hoolhouse in the town of Crawford. Most of them held hats in their hands, w
clubs. On his return he proposed that the boys of Crawford should establish a club, to be known as the Excelsior Club of Crawford, to play
kerton address the m
motion," s
as appointed to that position, and put t
e of considerable importance, came forward in a
together. We want to start a club for playing baseball,
do it?" aske
ower to assign the members to their different positions. Of c
Henry Scott, to his next nei
l?" asked S
receive and take care of the funds, and we shall need a secretary
n's remarks. Those who are in favor of organizing a clu
their hands, and it
our votes for captai
ious look, as he supposed, of course, that no
epare their ballots. They were brought to the chairman in a
ere is one vote for Sam Pomeroy, one for Eugene Morto
f hands, in which Tom
hero, came forward a little,
e club. I am afraid I am not very well qualified
untenance, and an open, cordial manner, which made him a general favorite. It was not, however, to his popularity that he owed his el
. For the first position Tom Pinkerton received a majority of the
elled in penmanship, was elected, a
rank Fowler, with petitions f
efore I decide about positions, boys," F
said one and another, "and let us
some one called out to Frank Fowler: "Frank, your sist
bat and hastened t
ter, Gracie?" h
s. "Mother's been bleeding at the lungs, and s
, "I must go home at once. You can get some o
which he called home, he found his mother
mother?" asked o
nswered in a low voice. "I
for the doc
. The attack is over, and I need no medici
nd her present weakness induced serious misgivings as to whether she would ever recover. Frank thought that her eyes followed him w
here something y
I believ
wanted to say something." "There is so
her!" echoed Frank,
nning to think that th
ave been so before,
, Frank; and my strength is too f
of losing you, mother,"
e, then, Frank?"
e and I will be al
orrowfully, "with little help to hope for from m
I think of," sa
," said the mother, anxiously. "Sh
id Frank, promptly; "I
even to support yourself
g, and I am not afraid. There are
hing? Deacon Pinkerton holds a mortgage on this house for all it wi
, mother, but it do
ll take car
ise it,
ter?" said the sick woman, anxio
h a thing as that, mother?
ersisted Mrs. Fowler, "you wo
lk so, mother?" and a suspicion crossed Frank's mi
down by the bedside, and I will gather m
ot your sis
r?" he exclaimed. "Yo
e in earne
ose chil
s my c
my sister-are yo
I am not y