beautiful, wo
rful water rou
rful grass up
are beautif
beautiful, wo
rful water rou
rful grass up
are beautif
rful air
ful wind is sh
e water, and w
tself on the t
Earth, how
lds that nod and t
gardens, and c
n you for thou
o great, and
think of you,
I said my pr
sed me, and s
rful World is
father and
the Earth, though
d think, and th
you how th
on at
es swam in
like squi
untied the
id softly
have been
. .
e set, I
med a pur
e yellow bo
bing all
ey reached t
up the ev
the fl
's at th
's at t
g's at
side's de
k's on
l's on t
in his
ht with t
t Bro
he Win
Wind that bri
d, Freddy, an
will scamper
orth begin
Wind that bri
d, Katy; and
redden for
outh begin
Wind that bri
d, Arty; and
e shivering
East begi
ind that bring
d, Bessy; an
sing in the
West begi
y M
y Moon, where
y Moon, whom a
hat lo
ired with rol
ng to
ale and so sa
ng to
s, little child
re to
my dear Fath
as I'
y Moon, where
y Moon, whom a
hat lo
dy M
ur horns point
be in
ur horns point
be a
na G. R
moon and st
the win
ong in the
oes rid
t when the f
gallop and g
trees are c
are toss
highway, lo
e gallop
allop he go
back at the
Louis S
d W
w the wild
w h
w l
little leav
ow an
nd to steep
in the dre
n little he
close and t
w the wild
w l
w h
revice-to f
e front; they wh
Will and the
afe from the w
twist o
e the doors in
g fires will d
isy Winds
isy winds
oming up
ring is in
ining ran
, patter
and clatte
ue, and then
d, and smil
free with t
full of so
eaves astir
timid viol
ready wit
oming up
language, I wou
oothing, and som
omes like a lo
ow calm, as the s
is lulled by th
ks down on the
al arms are f
ip sleeps on it
he sun
f the
g and
rn till
he moo
r tha
so flow
he win
he sta
ng in
at mid
y by
in mo
ome and
imbing h
r aw
all we
or do
n thy
of a
ng ca
ess as
ess co
ss or
us fou
y hea
d lik
e, ti
en w
airy sil
ly sw
water i
elfin mins
a rainbow
rs that brig
t and
rkling po
g mus
water elv
lutes o
e, ti
airy sil
ebble in
e, ti
en w
ce of t
eeping, creepi
dusty r
sunny h
the noi
ry sha
ing, creepin
reeping, smil
nd the o
t the ag
e the chi
ight and
ing, creepin
eeping, creepi
oisy cit
nt face y
the sic
his bu
ping, creepin
eeping, creepi
ot see m
y low swee
he starr
lad morni
tly creepin
eeping, creepi
ome than
's pleasa
tle cow
erry bird
eping, creepi
. .
eeping, creepi
e song o
at whos
tify t
ently creepin
nd in
orning sprang
or a frolic! N
adcap, gall
commotion in
a bustle right th
signs, and sc
hisking, with m
nnets and ging
s heard a much
and oranges
hat stand with th
ch, ran off wi
ield it went blust
ll wondered what
eir tails the gr
olts' manes all
at such a fa
heir backs and st
apering and pla
reeds on the br
rds as they sa
r grave on the
oo nice to b
and flutter
at it feared not
s wig and the ge
t it roared, and
d oaks, I'll
them bow wit
eir branches thr
ke a monster o'er
r inmates wit
like bees in a
th their kerchiefs
poultry were f
gobbled, the gees
pt to roost in a
g of ladders, an
om the roof threate
passed on, and
who panted and s
nd twirled him, then
a pool and his
am Ho
full of clo
ly to
across the
the hea
wind with m
e houseto
t is the sh
ving home t
ove faster n
is red
seems has
t within
hem hurry
is clear
hat far bey
rds fold t
sky the tr
e flowers
puts up the
ness fal
hepherd wind
ht and ha
at in the ea
e clouds,
s of
winds beg
ok black, the
s down, the s
from their c
he sun went
n halos hi
shepherd he
rainbow sp
e damp, the
he pink-eye
chairs and
joints are
e ducks, the
hills are
are the sno
lies distu
grass the s
too, how sha
hearth, with
o'er her whi
lear stream t
atch the inc
ms, numerous
dewy dell
squalid to
crawling o'e
g wind the
e rapid e
changed his
usset coat
the air is co
ackbird's voi
altered i
-bones on gr
ooks, how odd
te the gli
felt the pi
y rain, I se
st be put of
rd J
den S
boys scud u
nder shelte
irl faces, p
e shawls abou
and mother
homes; and
; and high
r grim rev
upt,-the rai
es gasping;
streaming w
e trouble o
smokes, shar
awl and cow-
town come
horse, with s
dips benea
plumes and fo
the cata
llar curls
e-bee is
em of the
ly in spat
leaps the
e baby cla
h rapture str
eath the ros
rooster o
ou come fr
of Play, from t
can that b
u come from
of Love, from t
ou get there
u come from
f Bliss, from th
the way ther
e Alma
o! Pray, wh
he land, I sco
rees till they bo
ee birdies aslee
ho! And wh
the land and sco
reast of the g
tail up and mak
e fun, I'm so bi
breath the great
ho! And wh
the land and s
weather-cocks th
d-hounds with
wander, I ne
will, I've a fr
ho! And wh
the land and sco
heather, I dan
laugh at, and fri
country, I'm na
orld over ext
ho! And wh
the land and sco
tle rivu
is fair
eadow the hym
rings where the
tle rivu
tle rivu
he fields
n emerald, sh
rom your rocky ra
tle rivu
tle rivu
e flowers,
te harebell a
in rose-bud, all
tle rivu
tle rivu
e perfum
at woke when the
ting moonbeam ad
tle rivu
tle rivu
till summ
y the mountai
y of the hil
tle rivu
k F
d forth on a st
"Now, I shall b
e valley, and
e I'll ta
on like that b
e snow, the hai
a bustle and
be as bus
mountain, and po
ees, and their b
nd pearls; and
vering lak
il, that it
ng point of
on its margin,
k could rea
e window of t
h pane like
eathed, wherev
t of the mo
ings!-there were
es of birds, an
and temples and
ed in silv
thing that wa
he cupboard: a
orgotten for h
to set them
s basket of f
pitcher I'll
of water they'
to tell them
h F.
nowflake lea
d turns to
clouds, so c
ly travels
snowflake f
it says-"Goo
bare and l
d call my co
nowflake, br
a rosy mai
ow warm and
r!"-and it
er! the
er! the
us brook
through th
er! the
pless, me
gles on u
eth to
d it, some s
most perfec
er! the
le strea
from the o
the ald
er! the
look'd on wh
est won
whence it c
treasures w
er! the
ry, wan
itself to
old shep
er! the
so sweet
still all
m the pale
he little
heaven's rem
. .
m Moth