img The Boy Chums Cruising in Florida Waters  /  Chapter 3 THE FIRST ALARM. | 8.57%
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Word Count: 1842    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

and upon these Walter arranged his purchases which made quite an imposing array. He had bo

t and sheath-knife apiece, and a stock of groceries; this was small, containing only such staples as rice, coff

isfaction, Walter sat down to aw

out from the shore, staggering under a

t hair-like stuff on the floor in one corner. "It

peared bearing a large bo

t for?" Walt

d. "It will have to do us until we are able

bearing a load of driftwood tha

or and produced a bit of string and a fish hook from his pocket. "Dar jis' naturally oughter be lots ob fis

ith all the ardor of his race. "Go ahead,"

baiting his hook with a piece of bacon, and gett

moss, filled and trimmed their lanterns, made a rough table and some benches out of a few boards they found on the dock, and covered the broken panes in the windows with some

ved. "It will do us very well un

go we had nothing in the world, now, we have got a dry place to st

upted by a rumble of a wagon and a hail fr

ts all look alike and some one might steal them from you if you left them outside. I'll

w their new crafts. Soon they heard the quick snapping of an engine and

cried as she swept towards them

d, with the certainty born of his sailor life, "sh

e switch and the graceful craft glided up alongside. Charley caught the line the man

med Captain Westfield with delig

that can run away from her, and she is a peach in a seaway-just like a duck. She is thirty feet over all and sound as a dollar. You w

dealt with sailing crafts all my life and I'm not h

the engine," Charley said, "so if anything should h

that and it lets the gasoline into this little tank-called a carburetter. This other little valve lets air into the same tank to mix with the gas. Now your gas is on ready to start. See these wires, they lead from four dry battery cells to the switch and from the switch to this plug in the head of the engine called the spark plug. Shove on your switch,-that's right. Now your gas and spark are ready.

ismay. "You are not going off

be with you always. You have got to learn

isappeared up the dock, then Charley grinned as the humor of it struck

, firmly. "I can't make head or tail of that dinky heap of iron. 'Pears to me

casm. "He also mentioned several othe

he big fly wheel and puffing and perspiring much to the delight of a crowd of fishermen who had

wheel out," observed one i

et a pair of oars, young f

nobly but at last he was

e thing," he declared. "It had ought to go. I've

n the switch it will

ting there laughing in your sleeves while I'v

ut such little things for ourse

I'll let you find out a few t

ver for the day?" queri

to begin," Charley pr

alter declared, confidently. "Jus

of times, then threw it over with a quick jerk. The eng

her," he yelled, pr

for, instead of going ahead, the "Dixie" had started astern full speed. Charley who was standing ready to cast off took a

ldered and stood gazing helple

t's the way to stop it

d. Walter, recovering his wits, obe

y," he replied to Charley's jeers.

wheel only to have he

d a fisherman. "We all live here

advised another, "just change your

in the face, thre

the other way and she'll

realized his error, "why did

ut such little things for ourse

tween us, we can learn to run her, but I guess we had better call it q

nchor, returning to the wharf in one of the skiffs. It was nearly dark whe

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