img A Fool and His Money  /  Chapter 8 I RESORT TO DIPLOMACY | 38.10%
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Word Count: 4803    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

the unhappy fact that you were very near to upsetting everything last night. Mr. Pless saw you quite plainly. The moon wa

and he just couldn't bark, Mr. Smart. You are really most unr

he top of the tower and l

if they made it uncomfortable for you. It is just like him to suggest something-well, scandalous. And the rest of them are dreadfu

was worth

aid to me, Countess, bu

ell you wha

n make a pret

ried hastily, but too la

fess to be very much shocked, but they assure you that it's all right,-not to mind them. They did

ll the more reason for you to be cautious and circumspect,"

le look and then smiled

e to be good

I, blunderingly. She laughed aloud: h

me who I am?" she asked, after a few mi

"you are really nobody.

es Britto

presence of George Hazzard not an hour ago, and asked for a raise in w

orgotten the baby i

be sure. He has name


s," said I. "Moreover, it will be necessary for Britton to take Ma

. Smart," she cried with decis

have some sort o

out Britton and his sick w

over, Countess,

s, it was hard to tell which. In any case, I found myself inwardly resenting her interest in the sneering Hungarian. (I had discovered that he was not a

mental and preoccupied. He gazes

ve a peep at him som

t even consider such a t

peek, Mr. Smart

said I

fixing me with hurt eyes. "I'm s

im, after all," I said angrily

oy myself a little, you say horrid things to me," she

g the devil's own time heading off a scheme they've got for exploring the entire castle

r feet with a sh

tly into my bedroom!" Her eyes were very wide and full of consternation. She gripped my arm

pink figure in sight. Why is it that a woman can go downstairs so much faster than a man? I've never been able to explain it. She didn't stumble once, or miss a step, while I did

leading to the other wing. Passing them like the wind she led the way to the farthermost end of the hall. Light from the big, panele

uld have been asked five or six flights higher up at a time when I was

d disappeared into the room beyond. I followed ruthlessly, but st

y lady's be

stood ready to pop out of the trunks to scare one half to death. Some of my most precious rugs adorned the floor, but the windows were absolutely undraped. There were a few old chairs scattered about, but no other article of furniture except an i

heap of tumbled garments, mostly white, from a chair, she recklessly hurled them behind the bed. "This is the mirror-the middle one. It opens by means of a spring. There is a small hole in th

ning to get

aron? Old Lu


is in my study! You

looking about in a distracted manner, "but for goo

barricade was the bed, and it was too heavy for me to move, I feared. I sugge

quick!" she com

ter run out and

et door from the other side, Mr. Smart, it wi

er small fingers against one end of it and pushing. It was not what one would call a frantic effort on her part, but it served to make me exert

otested. "I can manag

on the bottom of the t

e cried, firmly grasping a

uite purple, and it is a hue that I detest. When I was a very small laddie my mothe

h a crash that under ordinary circumstances would have made my heart stand still but now only tripled

shed the tips of her fingers daintily. "This afternoon you may fetch up a hammer and some nails and fasten

llantry, "that bed stays where it is. Not all the king'

o heavy,

Will you forgive me if I submit that you sleep quite a distance from home?" I rem

there at the dead hour of night. I couldn't sleep. After the third night I had my things moved down here, where I

ng, pleading little

to say. "Only I thought it would be cosier up th

attress down every night and put it in the bathtub. It is a very good fit and makes quite a nice cradle for her. H

he edge of the

was looking directly into her eager, wistful eyes. A shado

id icily. "I am used to being laughed at since I

at me, confound them,

ear the head of the bed, with a revolver in her hand. I stared. "I keep it under my pillow, Mr. Smart," she said nervously. I said nothing, and she replaced it under the pillow, handling the

just beyond this mirror, eh? May I enquire how

other day," she sai

euce y

Ludwig the Red an inch or two, that's all. You are quite cosy

is the only comfortable piece of furniture I have le

hat I did not remember the chaise longe. You would have been deprived of

ng to a once conquered impulse. "If you'd really like to h

ead. "It's kind of you, but I am not

e in the wa

miss it if you sent it up n

ll they're all

about little fingers, haven't you? Well, there you are. We returned to the corridor. She closed th

phone and still been quite safe. We were tramping up the stairs. "Don't you think your

