every bird
names and all
lt their nes
id themselve
them whene'e
sworth Lo
ay in their d
h like the da
Arabic, Afr
ringtime, the
y silk and surc
sset round each
rb they had cro
iling with
n Ar
ay her nest
th magic, l
de by a thous
beak was tr
n Ar
rds in
Spring, is the yea
thing, then Maids
ting, the prett
jug, pu-we,
May make coun
play, the Shephe
e birds tune t
jug, pu-we,
e sweet, the Dais
eet, old wives
these Tunes ou
jug, pu-we,
the swee
as N
er's nea
n smiling
ezes in
hes now a
lows flo
here, in c
y breast-
Robin R
lling of
low, red,
come down
are Indi
hey'll tur
y pears a
set on t
, Autumn, A
oon be W
Robin R
away! m
ing times
ide for t
stack for
ing night-w
all round
ty ways
es plumed
inter, dea
n poor R
Robin R
b of bread
le heart
m Alli
k and t
ir Rook!" said
fades; it will
wings in the
hymn to the
aste to my
or Lark," said
y toss and a
to my res
ep on the cold
place for a
bough of yon
my eyes at
taking you
ur fond rom
in the sun's
high to be s
myself: 'What
park with a
rop with the
day 'mid a
e noise in the
e forth on m
more," said the
use to repen
ur nest in t
lumber more s
noise in the
the sweeter
ight trills t
, in the r
ark sings in
wbird sings
rd sings i
tin trills i
in the g
flutes the
wbird sings
rd sings i
he gray wing
the sparro
ips the wing
bird's wing
rd sings i
igh heart of
art of the
the lark in
bird's heart
ee! Chi
little hear
h Butte
e the Bi
u liste
four egg
nice nes
aid the co
hing I'd
ou a wis
take your
id the cow
ing I'd n
u liste
four egg
nice nes
link! Bo
t do yo
le a ne
aid the do
be so mea
rs the nes
est I did
id the dog
so mean,
u liste
four egg
nice nes
link! Bo
t do yo
le a ne
peak a w
e that p
le yellow
id the shee
treat a p
ol the ne
st was non
said the sh
treat a poo
u liste
four egg
nice nes
link! Bo
t do yo
le a ne
peak a w
e that p
le yellow
!" cried
ld like
hief t
s nest,
luck!" sa
ask m
o such
ave her
ove them
orn to
and her
uck!" sai
ask me
hirr! Chir
birds ma
ind out
cry 'For
not rob
ttle Ma
k I nev
hing so
ery crue
ttle Al
der if
he bird w
oy hung do
nd hid beh
ole that
little yel
lt so ful
like to te
a Child'
he birds say? The
thrush say, "I l
y're silent, the
n't know, but it
nd blossoms, and s
loving, all co
so brimful of g
s below him, th
nd he sings, and
ve, and my Lo
aylor Co
al of th
garden dead i
et should die
mrades, in p
ndly, up in
d goldfish are
kitten march a
il like a plu
bly-next to
banner, and
ply-think of
ave, and the d
tly-white wo
eathers-the fir
dow kind friends
grave with what
t singer! dead
summer, though
mrades, in p
nner-bell, mo
ed a tiny v
lite, a ch
heart and m
id, "Good-d
noon, old
et you in t
ary brings
though he
is hospita
passed his
honors of
eathered lo
th soft wing
bough, then,
mall impress
of his gym
d, clinging
. .
is atom in
fiance at
of valor, j
rth wind in w
. .
