img The Harlequin Opal, Vol. 1 (of 3)  /  Chapter 8 VIVA EL REPUBLICA. | 66.67%
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Word Count: 4378    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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pellation. Everyone knew the Padre and everyone loved him, Jesuit though he was. For fifty years had he laboured in the vineyard of Tlatonac, but when his fellow-labourers were banished, the Government had not the heart to bid him go. So he stayed on, the only representative of his order in all Cholacaca, and prayed and preached and did

hey would kneel before the gaudy shrine of the adobe chapel, and say an Ave for every bead of the rosary, but at one time or another every worshipper was missing, each in his or her turn. They had been to the forest for this thing, for that thing; they had been working on the r

with that of the country. The shrine of the opal had stood where now arose the cathedral; the Indian appellation of the jewel had given its name to the town; and the picture representation of the gem itself was displayed on the yellow standard of the Republic. Hardly any event since the foundation of the city could be mentioned with which the harlequin opal was not connected in some way. It was still adored in the forest temple by thousan

to hear the official opinion of the affair. The worst of it was, had Gomez but known it, that the public mind was already made up. There was to be war, and that speedily, for a rumour had gone forth from the sanctuary of the opal that the gem was burning redly as a beacon fire. Everyone believed that this forebod

rees, sparkling fountains, brilliant flower-beds, and, over all, the violet tints of the twilight, Philip found the scene sufficiently charming. He was walking beside Jack, in default of Eulalia, who, in company with Dolores, marched demur

hand notes of the speech. It had been the intention of Peter to follow his Irish friend, but, unfortunatel

e baronet, quickly; "go

he Palacio

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with a twinkle in his eye. "You remai

antly repudi

said Philip, soothingly; "thereby

s pronunciation of the word,

tfully. "After all, she is not so very ugly, though

earned in such gallantries; and what

, wrapped in his zarape, passed slowly by

res," said Co

ith a smile. "Ven aca Cocom! Have you

old-very old, and I can see into the fut

prophecy or that of th

o always assumed the role of a devout Catholic; "but I hear many things

at mean

will be. The Chalchuih Tlatonac neve

hat is the temper of the people, is it? The opal says war. In that c

owd and found them seated near the bandstand, from whence the President was to deliver his speech. As yet, His Excellency had not arrived, and

d smart military men in the picturesque green uniform of the Republic. All the men had cigarettes, all the women fans, and there was an incessant chatter of voices as both sexes engaged in animated conversation on the burning subject of the hour. Here and there moved the neveros with their stock of ice-creams, grateful to thirsty people on tha

ir of the alameda was full of intrigue and subtle understandings. The wave of a fan, the glance of a dark eye, the dropping of a handkerchief, the removal of a

ood beside Eulalia; "the same crowd, the same brilliance, the same hot night and tropi

ing her mantilla; "how delig

han here, Se?orita. At

er duenna, and made a covert sign b

my aunt, D

k to you," hinted Ph

eak to whom they ple

try the ladies are quite as independe

to que corre es

pose that is the Spanish for 'I don't believe you.' But it is true, Se?orita,"

is no chance of m

ied Philip, with

tful, and remarkably handsome; but then he said such dreadful things. If Do?a Seraf

at this moment; "they are play

t note struck their ears, the crowd applauded loudly; for it was, so to speak, the National Anthem of Cholacaca. Before the band-stand was a clear space of ground, a

, which clicked sharply to the rhythm of the music, as they whirled round one another like Bacchantes. The adoration of the opal, the reading of the omen, the foretelling of successful love, all were represented marvellously in wonder

ord while the f

stone as the s

ocean the opa

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unset the op

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ked particularly picturesque, but the short figure of the President, arrayed in plain evening dress, appeared rather out of place amid all this military finery. The only token of his Excellency's rank was a broa

eter, with a grin. "We will have

such idiotic remarks," replied Jack, severely. "B

wn and marched them off in disgrace. His Excellency, attended by Don Miguel and several other members of the Junta, came forward, hat in hand, to the front of the band-stand, and, after the musicians had stopped playing the "Fandango," began to speak. Gomez was a fat little man, of no very striking looks; but when he commence

ummit of Xicotencatl, the largest of Cholacacan volcanoes, and everywhere the vague languor of the tropics. Gomez, a black figure against the glittering background of uniforms, spoke long and eloquently. He assured them that there would be no war. Do

shall rest under the olive tree of Peace. We banish Don Hypolito Xuarez-we banish all traitors who would crush the sovereign people. The rulers of Cholacaca, elected by the nation, are strong an

oom of a cannon. Astonished at the unfamiliar sound, the Tlatonacians looked at one another in horror. Gomez paused, handkerchief in hand, with a look o

; had Don Hypolito surprised the inland walls with an army of Indians. Terror was on the faces of all-the clamour in the distance came nearer, waxed louder. A cloud of dust at the bend of the avenue, and down the central walk, spurring his horse to its

is entrenched in the rebel town of Acauhtzin. I alone have escaped,

age went up

Tlatonac!" cried the multitude. "Viva e

the President turned towards the people, and, by a gesture of h

dly. "This traitor, Xuarez, has seduced the allegiance of

one mad. The crowd of people heaved round the band-stand like a stormy sea. A thousand voices cursed the traitor Xuare

throats of the mob. "Death to Xuare

s, a thousand people began to dance wildly. Ladies waved their handkerchiefs, men shouted and embraced one another, and amid t

part, where he found the three ladies, more excited than frightened, standing for safety i

I wouldn't have missed it for a fortune. Viva el Republic

cape?" said Don Miguel, throwin

g man. "Let us go now with the ladies to our home. Se?ores," he

men managed to push a path to a caleza for the ladies, placed them the

res a crowd had collected to salute the great yellow standard of t

of the Tlatonac Chalchuih," roar

whispered Philip to Jack, as they entered the zaguan o

he was going to revolt, and the priests of the temple have used the information to advertise the stone.

m the dead. He embraced his sister, cousin, and aunt; which privilege was rather envied by the four friends, as regards t

" he said, fiercely; "there will be a war, and a bitter w

m, taking out his pocket-book; "and th

cannot give you a detailed account at present,

the ladies, in a

had declared in his favour, I thought we would have to bombard it. But think, Se?ores, think. When I came back to my ship, I was arrested by my own crew, by my own officers. Seduced by the oily tongue of Xuarez, they had revolted. In vain I implored! I entreate

erafina, in tears,

ing with rage, and

m! Thus was it insulted by the rebels of Acauhtzin, whose houses, I h

scene: the dim light, the worn-out young fellow in the ragged uniform, and his figur

aid Maraquando, whose eyes were

rs with a file he had given me. I climbed down the wall by a rope, and, when on the ground, found him, waiting me. He hurried me down to the water's edge, and placed me in a boat with food for a few days. I rowed out in the darkness, past the ships

ed indignantly at the treatment to which he had been subjected. The

and he returned at once with the news, arriving at Tlatonac some time ago. I ordered him to fire those guns announcing my arr

ly taking notes, "I'm off to the te

on Rafael had fallen, half-fainting, in a chair, and the ladies were attending to him; so,

loudly from every tower, and every now and then a rocket scattered crimson fire in the sky. War was proc

said Jack, jubilantly

re, singing the National Anthem of Tlatonac. Philip caught the las

unset the op

etic of deat

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