I promised to take them all out for a spin in the motor b

e to get out for a spin on the river! I wonder if I'

ly, grasping her arm. "Did y

in the lower hall, brisk strides that ra

panic. "I recognise his tread. As if I cou

ke haste! Get up to your rooms and lock yourself in. I'll-I'

," she, whispered, and then she was gone,

s. We met in the broad hallway below. Mr. Pless approached slowly, evi

agreeably. "How

. "I know the castle

frank with you, I tri

e opposite door blocked

g over the castle? It

n the upper floor. Somehow I anticipated the banging of a door, and it came a mom

ted, cringing perceptibly in respo

I daresay, that yo

nfounded. Then my wit

geon. You do know the c

irt and cobwebs from his trousers. My own appearance was cons


a pleasantly bantering smile that had but one meaning.

ther I didn't dis

I don't believe you will disturb he

little remote from

right had he to meddl

raws a rather long bow, M

rt, pray forgive me. You are quite justified in

the way he accused me in that concluding

r me to have a good excuse for rummaging about in the unused part of the castle. "It seems too bad to let those wonderful paintings go to ruin. They are hanging down in so

, and I congratulated myself

escoes and he gave me the soundest sort of advice, based on a knowledge and experience that surprised me more than a little. He was thoroughly up in matters of art. His own chateau near Buda

ost agreeable. When he smiled without malice, his dark eyes were very boyish. One could then forget the hard lines of dissipation in his face, and the domineering, discontented expression which gave to him the aspect of a far greater age than he had yet attained. A note of eager enthusiasm in his voice proved beyond cavil that if this sprig of nobil

he derision in which he held not only me but the Hazzards and the Smiths as well. He looked upon all of us as coming from an inferior r

vulgar though welcome dollars and an ambition to be his equal an

d the infernal custom that lays our pride so low. Infinitely nobler than he and yet an object of scorn to him and all his people, great and small; a discredited interloper who could not deceive the lowliest menial in her own household into regarding her as anything but an imitation. Her loveliness counted for

fraid of the dark! I can forgive a great d

. Assuming a careles

g out with us in the boat or would you prefer to browse a

orego the pleasure of browsing in anot

my doors? Were his spies hot upon the trail? Or had she betrayed herself by indiscreet acts during the past twenty-four hours? The latter was not unlikely; I knew her whims and her faults by this t

. He followed. I manoeuvred with such success that ultimately he took th

earth, who but Britton should come blithely up from the posterior regions devoted to servants and their ilk. He was carrying a long pasteboard box. I

yself most creditably; "going up to

ng at the half-hidden box with a perfectly impassive face,

roses, I knew, because I h

into his face. "I'm taking up the wash, Mr. Smart. From the laundry over in the town, sir. It is

he wall. Never in my life have I known roses with a more pungen

sing nowadays," said Mr. Pless affab

oses," said

!" sa

iggling all about me in the sinister shadows. Then and there I resolved that the doors of this pestile

drum? If nothing else sufficed, the two prodigious Schmicks would be required to stand guard, day and night, with bludgeons if needs be. I intended to k

within these powerful walls, and I meant to stand upon my dignity and my rights, as every man should who-But, great heaven, what an imbecile view to take of the matter! Truly my brain was playing silly tricks for me as I stumbled through the murky c

fortable quarters to make room for others. We're a bit crowded, you know. He gave up his room like a gentleman and moved over tempor

rt. My own man is much the same sort of a chap. He

d in my devoted ribs, and the furtive wink he gave me. The two ladies were regarding me with expressions that seemed pretty well divided

ad directed me to supply her w

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