n was biding Beo
people, for lon
ks (his father t
Chief wended) til
igh, and long w
-eager, o'er th
r bairns are fo
ld woke the lea
Hrothgar, and
an queen was sh
f battle, the b
Hrothgar the w
war that his kin
will till the you
many. Then in
building for him
be making a mead
ren of ages had e
n eke should he
old all things
the folk and the
at widely the w
many the Mid
folk-stead. So b
ng men that ma
houses, and Hart
is word full
elied not; it was
igh-tide. Then up r
rn-gabled. Hot
loathly, nor long
ge-hate 'twixt So
hter-strife the
heavy-strong bo
le of time, bi
day of days heard
house. There was
g of shaper. Sai
t fashion of men
ighty One made th
bright midst the
ry beglory'd s
enlighten the
orned all par
ith leaves; and
each thing that qui
happy the host
in glee, until
hell-pit, the f
sooth the grim
strider, the hol
fastness. The st
unhappy a while
he Shaper him h
of Cain the L
urder of the s
joic'd not, but af
mankind for the cr
ncouth thence w
-wights, and o
e Giants, who wo
He gave them the