img The Paston Letters, Volume I (of 6)  /  Chapter 4 APPENDIX TO PREFACE AND INTRODUCTION | 57.14%
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Word Count: 4099    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


d in the principal register at Doctors' Commons, are curious in ot

f them, or the executors or administrators of such survivor, do and shall, within twelve months next after my decease, procure a good and safe repository in the Cathedral Church of Norwich, or in some other good and publick building in the said city, for the preservation of the same collections, for the use and benefitt of such curious persons as shall

Allen to come into any of my studys, or to lend or give him any of my books or papers, or to suffer him in any respect to intermeddle with my affairs. Item, I give unto my said wife Frances such goods and things att Bow and Wychingham as I shall mencion and sett down in a certain paper to be signed and left by me for that purpose. Item, I give unto my said wife Frances my crown, silver gilt, my collar,

iquity, I give them unto such person and persons, and bodyes, politic or corporate, a

was proved 7t


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n are preserved in the Record Office among 'Chancery, Parliamentary an


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re of Seint Stephenes


f Warewyk and youre Chaunceller of Inglonde, youre Tresorer, youre chef Juge of the Kynges benche, and afore other of yor sergeantz of lawe, beynge to gidere, how he radde diversez evidences of xix acres londe that schulde longe un to youre seide pore bisechere every yere vjs. viijd., so that sche wolde holde here plesed and content. Up on the whiche sche wolde nat holde here so agreed with oute youre gracious advis in this matere. Besechinge to youre hie and habundant grace, for oure right worthy and gracious Kynge youre fadere soule, and for oure right worthy and gracious quene youre moder soule, whos soules God of his grace assoille, that youre seide pore bisecher may have here evidences, so that here trewe right might be opinly knowen. For there ys twies so good



ith holdynge of diverses evidences and wrongefulle prisonmentes that he hath done to the seide Julian ayenst youre lawes, whiche been here under wretyn yn article wise, whiche the sei

rd of lytel Plumstede yn the Counte of Norff. and Margarete his wyf, doughter and heir to Wil

the whiche to the same Juliane schulde discende be right of heritage, as doughter and nexte heir of the seide Margarete. The whiche William Paston the

inquirebant per vici? vill' adjac?, qui dixerunt quod Margareta Palmere, mater dicte Juliane fuit recta heres illius terre; Et quod post decessum ejusdem Margarete discendere debuisset prefate Juliane ut de feodo talliato. Et postea dictus Willelmus in presencia Radulphi Rectoris de Brunham, Johannis Roppys, Henrici Pye de Brixston, Thome Marchall et aliorum ibidem existencium publice legebat cartas et evidencias pertinentes dicte Juliane, et optulit eidem Juliane pro suo jure habendo etc., xijd., et postea xxd. Et eciam pro majo

de William did here arrest yn to the Countour of London, and there kepte here yn prisone to the seide parlement was ended th

Fletestrete, and there constreined here to seale a blanke chartre, yn whiche he dide write a relesse atte his owne devys, and sent here

arke yn playne court and iij. acres of the seide londe, and so moche ys the seide Juliane refused that profre, did arreste here newe in the seide Countoure an

e Chaunceller, wherby sche was by a sergeaunt of armes committed to Flete, and there beten, fetered and stokked, and so there holden by an hole yere, to that entent that no man schulde wete where sche was by come tille sche hadde be dede in prison. Of whiche false prisonment Sr Thomas Erpyngham

dences to here seide right longinge, and wastyn

chef, in so moche that scho hadde nat but a pynte of mylke yn x. daies and x. nightes, and a ferthing

e in the Kynges benche, and there sche lay xij. monthes and more i

s persones to bringe here to prisone to youre Benche, and badde atte his perille certeines persones to smyte the brayne oute of here hede for suynge of here right, and there be

the face of membrane 3, one at t

second Duke of Norfo


. mi


es God, dated on the 4th March, and delivered to the Chancellor for execu

m dicti Regis et destructionem regni sui Angli? conf?derantes, machinantes, compassentes et proponentes, ultimo die Augusti anno regni dicti Regis vicesimo nono334.1 apud Feversham et alibi in com. Kanci? se adinvicem congregaverunt ad numerum quadringentorum hominum et amplius, dicentes et confidentes quod ipsi essent de eorum covina et assensu ad eorum libitum et voluntatem xl. milia hominum armatorum et modo guerrino arraiato

