img Tripping with the Tucker Twins  /  Chapter 1 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES | 4.76%
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Tripping with the Tucker Twins

Tripping with the Tucker Twins

Author: Nell Speed
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Word Count: 3341    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

med so to the Tucker twins and me. Their father and mine were rather inclined to think we had better enter some institute of learning in Richmond or

the false alarm of fire rang, the afternoon before the real bona fide fire. Dee's first aid to the injured was all very well fo

much swollen foot and ankle. "I shall have to take an X-ray of this to be sure no bones are br

put your foot to the ground and to feel perfectly well is about as hard a job as could be given me,

m sure I have had less trouble from the legs than the ankles. It is because, as a rule, a

it. Not even crutches were allowed for a week for fear I m

eposterous it was they would immediately rush off and try to get whatever silly thing I had in a careless moment ex

p with it, orange syrup and lots of bubbly soda

this old limb of Satan I am going to make stra

urs a day. He must have been tired sometimes, but he never looked it and never

"You girls must astonish your poor little insid

surely going to have three of th

fancy not more than ten minutes had elapsed when father and daughter burst into the room, Dum carrying two foaming soda-water glasses and Zebedee one. The dauntless pair had actually

wn head if you drink the

fizzly, but after my kind friends had brought them to me and even braved the danger of arrest and fine for speeding, trying to get the drinks to me

be older than any of them, although I was certainly not very staid myself. Zebedee always declared he was just grown up enough to keep out of debt, but keep out of debt he would no matter what temptations he had to withstand. Tweedles regarded debt as the onl

I don't know where!

ch one had borrowed small sums from various friends at school, intending to pay back out of allowances forthcoming, and also expecting to realize large sums from old clothes that our washerwoman would sell on commission to the colored contingent in the village. Co

ger, but I thought I could get two dollars and a half

my shirt and the fifty cents, too-to say nothing of my old-rose dinner dress that I am scared to death about every night

ee where you stand; maybe I can len

how on earth you keep on top so yourself. You seem to do as many thing

s to the way her husband had made the money, the wife said: 'Wal, you see my husband was powerful fond of oysters, and whenever he went up to the city he just didn't get any.' You girls don't kno

so," they contr

e at," and then they figured

rs added up first and emptying her purse; "I've got just thirty-se

reen trading stamp and a transfer to Ginter Park that I did not use," and Dum sear

, as father is going to send me a check for a sp

il hour. We can't let you give us the m

ou earn it?"

d Zebedee pays us both to dust the books and put them back in the right places, something the housemaids are i

t ads. Dee had to content herself with the news sectio

y cars!' That is a sin and a shame. I can't see why they can't let the poor men make a littl

itney bus. Zebedee'll be away for two more days, and by the time he comes back I bet

ly have been trusted with coal carts, and there were many accidents by reason of this. We adored the jitneys. Of course, I had not been able to ride in them because of my ankle keeping me house-bound, but I loved to see them swing around the corner, and always had my chair or sofa in the bay window where I could get a good view of them. There seemed to be such a happy

will your

ng that won't bear repetition, but by

hey let gir

day, but so far there are no laws one way or the other about it, and I am going to get in

lumn before you could get it. Now if I had let you have it like

that make? You can g

earn something my own way. That was your s

ou are welcome; b

inine. Surely you are not going to wear pants?" I ask

nd she put it on to show how well it fitted. "If it is a nice cool day I can keep the collar turned up so! Now there is no law about a lady's hat, and I am going to wear Zebedee's chauffeur's cap." She accordingly put it on, pulling it well down ove

es. Dum had for the time being abandoned her search for a lu

ing under your cap and it ri

to be cut off then. I

ather really angry. Plait it in a tight rope

and now the cap came down

pants. You would be perfect if you could just wear pants. If you should have to get out, it would sho' be a joke if you got arrested for wearing skirts. You look terribly like a bad boy," and so sh

y.' Does the idiot think I could keep it up all night? Here we are! 'Wanted-Twenty able-bodied young women to apply between the hours of three and five p. m. to make house-to-house canvass

the clipping from the want column grasped tightly in her han

y Ford, who spent a large part of his waking life parked in front of the apartment house or newspaper office. "Maybe going in a c

with her hair for the morrow's fray and I gazing out of the window at the

ers were all born chauffeurs, and, like most born chauffeurs or riders or drivers, they showed their skill by going faster than the law allows. They prided themselves on being able to go very close to things wit

ith its row of gleaming buttons, showing he understood Mr. Tucker's joke. "There are two classes of persons I always keep in

lmost breathless with haste and excitement as

t is

ewing crowd in your life. I felt so ladylike I hardly knew myself. The boss was sure some household novelty himself. He is fat and soft, looks powerful like a dough bal

te horses on

ance, now

y stand

arth are household n

are you to get

her a needle-threader; another a silver polish; another a spot-knocker; a patent batty-cake turner that makes

not r

very irate over the Tuckers having lost the one she had in the cottage they rented from her. It was a combination apple-corer, can-opener, cheese-grater, potato-parer, and what not.

ceased to regret that I did not save ours in the fire and let

That means five cents. I get f

o see it do the flipflap, if it takes

de in your jitney if my wor

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