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Reading History


Volume 1. Chapter 1. Concerning Two Ladies who Sat in the Malory Pew Chapter 2. All that the Draper's Wife Could Tell Chapter 3. Home to Ware Chapter 4. On the Green of Cardyllian Chapter 5. A Visit to Hazelden Chapter 6. Malory by Moonlight Chapter 7. A View from the Refectory Window Chapter 8. A Night Sail Chapter 9. The Reverend Isaac Dixie Chapter 10. Reading an Epitaph Chapter 11. Farewell
Chapter 12. In which Cleve Verney Waylays an Old Lady
Chapter 13. The Boy with the Cage
Chapter 14. News About the Old Man of the Mountains
Chapter 15. Within the Sanctuary
Chapter 16. An Unlooked-For Visitor
Chapter 17. They Visit the Chapel of Penruthyn Again
Chapter 18. Cleve Again Before His Idol
Chapter 19. Cleve Verney Takes a Bold Step
Chapter 20. His Fate
Chapter 21. Captain Shrapnell
Chapter 22. Sir Booth Speaks
Chapter 23. Margaret has Her Warning
Chapter 24. Sir Booth in a Passion
Chapter 25. In which the Ladies Peep into Cardyllian
Volume 2. Chapter 1. In the Oak Parlour - A Meeting and Parting
Chapter 2. JudUs Apella
Chapter 3. Mr. Levi Visits Mrs. Mervyn
Chapter 4. Mr. Benjamin Levi Recognises an Acquaintance
Chapter 5. A Council of Three
Chapter 6. Mr. Dingwell Arrives
Chapter 7. Mr. Dingwell Makes Himself Comfortable
Chapter 8. The Lodger and His Landlady
Chapter 9. In which Mr. Dingwell Puts His Hand to the Poker
Chapter 10. Cleve Verney Sees the Chateau De Cresseron
Chapter 11. She Comes and Speaks
Chapter 12. Cleve Verney has a Visitor
Chapter 13. The Rev. Isaac Dixie Sets Forth on a Mission
Chapter 14. Over the Herring-Pond
Chapter 15. Mr. Cleve Verney Pays a Visit to Rosemary Court
Chapter 16. In Lord Verney's Library
Chapter 17. An Ovation
Chapter 18. Old Friends on the Green
Chapter 19. Vane Etherage Greets Lord Verney
Chapter 20. Rebecca Mervyn Reads Her Letter
Chapter 21. By Rail to London
Chapter 22. Lady Dorminster's Ball
Volume 3. Chapter 1. A Lark
Chapter 2. A New Voice
Chapter 3. Cleve Comes
Chapter 4. Love's Remorse
Chapter 5. Mrs. Mervyn's Dream
Chapter 6. Tom has a "Talk" With the Admiral
Chapter 7. Arcadian Red Brick, Lilac, and Laburnum
Chapter 8. The Triumvirate
Chapter 9. In Verney House
Chapter 10. A Thunder-Storm
Chapter 11. The Pale Horse
Chapter 12. In which His Friends Visit the Sick
Chapter 13. Mr. Dingwell Thinks of an Excursion
Chapter 14. A Surprise
Chapter 15. Clay Rectory by Moonlight
Chapter 16. An Alarm
Chapter 17. A New Light
Chapter 18. Mr. Dingwell and Mrs. Mervyn Converse
Chapter 19. The Greek Merchant Sees Lord Verney
Chapter 20. A Break-Down
Chapter 21. Mr. Larkin's Two Moves
Chapter 22. Conclusion
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