e street was, straig
ether. There sho
hand-lock'd; th
ar-gear, when the
all-fearful had ga
weary their wide
the mighty, again
o bench, and rang
warriors, and up
he sea-folk all g
grey-headed; that
worshipful. There
the battle speer'
then the shiel
rewith, and the he
e war-shafts? No
messenger: ne'er
n more might-
ride-sake, no wis
of mind, ye to Hr
the heart-hardy
f the Weders the
h helm: Now of
ows; Beowulf e
I say unto H
he folk-lord, wh
ord, if to us
so good is, an
he word, a lord
his heart of a
wisdom: I therefor
sking, of the lor
gs, since the boo
-lord, concerni
e answer shall
to give thee abac
haste to where H
hoary mid the host
tark; stood he th
ell could he the do
e forth to his lord
ry'd now, come
f the ocean, a f
e battle e'en B
iefest, and to the
r lord, with the
t word. Now wi
in-given, O Hroth
r war-gear, meth
earls; and forsooth
th led o'er the