ning, screeching and, generally protesting sound of the brake-bands. A girl, bronzed by the summer sun, let her gloved hands fall from the steering
in a half whisper, as she paused for a moment on the bottom step, and gazed back
fingers of coming winter, and the browns, reds, golden ambers, purples and flam
e to tuck back under her motoring cap a rebellious lock of hair. "But I couldn't get a single one of the
ng the golden west, that every moment, under the now rapidly appear
n descent to the commonplace. "Mother will be wanting that worsted, and if we ar
bule, she heard a voice f
re she
said she couldn't come motoring with me.
binson-the brown-haired, "plump", girl-she who was known as the "big" Robinson twin-th
eath, or, to be still more exact, to put the breath out of Bess.
e been waiting so long for you!
s-did you every try rolling over and over on the floor after each meal? One roll for each course, you know," and Cora smiled tantalizingly as she removed he
Kimball, I
nd how we promised never, never to use it-at least as commonly a
ll you!" and Bess laid a plump and rosy p
dred yard dash, as Jack would say. So come in, sit down, get comf'y, wait until you and your breath-are on speaking terms, and I'll
hen you 'phoned, and mamma is so upset, and the house is in such a s
e. In the first place, I had a puncture, and you'll ne
hoe. But you'd never g
Sid W
who made so m
do you think
s, of course.
as Angeli
in the world she ever took up w
is much nicer than he used to be, and they
a new inner tube for me, and of course I wasn't going to refuse. So Angelina and I sat in the shade, while poor Sid labored. And the shoe was
and nob
t to exhaust all my eloquence and powe
d her chum into the library of the Kimball home, sank down, alm
laughed Cora, laying a
out of that, Bess, wh
ect that particular c
" and, with an assumption of dignity that did not at all accord with h
as of such a depth that one's center of gravity was
the lecturer in chemistry says, after Sid had so obligingly fixed the puncture, I started off again, for mamma wanted some worsted and I ha
covering her face with her hands or at least, trying to, for he
Bess, though there was a d
d finish one thing at a t
ranger, and I was going to cut him. In my excitement, I ran right into a newly oiled place on the road, and, before I knew it, I was skidding something awfu
cried Bess. "Listen, my dear! I simply must tell, you. It's what I ran over for, and I kno
t? Has some one stolen your car, or have you discovered a new kind of chocolate candy? I wish I had some now
s my turn. You can't g
ust dying to tell me. Go on. I'm listening," a
it all, but what would you say, if I w
my dear, I'd say that
like-like a wedding tou
and Cora leaned forwa
u reall
f papa carries out his plans, and takes mamma to
or. Cora turned her he
ver a note, the manila envelope of whic
, and her fingers trembled, in
nce at the written w
'Miss Kimball' on it. However, it doesn't mat
" asked Be
was a sob in her voice. "He has suffered a nervous