of a High mountain which overlooked the city he had stopp
ell learnt that this mans name was ALexander DeLancy that he was a native of France and that he was engaged in the same pursuit with himself i-e the search of happiness they talked for along time and at last agreed to travel together then rising they pursued their journey towards night fall they lay down in the open air and slept soundly till morning when they again set off and thus they continued till the 3 day when about 2 hours after noon they aproached an old castle which they entred and as they were examining it they discovered a subteaneous passage which they could not see the end of Let us follow where this passage leads us and perhaps we may find happiness here said O'Donell Delancy agreed the 2 stepped into the opening imediately they a great stone was rolled to the mouth of the passage with a noise like thunder which shut out all but a single ray daylight. "What is that! exclaimed O'Donell "I cannot tell," replied DeLancy "but never mind I supose it is only some genius playing tricks" "Well it may be so returned O'Donell and they proceeded on their way after traveling for a long time as near as they could reckon about 2 days they perceived a silvery streak of light on the walls of the passage something like the light of the moon in a short time they came to the end of the passage and leaping out of the opening which formed they entred a new world they where at first so much bewildred by the different objects which struck their senses that they almost fainted but at length recovering they had time to see every thing around them they were upon the top of a rock which was more than a thousand fathoms high, all beneath them was liquid Mountains tossed to and fro with horrible confusion roaring and raging with a tremendous noise and crowned with waves of foam all above