img Star  /  Chapter 8 No.8 | 38.10%
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Reading History

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 2792    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ad spoken a word during that time, then Star's rider whispered softly-"Sh--"

ressure did not interfere with the pony's breathing, but so long as it continued Star knew that it would be impossi

friends and playmates ever since they had been born. Hawk was two days older than Star, but Star had always been more swift when they had chased each other about the Comanche camp in play. Hawk belonged

Star watched them lying flat and crawling slowly in the direction from which the n

and trampling of hoofs, and men's voices were calling loudly in words that were not like the Comanche tongue. Star reared and pl

lashed close to the ground. It did not come from the sky, like other lightning when it stormed. Star crouche

e that was deafening. "Come quickly! It is the fire-sti

ed from darkness and noises grew louder. Then the thud of racing ponies grew more distinct and in the dim lig

followed the fleeing animals. Though they had passed him so quickly he had seen two small dark forms on white ponies at the end of the herd. They

s eyes peered into the gloom to gauge the distance and make his own pace, his body flattened more closely to the ground, and the steady stri

ride one of the largest white ponies. Star looked at it as he ran beside it. He had never seen such a big pony in all his life.

rouble. Buffaloes are big and heavy. They can run fast, too. But an antel

y in the ribs, to make it go faster. But the poor beast wa

oke. "I am too old and too fa

lied the Comanche pony,

sidewise, the lad gathered himself, leaped from the horse he

elight as out of the darkness rode Quannah on Running Deer

m rapidly over the low rolling hills until they were co

ds hanging low, their sides drawn and nostrils dilating rapidly. Many of them lost

left them far behind and it would not have made us puff like these white ponies. They

rest while there is time. When we are out with the warriors it is our duty to rest and feed whe

their ponies, guarded the captured white animals. Two days and a night of fast travelling made

could never come back again to her people. He was running faster than any Comanche pony had ever run before-twice as fast as Running Deer could run, for he thought she was trying now to keep pace with

g," he whin

t ceased altogether while he whinnied d

ch him, and opened his eyes

e asked. "You are kickin

ed as few colts are tested at your age. Go to sleep again, so that you will be ready to travel with us, for last night I heard Quannah say that as soon as the big white ponies

white ponies were still weary. Some of them did not rise. Many others moved stiffly as t

m afar, and thus tell the white men where to hunt their lost ponies. Only dry wood was used for the camp fire. Wood fresh or green would have made too much smoke. A few warr

ass hanging from its lips, it looked curiously at the Comanche pony. Slowly its eyes travelled from Star's velvety nose, along his straight back, his slend

a beautif

ed indignantly, "I am a Comanch

e cannot run as swiftly as you ponies, but we are stronger t

rocks instead of tepees of hides. He told how these men fed corn and hay to their horses, as well as grass. Then he explained how some horses were taught to be gentle, so that saddles were placed

do but chew our grain. If we have to go out in a rain, when we come back we are rubbed dry and a warm blank

will take our game and our grass and kill all the Comanche ponies and people. The white men took Qua

women and children and have burned their homes, or taken them prisoners. Then the Great Father of the whole world, who is over the white pe

words before he asked,

officers and the captain is in command while the others are under him. So for many years I have gone with the troop over miles of rough country, sometimes swimming great rivers, and often we encountered big bands of Indians who fought us. Maybe the Indians are wrong, maybe it is the white man, but men are our mas

s fight?" was Star

big drums that make such beautiful music that when we troop horses come out on parade, we cannot keep our feet from dancing or our necks from curv

us to learn all that he could, so as to

e words," he said at la

dings where officers and soldiers live. In the centre of each para

interrupted St

here are stripes of white and red and in one co

ongbird, the little daughter of Chief Quannah, gave me that name when I was too small and too weak to stand up on

was the answer, "and I tho

aid, rubbing his nose against the white horse's neck, then letting his neck rest across the troop horse's back, Star bit

d the old troop horse at last. "If every one wo

ll the tepees, so maybe they will sto

White men, Indians, and horses are all the same. Some are good, some are bad, but the burdens of those who are bad must be carried by those who try to do right. I am the oldest of those in the White Hor

the trees disappeared because the sun was straight above the camp, the troop horse str

er colt, found them together

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