img The Yellow House  /  Chapter 10 CANON OF BELCHESTER | 33.33%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1320    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ds and movements seemed blended. I have an indistinct recollection of the walk home, and of finding myself in my own room. Then memory gradually faded away from me. Blank unconsciousness

, inexpressibly bewildered; I sudd

me, her round, honest little face beaming

she said, softly

ve I been he

down by

orrow! Just

rd had suddenly risen up again before my eyes. My

ich I noticed was that the room was full of the most beautiful flowers; I stooped over

all come from?

in rather an

o you suppos

I protested, faintly.

, plucking off one of the yellow bl

blankly at he

eally guess?

ead. I reall

has called nearly ever

ews of importance; but several days later, when I was sitting up, Alice looked up from the book she was reading a

orgotten all about Lady Naselton's plans on his behalf. The latter part of this terrible Sunday had

ted, feebly. "Do y


e said a lot of nice things to father about h

derful sermon

ce declared, with enthusiasm. "I shall never for

rd," I said, with a little shudder. "It was

less my voice had betrayed some agit

my speaking of it to you. It must have been terrible for you to have been so near it all. I

ver and lo

out it, but I want to know how i

ated for

t he must have been attacked somewhere in the wood between the downs and Yellow Ho

in a verdict of

e no

Lady Naselton's, but she knew scarcely anything about him. He was kind to her son abroad. I think they just know his


it must have been papers only. The police are trying hard to find a clue, but they say that i

the side o

at all?"

a s

e edge of the moor that lone figure coming down the hillside towards us, I saw that strange light

lled as a witn

an was a stranger to him. He

laid back. Alice be

. "Father absolutely forbade me to, but you wanted to kn

my eyes closed. Alice thought that I was asleep, but I knew that sleep was very far off. The white, distorted face of that dying man was before me. I saw the silent challenge and the silent duel which had passed between those two, the central figures in that marvellous little drama-one, the challenge

father was away no


o-day, though. I have written to him by every post to let him know how you are, and he was most

not, the sound of wheels below. Suddenly she laid down her work and

lared, springing up; "I won't leave yo

a knock at my door, it was not Alice who had return

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