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Reading History

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 1456    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ething far more unexpected. He went abroad again, and came back married. Now our busy fancy ha

ould hate," Ned added sentimentally, "to see 'the touch of a woman's hand' desecr

would own neither to surpr

r the bridegroom's eight-page rhapsody to Halidon

he growled. "I never saw such a beast

ccusation I put out my hand

accomplishment," etc.... A little ethereal profile, like one of Piero della Francesca's angels ... not rich, th

I had convicted myself out of my friend's mouth; an

t paint, anyhow. And now that I think of it, Paul's jus

goodbye, poor Ac

a glimpse of the returning couple before he was himself snatched up in one of the chariots of adventure that seemed perpetually waiting at his door. This time he was

what I was to see was, of course, the crowning pinnacle of the A

wife to the world, and I was not often a spectator on these occasions. Paul indeed, good fellow, tried to maintain the pretense of an unbroken intercourse, and to this end I was asked to di

e was watching, at any rate, and anything might come of that. Such modifications as she produced were as yet almost imperceptible to any but the trained observer. I saw that Paul wished her to be well dressed, but also that he suffered her to drive in a hired brougham, and to have her door opened by the raw-boned Celt who had bumped down the

, the Ambroses had flown to Europe aga

" the traveller asked, as we sa

t hang together. Perhaps she's

cked the sche

we had a talk about it

mpression d

o send for me till ju

o denial, and after a pause he asked:

or twice-in


. She would like to see beauty p


doesn't unders

ery likely you frightened her

y smile doesn't add to

noring me, "next wi

ing him off to Egypt. Would I see the architects for him, and explain to the trustees? (The Academy already had trustees, and all the rest of its official hierarchy.) And wou

ces were attended by all the officers of the Academy, and by two of the young fellows who had won the tra

se had left his entire estate to his widow. The board of the Academy dissolved like a summer cloud,

ng away from the door. The care-taker told me that Mrs. Ambrose was sailing the next morning. Not long afterward I saw the library table with the helmeted knights standing

g with-"And what about the Academy?" and for all answer I sent him a newspaper clipping recording the t

hs later, when he surprised me by a letter dated from Florence. It began: "Though she tells me you have never understood her-" and

, incongruously enough, my next thought was: "

y if it were not that, to her as well as to me, it represents the sac

d man, those words of his that you repeated to me three or four years ago: 'I've half a mind to leave my money in trust to Ned'? Well, it has c

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