img The Search After Happiness  /  chapter I | 33.33%
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chapter I

Word Count: 548    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

ing black eye, his mind was strong and unbending his disposition uncosiable and though respected by many he was loved by few. the city where h

m and he resolved to quit the city. the evening before he put this resolution into practise he had an interview with the King and returned quite an altered man. before he seemed stern and intractable now he was only meditative and sorrowful as he was passing the inner court of the palace he perceived the 2 young princes at play he called them and they came runing to him. I am going far from this city and shall most likely never see you again said O'Donell. where are you going? I canot tell then why do you go away from us why do you go from your own house and lands from this great and splendid city to you know not where because I am not happy here. And if you are not happy here where you have every thing for which you can whish do you expect to be happy when you are dying of hunger or thirst in a

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