img The Little Brown Jug at Kildare  /  Chapter 6 MR. GRISWOLD FORSAKES THE ACADEMIC LIFE | 28.57%
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Reading History


Word Count: 3248    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

n found him in the lovely cathedral churchyard, where an aged negro, tending the graves of an illustrious family, leaned upon his spade and recited the achievements and virtues of the dead. Men

rough the streets in a mood of more complete alienation than he had ever experienced in a foreign country; yet the very

for his friend's report of his pursuit of the winking eye. He only regretted that in the nature of things Columbia is a modern city, a seat of commerce as well as of government, a place where bank clearings are seriously computed, and where the jaunty adventurer with sword and ruffles is quite likely to run afoul of the police. Yet his own imagination was far more fertile than Ardmore's, and he would have hailed a troop of mail-clad men as joyfully as his friend had he met them clanking in the highway. Th

ps. Indoors a mandolin and piano struck

company. We'll sit he

he light from the windows showed clearly that her perplexity of the morning was not yet at an

amed of you. It's not a bit hospitable to keep you outside

perfectly, M

are here. I told my sisters that you were an old frie

y status is fixed. I know your father, bu

touched her hair, as though searching out the gold. When we say that people have atmosphere, we really mean that they possess indefinite qualities that awaken new moods in us, as by that magic through which an ignorant hand thrumming a harp's string

imating that he is away on important public business, and that his purpose might be defeated if his exact whereabouts were known. I tried to intimate, without saying as much, that he was busy with the Appleweight case. One of the paper

he broke off her declaration of confidence in her

But we may as well face the fact that his absence just now is most embarrassing. This Appleweight matter has reached a crisis, and a failure to handle it properly may injure your father's future a

e state. No; I have thought of every one this afternoon. It would be a painful thing for his best friends to know what is-what seems to be the truth." Her voice wavered a li

urally be the one to whom I should turn, but I can not do it. I-there is a reason"-and sh

im; that, though he was only the most casual acquaintance, she trusted him. It was a dictum of his, learned in his study and practise of the law, that issues must be met as they offer-not as the practition

and met the boy at the steps. She came back and opened a telegram, reading the message at on

m with anger and scorn deepening her beautiful color. Her breath came quickl

gine a man of any character or decency sending

ed him as


ble Charle

of South


in Appleweight matter. Your va

m Dang

of North

hink of that?"

ent, to say the least,

f outlaws only come into South Carolina now and then to hide and steal, but they commit most of their crimes in North Carolina, and they always have. Talk about a vacillating course! Father has never taken steps to arrest those men out of sheer regard for Governor Dangerfield; he thou

igh was certainly lacking in diplomatic suavity. It was patent that if the governor of North Carolina was not tremendous

bia that we don't know when we're insulted. We can go through the side d

ested Griswold, with a vague wish to prolong this discussion, th

it can't be worse than his telegra

rapidly, without asking su

le William

gh, N

telegram in Appleweight

es Os

of South

ious disappointment wi

a big, solemn, conceited creature in long frock-coat and a shoestring necktie, who boasts of belonging to the common 'peo

lina by flashing our requisition. There is a rule in such cases that the state having the heaviest indictments shall have precedence; and you say that in this state it's only a matte

er in Richmond," and Miss Osborne forgot her anger;

dolph Wilson's?" ask

dge Wilson's, Mr. Grisw

able myself. The judge says grace twice when there'

fter the ham would b

aughed, and her attitude toward him, that had been tempe

razy about pirates? I've heard the Wilsons

appointment at Judge Wilson's office this morni

He said you really were a fine lawyer, b

association of piracy and law was most unfortunate, as it would sugge

Wilsons. They are very strong for the tide-water families; to hear them talk

tesville I don't insist on it. It wouldn't be decent in me. And I have lots of cousins in Lexingt

onopoly of that;" and then the smile left her face and she returned to the telegram. "Our immediate business,

wn in law and history as North Carolina, I have heard called, by a delightful North Carolina lady I met onc

ed spitefully; "it's only a strip of land where uninterest

aves him in the dark as to our-I mean Governo

done, and he was prepared to answer when she asked, with an emplo

e our in

counsel. Let me have a telegraph blank and I will try my hand at being governor." He sat down in the gover

riff of Mi

ourt Hou

the deputies you need, and if friendliness of citizens to outlaws makes this impossible wire me immediately, and I

es Os

of South

d we might as well put the thing through at a gallop. I'll get the telegraph c

k compression of her lips, the glow in her cheeks, and then

just how to manage such a thing, but

ust have his full o

the sheriff refus

ened himself slightly before he added in a quiet tone-"the

say nothing of the personal danger. I merely wanted your advice-as a lawyer, for the reason that I dared not risk fa

iff of Mingo County. If the sheriff failed to respond in proper spirit and it became necessary to use the militia, he was conscious that serious complications might arise. He had not only a respect for law, but an ideal of civic courage and integrity, and the governor's inexplicable absence aroused his honest wrath. The idea that a mere girl should be forced to sustain the official honor and dignity

istake, no failure,

a flying fugitive in Governor Dangerfield's territory. And now these telegrams must be sent. It might be better for you to go to the

true. I will go i

yours, it would allay suspicions to have it," and while

d Griswold and Barbara, fortified by the pr

erybody in South Carolina

see by her eye that she

town by a boy; and when this had been a

h office, Tom

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