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Chapter 80 In which the Colonel says "Adsum" when his Name is called

Word Count: 4678    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

was broken on the very next day. A stronger will than the young man's intervened, and he had to confess the impoten

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Chapter 1 The Overture-After which the Curtain rises upon a Drinking Chorus Chapter 2 Colonel Newcome's Wild Oats Chapter 3 Colonel Newcome's Letter-box Chapter 4 In which the Author and the Hero resume their Acquaintance Chapter 5 Clive's Uncles Chapter 6 Newcome Brothers Chapter 7 In which Mr. Clive's School-days are over Chapter 8 Mrs. Newcome at Home (a Small Early Party) Chapter 9 Miss Honeyman's Chapter 10 Ethel and her Relations Chapter 11 At Mrs. Ridley's
Chapter 12 In which everybody is asked to Dinner
Chapter 13 In which Thomas Newcome sings his Last Song
Chapter 14 Park Lane
Chapter 15 The Old Ladies
Chapter 16 In which Mr. Sherrick lets his House in Fitzroy Square
Chapter 17 A School of Art
Chapter 18 New Companions
Chapter 19 The Colonel at Home
Chapter 20 Contains more Particulars of the Colonel and his Brethren
Chapter 21 Is Sentimental, but Short
Chapter 22 Describes a Visit to Paris; with Accidents and Incidents
Chapter 23 In which we hear a Soprano and a Contralto
Chapter 24 In which the Newcome Brothers once more meet together in
Chapter 25 Is passed in a Public-house
Chapter 26 In which Colonel Newcome's Horses are sold
Chapter 27 Youth and Sunshine
Chapter 28 In which Clive begins to see the World
Chapter 29 In which Barnes comes a-wooing
Chapter 30 A Retreat
Chapter 31 Madame la Duchesse
Chapter 32 Barnes's Courtship
Chapter 33 Lady Kew at the Congress
Chapter 34 The End of the Congress of Baden
Chapter 35 Across the Alps
Chapter 36 In which M. de Florac is promoted
Chapter 37 Return to Lord Kew
Chapter 38 In which Lady Kew leaves his Lordship quite convalescent
Chapter 39 Amongst the Painters
Chapter 40 Returns from Rome to Pall Mall
Chapter 41 An Old Story
Chapter 42 Injured Innocence
Chapter 43 Returns to some Old Friends
Chapter 44 In which Mr. Charles Honeyman appears in an Amiable Light
Chapter 45 A Stag of Ten
Chapter 46 The Hotel de Florac
Chapter 47 Contains two or three Acts of a Little Comedy
Chapter 48 In which Benedick is a Married Man
Chapter 49 Contains at least six more Courses and two Desserts
Chapter 50 Clive in New Quarters
Chapter 51 An Old Friend
Chapter 52 Family Secrets
Chapter 53 In which Kinsmen fall out
Chapter 54 Has a Tragical Ending
Chapter 55 Barnes's Skeleton Closet
Chapter 56 Rosa quo locorum sera moratur
Chapter 57 Rosebury and Newcome
Chapter 58 "One more Unfortunate"
Chapter 59 In which Achilles loses Briseis
Chapter 60 In which we write to the Colonel
Chapter 61 In which we are introduced to a New Newcome
Chapter 62 Mr. and Mrs. Clive Newcome
Chapter 63 Mrs. Clive at Home
Chapter 64 Absit Omen
Chapter 65 In which Mrs. Clive comes into her Fortune
Chapter 66 In which the Colonel and the Newcome Athenaeum are both lectured
Chapter 67 Newcome and Liberty
Chapter 68 A Letter and a Reconciliation
Chapter 69 The Election
Chapter 70 Chiltern Hundreds
Chapter 71 In which Mrs. Clive Newcome's Carriage is ordered
Chapter 72 Belisarius
Chapter 73 In which Belisarius returns from Exile
Chapter 74 In which Clive begins the World
Chapter 75 Founder's Day at the Grey Friars
Chapter 76 Christmas at Rosebury
Chapter 77 The Shortest and Happiest in the Whole History
Chapter 78 In which the Author goes on a Pleasant Errand
Chapter 79 In which Old Friends come together
Chapter 80 In which the Colonel says "Adsum" when his Name is called
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