n conjectures, and the note which Mme. Gypsy had sent to him at

istaken," he s

she said to me yesterday, answer me: was I to expect such infamous treason as this? You

is mistake, and was now racking his brain to discover the ca

ngel, is in love with this thief, who has even stolen the name he bears; and I, trusting fool that I was, made this scoundrel my best friend. I co

the worst of miseries. The certainty of having been so shamefu

cely cried. "It shall not be said that I was coward enoug

ouse; but M. Verduret s

you goin

o lose? I shall not attempt to creep into the house like a thief, but as a master, as one who has a right to ente

othing of the

ll prev


them, put them to the blush, kill them both, then put an end to my own w

with a vice-like grip, he would have

osper, or raise an alarm,

no hop

ill escape us, and you will

erence is

man of your age can easily find a wife, but can never restore lustre to a ta

et and Prosper stood foot-deep in mud, wet to the skin, the rain pourin

sper with the persistency of a fi

a man, and not like a chil


ny arms? No. You rush upon Raoul, and a struggle ensues; while you two are fighting, Madel

of his powerlessness

is fortunate you have none with you, for it would be ver


s fruit, that must ripen in or

on; M. Verduret seeing this brought f

me to the conclusion that she was sacrificing herself for the benefit of someone else? Tha

lways eagerly welcomed. This supposition, appare

e case," he murmu

. Verduret, "if I could see

the exact truth, all that you see and hea

upon my wor

t have believed himself possessed, Prosper raised the ladder, p


der without even shaking it, and had

s Madeleine at this hour of the night,

that she still wore

imation. Her look and gestures betrayed indignant scorn. There wa

now and then, he would shrug his shoulders, like a man resigned to everything he

ng on his finger to be able to hear what was said; b

lling," he thought; "but i

ace of Lagors, clearly revealed by the lamp on the mantel, that M

t indifference; the next, he would strike at the fire with the tongs

ts into entreaties, and, clasping h

, and refused to answer

me returned, as if asking a favor, and unable to make u

Raoul quickly rose and opened a desk near the fireplace, fr

bad. Can it be a compromising correspon

isfied. She again entreated him to give her something else

Verduret very much, as he gaz

ly am not mistaken; those papers, red, gr

me particular ones. She selected three, which she put

ure, for she said a few words to Raoul, who to

descended the ladder, muttering to himself. "Pawnbroker's ti

he did was to re

n, when he came to the door with Madeleine, and if he did

bs and vines they destroyed in doing so, and then concealed themselves among

e bottom step, and offered his hand to the girl; but she refused it w

surprise or hurt Raoul. He simply answered by a

closed after her; then he hurried back to the hou

you saw. You promised me the truth no matter how bitte

terly regret your suspicions of to-night. You will blush to think that

ieur, appe

hem. A suspicion, false or just, is always based on something. But we must not stay

re is th

face our footprints, he will think thieve

hey heard the noise of a gate being unlocked. The stood asi

t to us that he has gone to tell Clameran what has just t

me time, trying to connect the

is Lagors, who is devoted to gay society, come

el's villa is only fifteen minute

staying here in the s

Hotel du Louvre, and all the year

en M. Verduret much;

take the train which is about to start, b

t and Prosper left the hack at the branch road, th

piece; he had ordered dinner, and, finding his wine very good,

n a strange stat

iend, and, losing their way, had fallen into a

r, who, though apparently contented with this explanation, strongly suspec

ne present, for they looked at Prosper's muddy

stopped all co


n while I settle my bill; I

n into conversation, but, as he received nothing but monosyllables in reply, held his peace for the rest of

ther troubles. He was stiff and numb;

bodily strength must in the end give way. A

feet upon the front seat, M. Verduret seemed to b

ident, would resolve all his doubts, had only added mystery to mystery. His c

motive, what moral or material complicity, what influences, could have existed to make the four act

aedia of craft and subtlety, for some combination

ached the Archangel, and for the first time

pting supper. It was more than attention, more than respect, that she showed her guest. Pros

risen to leave the room; "but I will be here about this time to-morrow n

of appearing at a ball given by the wealthiest and most fashionabl

e invited to

of M. Verduret dan

e said, "but

ost serious preoccupations. He looked sadly around his chamber, and, as

-morrow he will have the pri

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