img The Harlequin Opal, Vol. 1 (of 3)  /  Chapter 2 THE DEVIL STONE. | 16.67%
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Word Count: 4620    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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years had by no means deprived them of their appetites, and they all did full justice to the excellent fare provided by Philip's cook. So busy were they in this respect that

guise of cigarettes, which last shaft was aimed at Philip, who particularly affected those evil little dainties abhorred by Dr. Grench. Jack and Tim, to mark their contempt for Peter's counter-blast, produced well-coloure

d interest. "You have positively no redeeming vices. But you won't live any the longer for suc

" observed Peter, serene

"is it me you mean? Why, I never

a pitying smile. "I'm a doctor, you know, Peter, and

with a far-away look in his eyes. While Tim and Peter wrangled over the ailments of the former, Philip, lying back luxuriously in

in the saddle; he could sustain existence on the smallest quantity of food compatible with actual life; he could endure all disagreeables incidental to a pioneer existence with philosophical resignation, and altogether presented an excellent type of the Anglo-Saxon race in its colonising capacity. Certainly the special correspondent had, in the inte

tion as he was, fertile in expedients, and constantly on the alert for possible dangers, Jack Duval was eminently fitted for the profession which he had chosen, and could only endure existence in the desert places of the world. This huge London, with

preservation of her virgin solitudes. Still, withal, Jack was a finer man than he was. What were his luxurious travels, his antarctic explorations, in comparison with the actual hardships undergone by this dauntless pioneer of civilisation? Jack was one who did some good i

rs ago and I rather prided myself on myself; but now you make me feel

e astonishment at Sir Philip. Tim and the doctor, pausing in their conversation, pricked up their ears, while Cassim,

ating Anglo-Saxon race, ever pushing forward into fresh worlds. As compared with mine, your prim?val life is absolutely perfect. The Sybarite quails before the clear glance of the child of Nature. Take me

u driving at, Philip?"

's writing," suggest

d Peter, who was not

val ran his hand through his curly locks, pulled

lderdash means that yo


o days in London," said

t? Be quiet, Peter; I can see that Jack is on

ingly. "Yes, I have a scheme to propound, for the carrying out wh

" said Cassim, in an animated tone. "Proceed, Joh

in at the beginni

ed the best way," observed

small pill-box.

since I last saw your three faces. China, Peru, New Zealand, India, Turkey-I know all those places, and many others.

rmured Tim, ref

aking no notice of the interpolation, "under engageme

loudly; "isn't it there

o you know a

eturned Fletcher, sagely. "Go on with the music, m

, but Philip, curled up luxuriously i

tell an Arabian N

sounds l

about buried cities, and Aztecs, and t

u've been rea

aintively, "that with all these inte

announced Tim, glaring around. "If you

, and resume

out assistance; so, as I suddenly remembered our promise to meet here this year, I came straight to London. In fact, I was in such a hurry to find out if you three ha

have come in a bathing-towel, for all I cared. I didn't want to see your

my story is abo

mance of Central Am

n. This isn't about a cit

choed his th

al. A harle

a harlequin

nt should know all things. A harlequin opal is one containing

and this sp

ost magnificent je

you se

w a long

It is as large as a guinea-hen's egg. Milky white, and shooting rays of bl

ould come in," said Philip smiling. "

t's a lo

ight's young, and th

interesting. Start at once Jack, and don't keep us

I went in for it in default of something better; but meanwhile kept my eyes open to see what I could drop into. After some months

is Chol

way-not far fr

looks on to C

e of the neck. Washed

eographical knowledge at fault. "I have an idea of its whereabouts, but

Vera Cruz, and, fortunately, found a coasting-vessel which took me on to Cholacaca. Considering the ship, I got to my destination pretty sharp. I didn't know a soul in the town when I arrived; but, after a few days, began to pic

polito stands out,

gan Jack, when the jo

s, my boy. Later on I'

reat friend of mine, and I saw a good deal of him while I stayed at Tlatonac. He is greatly in favour of this railway, which is to be made from the capital to Acauhtzin, a distance of some three hundred and

