upon Grant in wonderment-thos
Grant Colburn?"
know of, M
have got twenty dollar
, I
it t
got the mon
is it
line t
ur step-father, and natural guardi
At any rate, I
boy. Of course Mr. Shick won't be paid, and he'll send in his bill to you or me likely. He can't make us
r. Tarbox le
feeling anxious. It does seem a crazy id
uld it,
e no money to
u ever know me
t money enough to pay for this suit
ot honest
urse i
is really and
g to tell me wh
, mother. I wil
" said Mrs. Tarbox, relieved, "and I
rry any more,
haven't lost co
five dollars. On his way back he called at the tailor's, and paid Mr. Shick for h
ny money," he said to himself, "
a neighbor, called at th
, the breaking down of the
t," said Seth Tarbox,
ught everyb
id it
it gave way from old age
s it fou
along. I tell you it was a narraw escape for the train. Th
? How did the engine
ay, and saw the condition of the
hat and a handkerchief on the tines, and
yes wide, and a sudden
have been Gr
ll you anythi
ion for the boy, whoever he was. He must
ing his leg vigorously. "He's gone and ordered a twenty-dollar suit, a
it. Well, the boy needs a new
grandson Rodney offered him a suit of his for nothin'
smile, "but I think if I'd been in Grant's
ctly afterward, and Seth
s Grant,
s chores were done, but he di
e got his money," said
idn't do anything
y, but 52he'd ought to have consul
d he get
oken, and signalled the train a
es sparkled with
noble act,
ution, and Jotham Perry thinks Gr
hing that don't occur to you, Mrs. T. What he did was done in time, and he lost
the lives of the passengers
der the circumstances I think I ough
claimed his wife i
t he wouldn't have no twenty dollars
as saved you the money you would h
in' to give him one of his old suits. Now I think of it, I'll go down and see Mr. Shick and
mean thing to
nd by his full name when she had oc
ame way, Mrs. T.," said her husband calm
ill open for business
ave you come to pick o
ave you cut out G
is nearly
for you. You mus
y n
the money, as I've found out, but part of it belongs t
Tarbox. The suit will be made up, a
risk. I've warned you th
ox. You have taken your walk for no
aculated M
for the suit in advance. I advise you t
anly. Of course there was no resource. He was too wise to ask Mr. Shick to refund the money, for
walked slowly down the road. "Grant must have a pretty uncomfortable time at h
t to have that, for it was in my time that he earned the mone
e o'clock, for he was tired
o happened that this night he waked up about eleven, and
whether to feel a
x?" he demanded in a voice which he