img The Lady of North Star  /  CHAPTER VII JOY MAKES A REQUEST | 28.00%
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Word Count: 2142    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

on the previous night. There he came to a standstill, his brow puckered in thought, then he swung to the right into the same path where he had found Koona Dick lying in the snow.

ompany you a little way? I shou

, Miss Gargrave," he a

-I do not care for this path, now, and we might be seen and

at your service

will tu

side, and waited for her to begin, wondering what she might have to say to him. Half a minute passed i

yner told me. The decision

n the river. But a letter has just come from Sir Joseph-Mr. Rayner's father-stating that my presence is required in England at the

have to start on such a long journey at

shall make an early start. The truth is-" she broke off, and then resumed in a quavering voice: "I am

to her beautiful face to find i

Bracknell," she

he is de

ried sharply. "Tell me, Mr. Brac

slowly, "I had no doubt wh

" she prompt

d as I thought, then some one has carried his body away; and if he were not dead, th

, do you know that there was a sledge

nswered quietly, "and I

it was not yours, and it could not be that of a miner, for any such wou

low the trail up the river. He crossed to the track on the other side, and then turned off into the wood; he lit a fire there. I found the ashes after I left you this morning. He must have halted there for a little time, for the snow was pretty well tram

be?" asked the g


all be able to travel fast. Of one thing I am convinced: whoever the man was he was not your husband. Di

looked at her he wondered what her thoughts were.

dead. I feel that he will come back here, and that is why we are hurrying away tomorr

tically. "You are afraid that Dick, having fou

trapped into marrying him, do you think

t only his own interest

true. He dare not go there openly, and if he were to appear at

py to afford you protection here,

"You[75] mean yourself. Yes! I know, but th

she hesitated. "So far as duty allows, I am entirely at

me whether Dick Brackn

had with Rayner. He recalled the hopes which the latter entertained, and wondered if this white-faced girl at his side was willing to h

w what has become of the man who is known at headquarters as Koona Dick. Some one must know about him-probably the driver of the

me know?" she

red quietly, and again he was consci

world with the exception of my Newnham friend and yourself, my foste

ow of your marriage?" asked the corp

wedding was not kept secret, I should proclaim all that had happened to the world. Her vulnerable spot is the position she holds in society, and she knew how that would suffer if it became a matter of common knowledge that for a bribe she had schemed to marry to a scamp an innocent

e right, but of course you cannot ma

girl quickly, the blood flaming in her pale face

thought that Joy Gargrave in any way shared Mr. Rayner's aspirations. He laughed cheerfully as he replied, "I did not say that I thought you wished

ot likely ever to marry again," she sa

e at which the Northland had estimated Rolf Gargrave's wealth, he thought to himself th

o Dick Bracknell, even though it does make me some sort of a cousin to you. There is nothing that I will not do to serve you, and if anything t

," she answered simply. "

turned to him suddenly. "You are my cousin, more or les

," he answer


I want to communic

ys find me sooner or later, no matter w

er will reach me." She turned in her steps as she spoke. "I think I had better return now. There is much to do at the

is grey eyes as he looked at her there was a flame that had she observed it would have told her that she had secure

ture. Four full teams of dogs drew their equipment, and snow having fallen during the night, Joy and her foster-sister w


Gargrave waved her hand as she moved on, and he waved back and stood watching till the cavalcade was out of sight, then t

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