y for sea. The cargo had all been stowed[64] away, and, notwithstanding the confusio
ormation whether or not there was a real Bouncing Betsey after whom it was named. The probability however is, that it was a pure
Brace, with whom we shall beco
a man of this class. He had little education beyond what was required by his profession, and was utterly lacking in refinement and courtesy. He was not an amiable man, but rough, stormy, exacting, and dictatorial. The crew under his command he looked upon as so many machines, whose duty it was to obey him with scrupulous exactness, whatever might be the nature of his requisitions. Whe
per[66] subordination in those under his command, and this they were disposed to commend rather than to complain of, more especially as the captain was master of his profession, and had usually made quick and profitable voyages. This, as may be supp
than the one we have just sketched, but both in the naval and merchant s
portunity to become acquainted, since we purpose going to sea with him on his approaching voyage, we introduce
e come on board?" he inquire
t seen him this mor
rd tell him I wish to
inquired came aboard. We recognize in him an old acquaintance; no other than the nocturna
, Mr. Bigelow?" he inqu
r. Randall. He w
suit each other's convenience. H
e minutes. He has
sn't had lo
to the cabin, where he foun
as purely of a professional and technical character, and will n
ndall, with a little hesitation, remarked: "I ha
what it is, and if I can co
has backed out, having heard some ridic
w grew dark with
ke to overhaul him! I'd show h
ubt that the captain wo
69] the mother of the boy intelligence of his severity, not from any motives of humanity, b
if we sail at three o'clock," said the capta
pply you with one
who i
spoke of was that you should take him
taking relations of the officers. You are expected to be tend
race, you may be very sure," said the mate. "Although the boy is
le, "from your efforts to get him a place on board this
of the captain's meaning; "the fact is, the boy is unruly, and they can't do much for him at hom
such a joke as the captain co
ch are your views I have no ob
temper would interfere with his usefulness at home
at is my motto,"
oy in a previous voyage[71] who had languished and d
e is to go with us?"
ot he! He'd make
end to get him
l, and when he is down below I can take care
is the youngster's
all; named
rimly. "I leave in your hands all the steps necessary to secur
re that time, sir, and b
k Randall, the mate's nephew, spoken[72] of above
of the plot that is being for