entaries, §§ 1-197; notes to H. C. Lodge, Colonies, passim; notes to Justin Winsor,
Thwaites, Colonies, M
. P. Fisher Colonial E
i., B. A. Hinsdale, Ol
's Historica
eph Story Commentarie
ighteenth Century, II.
tory, ch. ix.; Edward
i.; H. E. Scudder, Men
Constitution, Introdu
social life); T. Pit
Narrative and Critical
f the Republic, chs. i
III. 1
B. Weeden, Economic an
., xv.; G. E. Howard,
ii., vii.-ix.; C. F. Ad
ler, History of American
unty Government, and
Population; C. F. Bis
rst Stages of the Tari
ve Trade; J. R. Bracke
erica (1765); A. Burnaby, Travels (1759-1760); Edmund Burke, European Settlements in America; William Douglass, Summary; the various colonial archives and documents.-Reprints in II. W. Preston, Documents Illustrative of