in S
the life of a
out in each
trees so br
and beautiful
chambers, li
sun, and st
nto the bri
some winds as
their nests in
f delight the
g and old th
the green wor
he top of thi
nother, they
me up!" they
ost twigs in th
e up, for the
leaves dance in
s below give
come to the b
he life of the
ove in a
ugh the air w
the green, brig
the life of a
out on the
billows like
away to its cl
must be to s
e wing, through
young sun, f
e a shaft, the
the bowers of
the thunder
he wings for a
I give, like
h the arch of t
the water-dr
and yellow
the life of a
listeth, t
a joyful f
n 'mong the
about, with it
low, and amo
ither, with s
ing mirth of
st be, like a
ut 'mid the fl
soar and to
the blossoming
furze, like f
n some fair
tops, on the
stems of th
the life of a
on a Robi
here; for he
winds are hu
wakes from
is tiny bon
lone or lea
d wing and
ss, homeless
orld where bi
cat glides o
oy's giant
d joy, and s
ir little s
el R
that the blueb
le-tree where
llow! the skies
e while his hea
usic leaps out
ere ever so
nd you'll hear w
e-tree, swingi
lossoms, down
weary of win
sing you a mes
ing and sprin
snowdrop, I
crocus, come,
violets hid f
antles of pur
ffodils! say,
ng, and spring
y Hunting
and the swe
ought it died
t grieve for? I
hread of my own
ed feet! why s
u leave me, s
lone in the
ng! would you n
oft and gave
weetly, as in
n K
Little B
little b
st at pee
," says lit
let me
est a lit
ttle wings
sts a lit
he fli
s little
ed at pe
like litt
ise and f
ep a litt
ttle limbs
eps a litt
o, shall
Lord T
n home and l
cold upon
r-off stre
rring sail
rring sail
warming hi
wl in the b
ilkmaids cli
smells the
hath sung ben
hrice his
hrice his
warming hi
wl in the b
Lord T
d G
, the sun shines, t
is flecked with f
ing fields the chil
in chorus, "It is s
flower laughs where
hill-top hoarsel
river the alder
sparrow cries, "Spr
mor goes winging
isten to the soun
roken bells,-kli
ild geese cry, "Sp
off with you, O
cold away, far
the north, O stron
in's rapture, crying "
a Th
feel the d
e red coc
s dawn!" How
l call come
t is slowl
ow gathers f
e red coc
ody els
winter mo
and fast '
e world is
e red coc
frosty pa
re piled so
the wind
see has sh
e red coc
voice comes th
e in my ne
sky were
ittle chi
he red coc
s dark. I
ngs out so b
dness ov
a Th
! swee
you all your
re those to w
d their young fr
oar o
r in t
d! dea
clouds I l
bells of H
usic, though my
rth I
me soar
up in the
roat with such
happen to
bit of the lak
ue violets in
pray you,-t
your wings i
began to pa
e with the w
tched from a b
gold breast of
r one blue
up in the
your saucy
word for my
r a moment you
I tell you w
st bit of
he fairies mad
hese mossy f
es and vi
of the spring's
shion a flow
her than all
their wits t
t blossom so
side it see
said, "We will
blossoms gr
retty one
of Li
nging on br
nest of his
ncoln is tel
ink, bob
fe is this
ng the sum
incoln is g
ight, black
shoulders and
ll, in his
ink, bob
nice new c
as never a b
iet, with pla
home a pa
grass while he
ink, bob
reature; you
robbers whil
shy as a
hirp is he
prince of br
ts from his
ink, bob
s I afra
wardly knave
eggs on a
purple, a p
e mother si
nging with a
ink, bob
fe, that nev
se while I
ittle ones ch
uths are op
incoln best
eds for the
ink, bob
life is l
ay young fel
incoln at l
ork, and sil
holiday g
tten that
ink, bob
ws but my
st and our n
; the childr
olic no mo
ncoln's a hu
, and we sin
ink, bob
pipe that mer
incoln, com
wings for th
ings that we
ght as a la
ft as a lon
aven where e
Charles S
and th
cricket, acc
sunny months of ga
in, when he fou
as empty and w
rumb to
ower cou
eaf on
ecome," says the
rvation and fa
h wet and all tr
off to a m
keep him alive
lter fr
hful o
d only t
ay it to
die of starvat
cricket, "I'm your
er borrow, we a
ar sir, did you
was warm?" Said t
t was s
ang day
ature loo
g, sir,
he ant, "and dan
he hastily li
or turned the poo
a fable, the
ut work, you must