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Reading History

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1326    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ponies. Each warrior, decked in brightest blankets and with war-bonnets of eagle feathers that bound their heads, fell over thei

o word was brought to camp for our fighting men to go out and protect the game that belonged to the Indians

, and often the chief gave him the honour of leading the warriors. All at once in the distance a few specks caught his keen eyes, and he drew my mother's reins, while all the Comanches halted to tal

a boy and a girl with white skins, who looked at the Comanches in fear. The girl's hair was long a

and his words, for she spoke in a strange tongue, but she did understand his kindly eyes and voice and smile. So she made no struggle when he lifted

" asked Star as Running Deer

he little white girl was not unhappy, for she had our chief's son as her companion. We called her Preloch. All the care that would have been given to the daughter of our chief was given to her until she re

agrant.' Later a little daughter came to them, and her name was Prairie Flower, for she was so pale and delicate that it seemed as though a rough hand could crush her, or a strong wind carry her away on its breast. The warriors honoured and obeyed Peta Nocona, who became a g

do not know just what happened, for in the darkness of night Gray Beard, Big Wolf, and Spotted Leopard led me into a strange place

Prairie Flower away with them. Then he told that his mother had sent a message, bidding her son remain with his father's people and rule them wisely and justly. She did not want

ed Star, w

the wise men of the tribe did not understand? My mother told me the story of the little white girl, and I heard what the old warriors said to Quann

ed him, and as my mother, before me, served his father, Peta Nocona. The big chiefs also told Quannah that his father, Peta Nocona, had been kill

y error in telling it when he had grown old. The sun peeped over the edge of the world and shot a golden

hing in the morning, it was the sign he was very strong. So now he stiffened his muscles and tried it, but only got partly over. Again he tried and fail

at the thick black mane waved like a flag. "Mo

ered proudly as she scrambled up h

, about six years old, with large dark eyes, long glossy braids hanging to her waist, and clothed i

called softl

s hind heels and galloped to her side, where he bent his head that she might pet

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