t said to him, "I shall have to change your train to-day. You
all I ge
of trains, answered, "At 11.44 to-night. The
hall I
day and see Niagara Falls, you can do so, and start on your re
ld get word to my mother. She will feel a
er a note by a te
d a boy of his acquaintan
r," he called, "do you
boy quickly. "What d
ote to my
almost a quarte
pay that
! Give me
bled these
Bridge and shall not p
perhaps Tuesday m
tarted at once on his errand. Fred, quite elated at the prospect of seeing Niagara Falls, prepared for his trip. He had to carry a lar
of nine when Joshua Bascom appeared on the pl
k, Mr. Bascom?" as
tation houses. I shan't rest easy til I'm back in Barton
done anything w
ery meddlesome. I thought that pickpo
ew Jersey, and a New York pol
with an air of relief. "W
all the way
goin' as fa
arther too. I'm g
you don't have to
t paid fo
hokey, wouldn't the folks stare if I was t
t you
money I can afford. I mu
all of your mon
the fifteen dollars I got for that rin
our expenses, and can afford to go again. You must te
'll think I'm smarter
Looking from the door of the car, he saw Joshua climb into a hay wagon driven by an elderly man
some fell asleep, and the hum of conversation ceased. Fred too gave up his trips through the cars, and stretching himself out on a sea
get out at this point. He descended from the train
nd as there was no carriage representing it at the train he set out to walk. It wa
of the passengers on the second car. He appeared to be about forty years of
o stop here over
train boy,
shall you
me by the conducto
will stop
e it. It is a sm
care for style or fashion. I am an invalid, and I prefer the
I think that is t
stories in height. Over the portico was a sign, bearing the name. It
ooking clerk sat behind the desk. He open
e me a room?
one too," sa
e clerk. "That's a back room on the sec
d. "We are strange
room. If you don't mind rooming toge
ds in a room?" as
ng man. He is a stranger to me, but I watched him
u, sir,"
clerk, "what do
y did not fancy his looks much, but could think of no good reason for declining him as a room companion. He felt that the gentleman had paid him a compliment in offering to room
he hall boy has gone to bed. I hardly e
ollar which he had bought in Jersey City before taking passage on the train. Up one flight of stairs the clerk preced
t wide by twenty in depth. At
," said the clerk. "Is there any