ter in Hilary term, 29 Hen. VI., on th

evidently an error. It shoul


expected form


nry VI., p. 1, m. 23, oc

m hujusmodi ligeorum nostrorum submissiones humillimas nostros misericordes oculos dirigentes, ac firmiter tenentes quod de c?tero in nostra obedientia stabiles permanebunt, fidem ligeanci? su? erga nos inantea inviolabiliter servaturi, ad laudem, gloriam et honorem Omnipotentis et misericordis Dei ac gloriosissim? Virginis matris Christi, de gratia nostra speciali pardonavimus, remisimus et relaxavimus Johanni Payn de Pecham in comitatu pr?dicto, yoman, alias dicto Johanni Payn, nuper de Estpekham in comitatu pr?dicto, smyth, qui inter c?teros se submisit nostr? grati?, quocumque nomine censeatur, sectam pacis nostr? qu? ad nos versus eum pertinent, seu poterit pertinere, pro quibuscumque proditionibus, feloniis, murdris et transgressionibus per ipsum a septimo die Julii anno

same date to Richard Doke, yeoman, and W


Duke of York at Dartford is contained in the fo

d, myle fro

d Bewcham, and my Lord of Sydeley, &c., whiche poyntment was, &c. And soon after was Chatterley, yeman of the Crown, maymed, notwithstondyng he was takyn at Derby with money making and ladde to London. Then after the Kynges yeman of his chambur, namyd Fazakerley, with letteris was sent to Luddelowe to my Lord of Yorke chargyng to do forth a certeyn of his mayny, Arthern, squier, Sharpe, sqier, &c.; the whiche Fazakerley hyld in avowtry Sharpes wiff, the which Sharpe slewe Fitzacurley, and a baker o


rinted as

on Lowe

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nrolled on the Patent Roll,

patri Johanni Cardinali et Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi, totius Angli? primati, Cancellario nostro, per Thomam Kent, clericum ejusdem consilii nostri, ad exem

was by commaundement directed unto him undre the Kinges Prive Seal, come hidre to the Kinges greet Counsail, and wolde with all diligence to his power entende to the same, and to all that that sholde or might be to the welfare of the King and of his subgettes; but for asmoche as it soo was that divers persones, suche as of longe tyme have been of his Counsail, have be commaunded afore this tyme, by what meanes he watte never, not to entende upon him, but to withdrawe thaim of any counsail to be yeven unto him: the which is to his greet hurte and causeth that he can not procede with suche matiers as he hath to doo in the Kinges courtes and ellus 337 where, desired the Lordes of the counsail

nostri pr?dicti, Ricardi Ducis Ebaracensis, duximus exemplificandum per p


p. 2, m. 21. They afford remarkable evidence of the terror inspired

vobis et vestrum cuilibet plenam potestatem et auctoritatem damus et committimus ad advocandum coram vobis [omnes] et singulos ligeos nostros comitatus pr?dicti, cujuscunque status, gradus seu condicionis fuerint, de quibus vobis melius videbitur expedire, ad proficiscendum vobiscum contra pr?fatum inimicum nostrum ac complices suos pr?dictos, ac ad assistenciam et auxilium suum vobis seu vestrum cuilibet in eorum resistenciam dandum et impendendum in casu quo idem inimicus noster ac complices sui pr?dicti dictum comitatum vel partes adjacentes ingredi pr?sumant, ac ad eos et secum comitantes ut hostes et rebelles nostros debellandum, expugnandum, et destruendum, ac ad omnia alia et singula qu? juxta sanas discretiones vestras in hac parte in repressionem pr?dictorum inimicorum nostrorum ac complicum suorum et eorum maledicti propositi fore videritis necessaria et oportuna, faciendum, 338 exercendum et exequendum. Et insuper assignavi

m? Tudenham militi, Willelmo Chamberleyn militi, Miloni Stapulton militi, et Philippo Wentworth militi; necnon dilectis sibi

et aldermannis ac vicecomitibus vill? su? de Kyngeston super Hull, et eorum cu

is, sibi Robe

us comma


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