n State. He owned a large farm, which he had bought at the government price of one dollar and a quarter an acre. He also owned a smaller farm a mile and a half west of
e died she and her family would no doubt inherit the miserly farmer's possessions. Like her father she was 11selfish and close so far as others were concerned, but she was willing to spend money on herself. She
g buggy drove into the yard. The occupant
to Grant, "come and hold t
been alone he would not have heeded the demand, but Mrs. Ba
ll your mother we'
trouble, for the farmer
a!" he said. "Wh
e matter of business, father. I hope Mrs
ox, who, to do him justice, was not mean a
nd shiftless, and if it wasn't for me
he house. Rodney stayed behind, an
looking shabbier t
said Grant bitterly, "
se i
r's. He won't bu
're not ki
k hard and earn a great
can hunt up one of my old suits fo
ant anybody's cast-off clot
ng proud," sn
ll it that
me, so you could wear go
ood clothes, but I'd rather
id Rodney complacently. "I shal
go to yo
I hope you don't think you and
but I don't think we will. If your grandfather would do
apping on the
nner, I suppos
th us?" asked Rodney, eying G
ose cl
e them. Besides my Sunda
the meal, Rodney said, "Grandfathe
"He's been pesterin' all the mornin' about
ather. I will give him an old s
brightening up. "Do you hear that, Grant? You
ey's old clothes," answered G
rary. Rodney's suit is a good deal
or not, but I'm entitled to
s. Tarbox?" demanded the far
as worked hard, Mr. Tarbox, and
other, "your kind of
, extending his plate f
"I won't countenance no extravagance. What's the use of spend
e," retorted Grant, "why
ween him and you," said Mr
farm boy," said Rodney, taki
always be
own up," returned Rodney, looking arou
d Seth Tarbox. "I worked on a farm myself when I
d be a lawyer," said Rodn
to go to college, Sophia,
t make fifty thousand dollars. Besides, I may get elected to Congress. That's better than working on a farm. When Grant is ge
man myself," in
ho!" laughed Rodney
ike it, but I may get
oy of your age," remarked Mrs
e than
e was disturbed, and refrained from noticing
Mrs. Bartlett, "you remembe
what o
ot back from
expensive goin'
count if you can bring
a lot of money?" asked the
ack ten thous
How yo
, every wo
d he ma
the Ezra 18Jones place, and is
s was Grant Colburn. His color wen
Heywood in Calif
, for he went across the plains, and it took
California," said
ke you!" repeated Mrs. Bartlett
y than I do here," answ
"You haven't money enough to get you twenty-five miles, and I s
is step-father's words, but the idea 19had found lo
sometime!" he
after dinner!" said Rodney in