, indignantly; "what's the use of r

alking about. Don Hypolito's objection sounds all right, I have no doubt; but if you look into the matter you will see he hasn't a leg

tory with great attention, "I was waiting for the inevitab

ward," replied Jack

m you are

say that

you loo

hereat Duval turn

king such a row, Peter; I

a Dolores?" persisted

ck, calmly, "is the woman w

announcement there

ause. "I hope you will ask us all to your wedding. But what has this

ctator of Cholacaca, and rule that Republic as Dr. Francia did Paraguay. Now

the heiress of

lawful owner of the

eaven's nam

ng precious stone,'

ip, in an amused tone; "we

ous stone is the harlequin op

hundreds of years old. Tradition says

the air," said Philip who k

read that i

ority. But how did it come into th

irect descendan

. Jack, you are ma

ores," replied Jack, laughing; "but, as regards th


. One of the Spanish adventurers stole it, and afterwards married a daughter of Montezuma. When she found out that he had the opal, s

t remain

way, taking the stone with him. He reached the coast, and married a native woman. There they set up a temple on their own account to the god of war, and round it, as time went on, grew a settlement, which was called after the opal 'Chalchuih Tlatonac.' Then the Spaniards came and conquered the

became of

e descendants of Montezuma, however, are still supposed to be its guardians, and, when one owner dies, the opal

ee it?" asked Ph

ried a Spanish lady, and so the race was continued. Off and on, they married Indian and Spaniard. This mixing of race isn't good, from a philoprogenitive point of

ain the stone as

s a temple to Huitzilopochtli, and there a good many of them go in secret to consult the opal. How they consult it I don't know, unless by its changing colours. Now, if Hypolito marries Dolores, through her he might

oesn't lov

on of the devil stone. Besides, apart from the use it would be to him, from a superstitious

seen i

e became the ward of her uncle Don Miguel. I was a good deal

k! J

er, yourself, Philip, when

ause you are in love with he

s fond of me a

n Miguel, the pro

, according to custom. A few nights afterwards the priest arrived secretly, and showed her the stone. While she was holding it up, I entered the room suddenly with Don Hypolito. We saw the opal flashing like a rainbow in her hand. By Heaven, boys, I

Do?a Dolo

the worshippers on the verge of the forest and b

t Dolores was the guardian of the

h value to Dolores. She is called its guardian, but has noth

bserved Tim, reflectively; "I

excitedly. "I want you all to come with me to Cholacaca

and a shade of disappointme

you fellows d

ip, slowly. "Don't jump to conclusions.


n Hypolito's


etly, "there is nothing I should like b

'm on the spot, I may as well help. There's sure to be fighting, and I can attend to the woun

hting up as he grasped a hand of

eerer. I'll go with the greatest of pleasure, Jack; but it so


how, Jack. I told you I

u d

een the eve

he idea of meeting you fell

n coming here, the telegraph's been faster. From all

asped Jack,

up as yet. I saw the telegram myself this morning. Don Hypolito has left Tlatona


trying to stir up a row; but there's

o the front, then, Tim

uth America,' says he. 'What!' says I, 'are the Peruvians at it again?' 'No,' says he, 'it's Cholacaca.' 'And where's that?' says I. 'It's more nor I know,' says he. 'Find out on t

quite so soon; but I saw things were shaping that way. It's strange, Tim, that you should b

res, I'm longing for a new pleasure. I've never been in a war, and should like the novel

o did not exactly relish the idea of being put in the f

etween times. The main thing is to get t

said the little man

hesitated Jack, not

ging Peter in the ribs. "Hasn't he killed his patients long

, looking at his three friends. "But I

tly, "'tis the Morning Plane

eter wants butterflies; don't you, doctor? We're all fre

, pensively; "we little t

p. "We little thought our meeting would bring us good luck, if th

tart at on

my yacht. She's lying down at Yarmouth, in the Isle of W

a fast

he fastest steam-yacht afloat. Wait till she clears the Chan

on't want to arrive at Tlato

er, Jack, and inherit the harlequin opal, and go and be pries

s about, had already filled the glasses

standing up huge and burly,

s drunk with

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