img The Little Brown Jug at Kildare  /  Chapter 7 AN AFFAIR AT THE STATE HOUSE | 33.33%
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Word Count: 4481    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

nager of the telegraph company, who lifted the

e the answers if they come to-night? No; your fa

r Osborne was only at home a few hours this eve

s face expre

he words and charging them against the state's account. "I will send them myself, an

a, conferring the title with a vague

d with an air that implied his familiarity with officia

essage at the standing desk in the lobby lifted his hat and addressed Barbara

n trying to get you on the telephone. Can

y a few hours, and then

s Barbara Osborne was-Miss Barbara Osborne, and this, to the people of South C

all the trains, but I gue

ther drove in from the country and went back t

reporter scented events. Griswold, seeing the light flash in the young

will be absent from town for a day-perhaps a week. He will not r

e? The Raleigh papers have wired for i

business, and that the business is important. You may print that in the Intellig

ly not," Bar

imate that those people enjoy immunity from prosecution and that the governor-you w

to have this matter understood now. I am employed by the governor as special counsel in some state matters. My name is Griswold. Tak

h her cheek resting against her raised hand. She was experiencing the relief we all know, of finding a strong

attorney for Appleweight, Governor Osborne begs to say that steps have already been taken for the arrest of this man and his followers, dead or alive. The governor presents his compliments to those amiable critics who have so eagerly seized upon this pretext for slurring his private character and aspersin

read over this pronunciamiento; then he han

t, only, why not substitute fo

, and thus amended the stateme

r paper will have. Please wire your story to Raleigh; Governor Osborne is very anxious

ght," said the reporter, grinning. "He'll be paral

by publicity. Remember, you get the exclusive use of this story-the return and immediate departure of the governor, his st

is it, Miss Osborne?

to act, and you need question not

neral to-day?" asked the reporter detainingly, as

. Bosworth at all, if

him about the Appleweight case an hour ago at his house and he said the governor wasn't g

ppens! We have no comment to mak

," replied Barb

may have another story for you!" and Griswold shook the repo

n, to Griswold: "I must speak of another matter. Drive w

upied with some new phase of the situation, and a

sworth. I knew he would do something to injure father if he

htly. "Besides, you may be sure the Intelligencer wil

contemptible, more ungenerous even than politics. B

old; "but the state's business first. We have a little

thing undone that father would do

bility but our own into the bargain in so far as we speak and act for him. And there's always the state-the Palmetto flag must be kept

ge of town and she bade

want to see Appleweight punished we'd better hold the requisition anyhow. It's possible that your father had it ready-do pardon me!-for a grand-stand play, or he may

its gravity. If the attorney-general was serving a personal spite, or whatever the cause of his attitude, he might go far in taking advantage of the governor's absence. Griswold's relation to the case was equivocal enough, he fully realized; but the very fact of its being without precedent, and so

e office key

atchman in the building, but he knows me very well. The

eran-sat smoking in the entrance an

papers from father

lights, to the governor's door, which he opened with his own

comes at night,"

tudents are at work in the library,

he governor's desk. She found the right key, drew out a drawer, then cried out softly. She knelt be

here this morning. The requisition and a

arefully and pointed to the

s? The matter is simple enough, so please do not trouble about it.

ed out the attorney-general's office, threw on a few additional li

ocked, but in response to Griswol

Griswold, quietly edging his way into the room, "but

rth's face flushed angrily when he found that a stranger had thus entered his office with a cool air of prop

ted, laying his hand on the door. "I'm engag

though to call Griswo

thing-it's the

r. Bosworth. I intend to stay on t

at do you mean by coming h

reasonable human being you must be to have been trusted with the office you hold, we'll proceed to business. Meanwhile, please

nd he sniffed with pleasure the familiar atmosphere of dusty law calf, which no one who has had the slightest acquaintance with a law office ever forgets. To his infinite amusement Bosworth was actually putting on his coat, though it

m by the shoulder

u are and I should hate to have to throw you out of the window. Now"-and he caught and hung up t

e you?" demanded

take down that volume on Admiralty Practice just behind you, you will find my name on the title page. Or, to save you the trouble, as

o know enough about legal procedure to understand that the attorney-general rep

is no earthly reason why a governor should not detach himself, so to speak, from his office and act in propria persona, as a mere citizen. His right to private remedy is not abridged by the misfortune of office-holding. Whether he can himself be made defendant in an action at law touches that ancient question, wheth

t sense of humor and that his play upon legal phrases was wasted. Bosworth grinned, but not at the legal

ou represent Mr. Osborne. May I a

ld rule of the game never to divulge a client's secret. Governor Osborne has his o

e trains watched. You'll have to do

him to-day. I suppose it's part of your official duty to misrepresent the head of the state

a stranger whose identity he still questioned angered him. He did not know why Griswold h

l," he sneered. "How did you

don't you see? But I'm in a hurry now. I came here on a particular errand. I wa

the table and took u

ng about the governor you would know that that's why Osborne is hiding himself. He can't afford to offend the Appleweights, if you must know the disagreeable truth. Your coming here and asking me for that requis

ovided, was in Governor Osborne's desk this morning at the time you were so daintily kicking the door in your anxiety to see the governor. It has since been taken from

rge," mocked the

that," and Gr

e other hand I represent Governor Osborne, and if I w

niously and with criminal

red Bosworth, "and such being the case

rant that you are within your rights in wishing to place them in the governo

afraid to come to Columbia,

you that the governor of South Carolina i

Bosworth, and he blanched and twiste

e state, charged with full responsibility, enjoying all

tten a widely accepted work on admiralty and who was known to him by reputation as a brilliant lawyer of Virginia, the mystery was all the deeper. By taking the few steps necessary to reach the governor's chambers he would prove the falsity o

with fire-arms down here? It's a method

is it will be the worse f

you are to give those documents into

em and passed on. Bosworth strode eagerly forward in hi

in the stronger light that poured in from the private office. There, in the gove

bowing gravely and advancing; "I b


d been sprung upon him. The girl had risen instantly and a smile played about her lips for a moment. She had vaguely surmised that Griswold

playing on you? Don't you understand that your father's absence is a most serious matter and that in

egative sort of gaze. She took a step forward befor

e calamities, and what was in your mind when you

to use the


I expe

oup for his own glory during the gov

voice rang imperiousl

will talk to you as old friends may talk together," and he glar

e that question on me when I had answered it once and for all long ago. Before this stranger I want to tell you that you are a despicable coward and that if you think you can humiliate me or my father or the state by such practices as you have resorted to y

ch restraint. I shall add, on my own account, that if I find you meddling again in this Appleweight case, I shall first procure

sworth's step died away in the hall, Gri

g nasty if he is clever en

said Barbara, touching her f

tion. Your father's absence and this fiction we are maintaining that he is really here can not be maintained forever. I don't want to trouble you, for you,

lightly resting on its flat surface. She was who

d to the governor of South Carolina in the old story, for fath

where that sto

rinks. What makes the New Orleans incident so remarkable is that father and Governor Dangerfield have always been friends, though I never cared very much for the Dangerfields myself. The only tiffs they have had have been purely for effect. When father said that the people of North Carolina would never a

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